Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Princess Diana
have in common?
most famous royal weddings and Uranus axis - 11º Taurus/11º Scorpio
Published: 9th June, 2018 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
Read my artilce (from November 2019) where I explain how all from British royal family stepped down because the Grand Fixed Cross over 11 was activated -Mercury turned direct at 11 Scorpio and Prince Andrew steps down
Read my artilce (from November 2019) where I explain how all from British royal family stepped down because the Grand Fixed Cross over 11 was activated -Mercury turned direct at 11 Scorpio and Prince Andrew steps down
The story of Wallis Simpson and
Edward VIII is one of most beautiful stories of XX century – the story of sacrifice
and “playing” with social reputation, of family discord and defiance of the
whole world. Edward gave up the British throne for loving a lady that was not
going to be accepted as a queen by the monarchy.
Love fairytale of Wallis and
Edward VIII deeply shook the world in 30’s of the past century, weakening the
foundations of the then decent family. Uranus was then, as it is now, in the
Their romance changed the form of
comprehension of love relations and marriage, especially in high society. Edward
VIII was the most famous world’s bachelor – he was popular, young, blond and
handsome, of modern beliefs and very emotional. He was not hiding being hungry
for love and being troubled by the world of rules, tradition and apparent
decency. He was not a slave to prejudice and social expectations, so maybe
because of that his choice of woman should not have come as a surprise - Wallis
was American of liberal attitudes, older than him, not very beautiful, of lower
social status, married and already divorced once…, i.e. she was on a way to her
second divorce. He found none of that important – for him she was fatal, level-headed
and infinitely interesting.
While the whole world was
abhorred, he loved her – very much, endlessly and devotedly. It is rare for
common man to give up fortune and “good reputation” for the love of a woman, so
imagine how rare it was for a king to give up the crown for he wanted to love…
Edward VIII did just that.
Wallis was married to a rich
businessman Ernest Simpson when she met Edward VIII at a party. Love spark did
not “light” immediately, they talked for couple of minutes and that was all…
But, true love always finds the way. Four months later they met again and this
time a mutual sympathy was “ignited”, shyly, but surely. In August 1934 the
Prince of Wales invited the Simpsons to cruise travel, but only the lady
responded. It turned out that it was the moment that defined future lives of
this pair, but he fate of British Monarchy as well. On that cruise, the
friendship of Wallis and Edward turned into tempestuous affair, which in the
years to come was often on a shaky ground, but managed to “survive” all
Only three months later, in
November that same year, Edward invited Wallis to visit Buckingham Palace and
to meet his family. King George V was bitter and angry and the last thing he
wanted was for his son to have an American socialite that was still officially
married as a partner! But, king’s disapproval did not weaken Edward’s decision
to be devoted to her – the romance was flourishing and the love of the young
prince bordered on obsession. Wallis enjoyed the fortune, gifts, expensive
jewels and glamorous clothes – the prince spent a lot on his lover.
However, the King George V soon
died and Edward inherited the throne in 1936. His coronation was attended by
Wallis, which was scandalous, for she was still married to another man. Members
of the royal family and the court found Edward’s choice unbearable and
completely unreasonable – the woman who was already married twice could not be
the queen of England. The young king was also the supreme governor of the
Church of England, so Wallis as his partner broke all norms and rules. There
were two roads before the young couple in love – Edward could leave the woman
he loved and continue to rule or he could abdicate and marry her.
“You all know the reasons which
have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in
making up my mind I did not forget the country or the empire, which, as Prince
of Wales and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve. But
you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry
the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I
would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love”, Edward VIII
explained to the British public. King Edward VIII abdicated on December 10,
1936 – if we take a look at the horoscope for that moment (for noon), there is
transit Moon at 10º -11º Scorpio, at the degree of Uranus’ exaltation. Remember
this degree, for my story revolves around this spot within Zodiac…
After abdication, Edward and
Wallis were expelled from the Great Britain, but retained titles of duke and
duchess of Windsor. His younger brother George VI came to throne, and he was
the father of the present Queen Elisabeth II. If Edward did not abdicate,
Elisabeth II would not be queen today…
On June 3, 1937 the pair sworn to
eternal love at the small ceremony with 16 guests. None from Edward’s family
attended the wedding. Also, in the years to come, his brother and mother never
visited or had any contact with Wallis.
The pair lived relaxed and
luxurious life – they visited Paris, Spain, Lisbon, even Bahamas. They belonged
to the top social elite and Wallis was regarded as the fashion icon of her age.
Last years they spent in France, in their private residence. Edward’s death
separated them after 35 years of happy and stable marriage.
It is believed that Wallis had
influenced Edward’s interest in Nazism and that she supported that ideology
during and after WWII. In 1937, just before the war, the Duke and Duchess of
Windsor visited Germany and Adolf Hitler, despite opposition of the British
After meeting Wallis, the Nazi
leader said: “Pity, you would make such a good queen!” One of the strict rules
of royal family was that its members must not involve in politics!
After this incident, the pair was
sent to Bahamas, where Edward was the governor, devoting his stay there to
helping the poor.
