среда, 11. септембар 2024.

Harris-Trump Debate, 10th September 2024 Draco Sun (male, President) of PA at 24 Pisces, conjunct progressed Moon (voters) of the US


Harris-Trump Debate, 10th September 2024

Draco Sun (male, President)  of PA at 24 Pisces, conjunct progressed Moon (voters) of the US

Published: 10th September 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP Professional Astrologer

 On Tuesday 10th September 2024, at 9pm, Philadelphia (PA) there will be the first one (and the last one) debate between the Vice President Kamala Harris, and former President Donald Trump.

They used to say – ’’The one who wins in Pennsylvania – enters the White House’’. Now, we have again the situation like in 2016, one female against one male. Then it was Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump, now it is Kamala Harris/Donald Trump. Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016. 


This debate is happening when progressed Moon  of the US (voters, the US nation, citizens) is placed at 24 Pisces (which is the lunar eclipse spot on 18th September 2024). If you know Kamala Harris’ natal chart, then you are aware about her axis Asc/Desc over 24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius, as well as about her lunar nodes axis over 24 Gemini (Norht Node)/24 Sagittarius (South Node). Well, yes, she is ’called out’, I agree!



On 14th March, 2025, there will be the lunar eclipse at 24 Virgo!

Between 18th September 2024 and 14th March 2025 (when axis 24 Pisces-24 Virgo will be activated) I would pay attention also on these days:

-          Around 15th December 2024, the Full Moon at 24 Gemini

-          Around 28th January 2025, Venus (revolution) starts her shadow period at 24 Pisces

-          End of March 2025/early April 2025, transit Saturn crossing over 24 Pisces

-          12th April Venus turns direct at 24 Pisces (pay attention it is the day when the US Civil War has been started in 1861, also, Tulsi Gabbard was born on 12th April 1981)

In the horoscope of Pennsylvania (PA) you can see draconic Sun (male, president) at 24 Pisces!!! So, in the moment of debate, progressed Moon of the US is exactly at draco Sun (male, President) of PA. What does it mean? It could mean that voters are going to support male candidate, i.e. Trump.

Let’s see more...

 I was already speaking about the importance of 24 of mutable signs, in my articles on the US elections.

-          On 5th November 2024 (election day), at midnight, transit Moon is at 24 Sagittarius

-          At 24 Sagittarius there was progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln when he put the US into Civil  War(12th April 1861)

-          Trump’s Antiscia Neptune (television) is at 24 Pisces, which means that Contra Antiscia is at 24 Virgo

-          Trump’s Solar Arc Mercury (ruler of his natal Sun at 22 Gemini in 10th) is at 24 Virgo during 2024

-          Robert F Kennedy Jr has at 24 Sagittarius his progressed Mars

-          Robert F Kennedy Jr has at 24 Virgo his Solar Arc Moon

-          Elon Musk’s Antiscia Sun is at 24 Gemini, i.e. Contra Antisica is at 24 Sagittarius

Also, you can notice that Moon’s (woman) placement in the horoscop of PA is in Capricorn (exile), in opposition with weak Mars in Cancer. This opposition goes over 24 Capricorn-25 Cancer, plus, there is Uranus at 29 Cancer involved too. So, PA may bring a pain and some kind of stress (trauma) to female candidate. Interesting is this – that opposition in draconic chart is placed exactly at 28 Aries (conjunct Kamala’s natal Moon 27 Aries)/29 Libra (conjunct Kamala’s natal Sun 27 Libra). Also, Philadelphia (the city where debate is going to happen) has in its chart Chiron (wound) at 26 Aries, conjunct Kamala’s natal Moon which is at the same time in opposition with her natal Sun. Like this city ’opens’ her Full Moon in her natal chart, emphasizing ’chained Andromeda’ within you (her Moon is at star nebula Vertex which is a story about chained princess Andromeda). Her natal Sun is within ’Via Combusta’, speaking also about constellation Bootes within herself, where person is usually attacking the one from whom he/she was made-there is some problem with roots, person does not know where he/she belongs, there are problems with identitiy. Interesting, the Antiscia chart of debate has Mercury (words) at 26-27 Aries, i.e. in Contra Antisca is at 26-27 Libra, so again, Kamala’s natal Full Moon is activated.  I would say Philadelphia is not a good place for Kamala. Also, PA has its South Node at 26 Gemini, conjunct Kamala’s natal Asc-so, this city may ’eat’ her. There was some big lesson for her.

