(International Certified Professional Astrologer)
Smiljana Gavrančić obtained her astrological education at the Institute for Astrological Research and Education "Johannes Kepler" in Belgrade, where she graduated in October 2010, defending her thesis in Mundane Astrology “European Union – In Varietate Concordia” (united in diversity) and obtained the status of a graduated Astrologer Researcher. In February 2011, she met requirements to work as an Astrologer Consultant and in March of the same year, she became an International Certified Professional Astrologer (ISAR C.A.P.).
Smiljana is a member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain .
All IAM issues (from May 2015 till today, and all future issues) will be include in digital astrological database of The Alexandria iBase Project. To learn more about the AIP, please check web page: www.alexandriaibase.org.
I.A.M. – Infinity Astrological Magazine is from March 2017 on featured in the Astrodienst section ”Understanding Astrology” along with The Astrological Journal and The Mountain Astrologer.
In January 2018 Smiljana founded an astrological association IAM INΦINITY – Αθήνα Center
Smiljana was one of the very few astrologers worldwide who correctly predicted Trump would be the 45th President of the USA. She gave that prediction on 7th September 2015 (one year before election). You can read that article here: The White House and 22 Gemini
In August 2015, Smiljana's article "US Dollar and 15 Cancer" was published in ISAR Journal (Issue 44 - Volume 2)
- The Astrological Journal UK will publish Smiljana's article Paris terroist attack and 21º degrees Aquarius in it's March/April issue 2016.
- ISAR Journal is publishing Smiljana's article about Paris and 21 Aquarius in its Volume 45 - Issue 1), April 2016
- The Astrological Journal AA UK November/December 2016 issue and interview with Smiljana : X-Ray: Smiljana Gavrančić
-The Astrological Journal AA UK January-February 2017 issue and Smiljana's article about presidental elections in USA: The White House and 22º Gemini
- The Astrological Journal AA UK March-April 2017 issue and Smiljan's article about presidential elections in France 2017 and Marine Le Pen: How far "right" will France go?
- In March 2017 ASTRODIENST is republishing Smiljana's article from The Astrological Journal, about Marine Le Pen, on its website
- ISAR Journal is publishing Smiljana's article Where Is This World Going (The View from the White House) in its Volume 46-Issue 1, April 2017
- ISAR Journal is publishing Smiljana's article Eclipse Points: an International View in its Volume 46-Issue 2 , August 2017
- The Astrological Journal UK (September/October issue 2017) is publishing Smiljana’s article about Caroline Kennedy: Caroline Kennedy: One to watch? Smiljana Gavrančić examines special degrees in The Astrological Journal (Sept/Oct 2017)
- ASTRODIENST is republishing (November 2017) Smiljana's article about US Election 2016 and 22 Gemini as a ticket for the White House.
- ISAR Journal is publishing Smiljana's article North Korea and the United States in 2018 and Lunar Eclipse at 4 Aquairus in its Volume 46-Issue 3, December 2017
- The Astrological Journal UK (March/April issue 2018) is publishing Smiljana's article about Astrological Association and "special" degrees.
- ASTRODIENST is republishin Smiljana's article.Jelena, the Woman Who Is Not... during March 2018 .This article was first time published on Smiljana's blog (September 2017) and later it was published by IAM - Infinity Astrological Magazine (#IAM18 #AxionEstin Issue March/April 2018)
- ISAR Journal is publishing Smiljana's article US Election 2020 brings female energy? in its Volume 47-Issue 1, April 2018
- Geocosmic Journal by NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) is publishing Smiljana's article about Impeachement in American History & Fixed Star Algol (The Ladies & The Trump) in its spring issue 2018.
- The Astrological Journal UK (January/February issue 2019) is publishing Smiljana's article Journal at 60:chart symphonies of destiny
- ASTRODIENST is republishing Smiljana's article Brexit and 13° Pisces on 28th March 2019. This article was first published on Smiljana's blog, and soon after in the #IAM24 #NUCLEUS March/April 2019 issue.
- ASTRODIENST is republishing Smiljana's article The Road to my Dedication to Hecate - Hecate - Sorceress, keeper of the “crossing”, but also a witch… on 10th June 2019. This article was first published in the #IAM25 #ROOM222 May/June 2019 issue

3. Astrological Lodge od London - 19th September 2016, 07:00 PM. Smiljana gave a talk about Uranus in Taurus 2018
5. Smiljana gave two workshops (25th May and 8th June, 2017) in Athens (Greece) about Hermetic Astrology in astrological school Astropaideia – Εναλλακτική Παιδεία
Description: Most countries are Syphilianum miasm, i.e. syphilis, and some of the main remedies within syphilis are Aurum (gold) and Adamas (diamonds) obtained from Africa: blood diamonds. The UK spread territories all over the world, as did the Ottomans. We shall be looking in the charts of countries and their leaders.
8. Smiljana will give a talk at AA Conference 2022 'Where We Do From Here' on Saturday 24th September 2022. Her topic is: 2022 and the memory of Trojan War-What Is Going To be the Trojan Horse Of Modern Time
9. Smiljana will give three talks in The Astrological Lodge of London (UK) in the fall 2022 on Hermetic Journey Through the Zodiac: 24th October (Part 1), 31st October (Part 2, 7th November (Part 3)
10. Brighton Astrology Circle: The Hermetic journey through the zodiac; A virtual talk with Smiljana Gavrancic 19th April 2023 (7.15pm-8.45pm GMT)
11. Brighton Astrology Circle: Astrology & Homeopathy 1st November 2023 (7.15pm-8.45pm GMT)
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