недеља, 1. септембар 2024.

The New Moon at 11 Virgo in the US - 2nd September 2024 Published: 1st September 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP

 The New Moon at 11 Virgo in the US - 2nd September 2024 

Published: 1st September 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP

 The New Moon at 11 Virgo 04' is coming on 2nd September 2024 (Washington D.C., 9:55:20pm) or on 3rd September 2024 (GMT 2:55:20am). 
Regarding the US, 11 of mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces) were activated when late Robert F Kennedy was killed, in June 1968. It was just before the solar eclipse at the very end of Virgo, at 29 Virgo. Interesting, draco Venus (blood, for she represents the daughter of Uranus, the God of revolution, protest, chaos as well as blood clots) in the chart of the upcoming New Moon at 11 Virgo, is placed at 29 Virgo!!! Tucker Carlson, the famous journalist, who also endoresment Donald Trump, has his natal South Node at 28-29 Virgo. Why I am mentioning Carlson too?
Well, he has Mercury, OOB, at 11 Gemini, which means that it will be called-out with the New Moon at 11 Virgo. His North Node is at 28 Pisces, almost at Venus' exaltation degree (27 Pisces), where is going to be progressed Moon of the US in the moment of the US November Presidential election. Tucker's prenatal solar eclipse was, believer or not-at 27 Pisces, so this man is called out by the Universe to take his part in the some kind of modern US 'civil war' (for, Asc of Civil War 12th April 1861 was at 27 Pisces).
Tucker's natal Mercury (his words, interviews he does) has a challenging aspect with Mars at 14 Sagittarius (ruler of his MC). At 14 Sagittarius there is a star SARIN, Mercury-Mars nature (so fits with his Mercury-Mars opposition)and it is the star in left arm of Hercules. Here we have a possible murder! Interesting, but the end of constellation Hercules is at 18-19 Capricorn (soon you will see why 18 of cardinal signs are important for the upcoming US elections)
In my article on Robert F Kennedy Jr, I've already said he is in danger, for 11 of mutable signs colours his life, the same it was with his late father. On 20th January 2025 (which should be inauguration day), transit Moon will be at 18 Libra (at Sun's fall degree almost-19 Libra), Mercury will be at 18 Capricorn (the end of Hercules constellation), Robert Jr has his axis Ic/Mc over 19 Lirbra-19 Aries (it was hitted with the solar eclipse at 19 Aries on 8th April 2024), Tucker's progressed Sun in 2024 is at 18 Cancer (where is his Antiscia Mercury too, which means his Contra Antiscia Mercury is at 18 Capricorn).
In my article on Kennedy's family, which I've wrote in 2013-I am telling you a story how all about Kennedy's family is about 18 Cancer, very fated degree, degree where we have the bad destiny, where someone in our DNA made a murder, and changed a DNA. Here we have bioweapons, viruses made in labs. Interesting asteroid Koronis was discovered at 18 Cancer, and Asc of Tel Aviv (Israel) is at 18 Cancer too. Very soon, around 9th October 2024 (when Jupier turns retro at 21 Gemini, conjunct Trump's natal Sun), transit Mars will be at 18 Cancer!!! That may be a bad sign for Trump's team, someone may try something against him ,and all who supports him
The upcoming New Moon at 11 Virgo, which already opens the door for some bad events, in Antisca has its placement at 18 Aries (contra Antiscia is at 18 Libra). As you can see, it all hits Robert Jr natal IC-Mc again, and the chart of inauguration day January 2025.Even Chiron will be at 19 Aries (conjunct MC of Robert Jr) on 20th January 2025-which fits with MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY (Chiron) AGAIN!!! But also, it may harm him. 
Antiscia Venus in the moment of New Moon is at 24 Pisces-which is the spot of the upcoming lunar eclipse on 18th September 2024 (conjunct progressed Moon of the US at the same time, all squaring Kamala's natal axis Asc/Desc, North Node/South Node-all over 24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius, hitting Solar Arc Moon of Robert Jr at 24 Virgo, squaring Robert Jr progressed Mars at 24 Sagittarius, squaring progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln at 24 Sagittarius on 12th April 1861). Trump's Solar Arc Mercury (ruler of his natal Sun) is at 24 Virgo!
What I want to say is that already with the upcoming New Moon on 2nd September 2024 we are stepping into very challenging time for the US, when some murder is possible, when some kind of 'civil war' is possible.
Tucker Carlson may, in next days, go into public with some very important interviews, news, statements, which may cause a danger for him, his life, at the same time. The upcoming solar eclpse at 10 Libra on 1st October 2024, will hit his axis Ic-Mc at 9 Libra-9 Aries (the solar eclipse on 29th March 2025 will be at 9 Aries-as you can see, he is stepping into very important time for him, he will open some new chapters for sure). His Antisca/Contra Antiscia Moon is at 0 Leo/0 Aquarius, and transit Pluto will definately hit it, together with Sun at 0 Aquarius on 20th January 2025 (which is placed in 10th house of that chart-so, we can suspect there is going to be a mele president.., if there will be elections at all, for all 'smells' on the beginning of chaos very soon). 
In the moment of New Moon at 11 Virgo, transit Mars is almost at the very end of Gemini, at 28 Gemini, conjunct the star BETELGUESE (Mars-Mercury nature), from Orion constellation. Mars has applying square with Rx Neptune at 29 Pisces (conjunct the malefic star SCHEAT, Pegasus constellation). Here we have a very possible picture of some murder. The star from Orion was activated on 11/September 2001, and we always link BETELGUESE with New York. It is the star in RIGHT ARM or Orion. SCHEAT we link with Titanic story, losing lives in aircrash
The upcoming New Moon at 11 Virgo is conjunct the star ZOSMA, linked with Jesus' and there is always the story of sacrifiction. After his life, the person will be glorified. This is not a good sign for 11 of mutable we link with late Rorbert F Kennedy death! In draco chart, the New Moon is placed at 4 Virgo-which was Mercury's retro starting point on 5th August 2024. On 12th September, Mercury willl be again at 4 Virgo,direct this time, which will be at the same time the end of its shadow period.
Tulsi Gabbard has her progressed Sun (President) at 4 Gemini-which squares 4 Virgo!!! Her Solar Arc Chiron is at 28 Gemini, at Betelgues, where transit Mars is right now, in square with Rx Neptune at 29 Pisces. 
Dispositor of the upcoming New Moon at ZOSMA, is Mercury at 23 Leo (very close with Neptune's fall degree, at 21 Leo), still in its shadow, and in applying square with Uranus at 27 Taurus (at Algol), which is turning retro too, on 2nd September 2024. It seams that the secret service may again be 'guilty'  why someone's head (Algol) is in danger.
Here you can read my artilce MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN, on Robert F Kennedy Jr and his decision to join Trump's MAGA.
~ You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English and Serbian. Contact for booking email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com 

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