Antiscia Moon of debate is at 13 Capricorn, i.e. Contra Antisica is at 13 Cancer – conjunct Robert F Kennedy Jr natal Moon (voters) at 13 Cancer. The US Sun (male, President) is at 13 Cancer, so this again emphasizing male candidate.

But, I am still repeating – IF THERE WILL BE ELECTION AT ALL!!! Why?

Because,24 of mutable signs were activated when the Civil War has been started, on 12th April 1861, progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln was at 24 Sagittarius, as I’ve said above. At 24 Sagittarius there is Kamala’s Desc, but also there is her South Node (one life before previous one). Kamala is a portal for bringing into focus again the moment when Lincoln put the US into Civil War. Through her South Node we can now get something similar. And, if we add that there is progressed Mars (conflict) of Robert F Kennedy Jr-the picture is full.

Without Kennedy Jr Trump wouldn’t have chance, but now, with him in his team, everything is changing. I am really wondering will there be election at all... Also, 24 of mutable signs were activated when Hitler attacked Soviet Union on 21st June 1941 (Mars was at 24 Pisces-Neptun was at 24 Virgo), which could mean now that the US easy could start some bigger conflict, for example, through Ukraine’s issue – literally starting war against Putin. All this could lead into getting your own conflict in the US, i.e. ’modern Civil War’ again.

Let’s say something on Sun/Jupiter opposition in the horoscope of PA. It goes over 20 Sagittarius 47’-21 Gemini, and all is exactly over Trump’s natal lunar eclipse axis. In late September, early October 2024, transit Jupiter slows down, and will start its retro motion at 21 Gemini, on 9th October, exactly hitting Trump’s natal lunar eclipse, as well as this axis in the horoscope of PA. This is a clear picture of some male President who can be in trouble because of law. So, let’s see what will be with some legal issues soon, regarding Trump.The good thing is that the Sun is in the sign where Jupiter (law) is in domicile, despate all challenges he may deal with...

Progressed Moon of the US at 0 Aries - January 2025 and A Woman Rises Out of the Water - Tulsi Gabbard

On 20th January 2025 (Inauguration Day), progressed Moon of the US will be at 0 Aries-the beginning of Zodiac, male agressive, military energy. If we have on mind that during summer 2025, in July, both, Saturn as well as Neptune (which is always just a old Saturn but in new suit) will be at 0 Aries, emphasizing some new era, we may expect that the new world order is going to be established. It is going to be very fresh, raw, male, agressive energy, with military issue involved, althoug there will be                      sextile with Uranus at 0 Gemini, as well as sextile with Pluto in Aquarius. So all may look like a hope, but soon you will figure it is just a old good Saturn in a new suit. When Neptune was discovered, it was just in conjunction with Saturn, so they dance together perfectly... 

 Sabian symbol for 0 Aries is –’A Woman Rises Out of the Water’

Saturn-Neptune cycle is always linked with a communism, and Trump uses to say for Kamala ’She is a communist’

SAturn-Neptune conjunction was in Leo when in November 1917 there was the Russian Revolution , the end of Romanov, the beginning of Lenin's time

Stalin died when Saturn-Neptune conjunction was in Libra, Putin was born with Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra

The Fall of Berlin Wall happend with Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn

Marxism was launched with Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius 

Well, as I've said, some woman rises out of the water, but there is a miltary (Aries) energy, so, it may be Tulsi Gabbard as someone who is important for the future of the US, don't forget she was born on 12th April, on 12th April the US Civil War has been started. In that chart, of the US Civil War, Uranus is at 9 Gemini, and in 2027, there will be the second Uranus' return, on 7th August 2027, with transit Saturn at 27 Aries, exactly at Kamala's natal Moon (the US citizens) opposite her natal Sun at 27 Libra.

Even PA it seams is going to support male candidate, I am still wondering will Democrats allow Trump-Kennedy to win? I doubt, ’cause there are signs for no elections, for ’modern civil war’, for some  chaos, because since Kennedy joined to Trump’s MAGA –they both, Democrats and Republicans-are having the same degrees for winning, and what may happen is that they both declare a victory... Even that option is in the air... But, as I’ve said many times, this won’t go without chaos....

Here you can read my article on the upcoming US Election – just clik here

Here you can read my article on Robert F Kennedy Jr and MAHA – just clik here

Here you can read my article on 21st June 1941 – just clik here

Here you can read my article on Tucker Carlson and the New Moon at 11 Virgo – just clik here



You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English and in Serbian. Contact for booking via email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com

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