As it is obvious, this romance
was the real shake for the British Monarchy, something equal to the planet
Uranus that is in charge of revolutions, disobeying the rules, not fitting into
societal norms and tradition. Uranus above all means freedom, to be one’s own,
to be different. It is at the same time a huge risk, also bearing
responsibility. But, astrology explains why the then king, Edward VIII, did
what he did, abdicated...
on June 3, 1937 - Transit Uranus opposing natal Uranus
Edward VIII has Ascendant at 0º Aquarius,
at the very beginning of the revolutionary sign, sign that loves the freedom
above all. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is at 11º Scorpio (the degree
of Uranus’ exaltation) in his chart, and only a day after his wedding with Wallis,
on June 4, 1937, Edward VIII had the opposition of transit Uranus at 11º Taurus
with his natal Uranus at 11º Scorpio. At the time of the first Uranus’
opposition with natal Uranus (and the only one in a lifetime), there are
usually huge changes in life – sudden change of profession, interests, freedom
from the old, people often get divorced at this time or generally do something
really shocking that does not fit into generally accepted societal norms. Uranus
was in Taurus then, 84 years ago, as it is now. If we take a look at 12th
Harmonic of Edward VIII (the future life), we find Saturn (traditional ruler of
his Ascendant in Aquarius) at his natal Uranus (11º Scorpio), which is the sign
that his soul chooses freedom in future life as well… But, in Dwadasamsa chart
(the horoscope of the past life) Edward VIII had Saturn at the very important
spot, at 11º Taurus, the degree of Uranus’ fall, so it is possible that in the
past incarnation he “failed” the test of freedom. Anyway, the axis 11º Taurus/11º
Scorpio was surely activated, and this axis of Uranus’ exaltation and fall is
something I want to discuss in this article, all related to three most
important royal weddings and to the British Crown.
History repeating itself after 84
We are still under the influence
of the recent wedding of the former American actress Meghan Markle and Prince
Harry. Meghan is the first woman, American, of a mixed race and with the
previous marriage that was accepted into the British royal family. History
repeating itself after 84 years is also confirmed by the following – Prince
Harry has draconic Asc (soul’s memory of the past incarnation) at exactly 11º Scorpio,
the degree of Uranus’ exaltation, and the position of Uranus in the chart of Edward
VIII! When I mention Uranus’ exaltation – I refer to the degree of greatest freedom.
It seems that Harry’s soul has the memory of the love story of Edward VIII. But,
now the time is different, 84 years have passed. Prince Harry is known for his
humanitarian work, but also for being a rebel, which is all the symbolism of 11º
Scorpio. At 11º Scorpio one “steps over” the rules, shocks the public, one is
vey much one’s own self! But, in her draconic chart (the soul’s memory of the
past incarnation), Meghan Markle also has Venus (essential signifier of love,
and also the dispositor of her Moon in Libra, and the Moon is important in her
chart for her Asc is in Cancer, and the Moon rules Cancer) across the Zodiac,
at 11º Taurus, the degree of Uranus’ fall. Did she “fail” the test of “free
love” in the past life?! Anyway, the axis 11º Scorpio/11º Taurus is called out
again, and now the question is what will happen in 2021 (in May and June) when
the transit Uranus cross 11º Taurus again?
On June 3, 1937, when Uranus
crossed 11º Taurus (at the same time the position of the Mars in the chart of
the United Kingdom) – Edward VIII and Wallis Smith got married. The Mars is the
ruler of 7th house in the chart of the United Kingdom, and it is
positioned in 8th house (disputes, wars) – I have already mentioned
that this couple was “marked” because of the support of the nazi leader Adolf
Hitler. That was the time of the Third Reich, time before World War II, and
Mars in Taurus at the degree of Uranus’ fall in the 8th house - may
be depiction of the very Adolf Hitler. Mars at 11º Taurus is “weak”, for in
Taurus it is in exile, and at the degree of Uranus’ fall it depicts the person
who uses his energy for bad causes while stomping over one of most fundamental
human rights – the right to freedom (Uranus), which Hitler certainly did…
If we go back in time 84 years
from that moment, we see Uranus at the Mars of United Kingdom on July 4, 1853. Several
months later, on October 16, 1853 the Crimean War started, and United Kingdom
was at Ottoman Empire’s side (together with forces of Alliance) against the
Russian Empire. All this looks like the present attitude of the British Prime
Minister Theresa May towards Russia, expelling the Russian diplomats from
London after the attempted murder of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal with
the nerve gas. So, diplomatic relations of the United Kingdom and Russia are
very bas right now, and Uranus is coming to 11º Taurus, i.e. to the Mars of the
United Kingdom, the Mars that represents diplomacy and diplomatic relations for
it rules 7th house (country’s diplomacy). Anyway, I have found an
interesting detail – on December 1, 1809, when Uranus was at 11º Scorpio and in
opposition with 11º Taurus (UK Mars), the British diplomat Benjamin Bathurst
mysteriously went missing in the West Berlin…
Horoscope of Edward VIII continues
its story although he is not alive anymore, as well as transits to draconic chart
of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, for they have the axis 11° Scorpio/11°
Taurus activated through those draconic charts. It is an interesting detail
that on May 15, 2021 the Uranus will be opposing the natal Uranus of Edward
VIII, because Uranus entered Taurus on May 15 this year! But, on May 14, 2021
Uranus will touch draconic Venus of Meghan Markle, which is, as I have already
mentioned, at 11º Taurus, while on May 19, 2021, at the third wedding
anniversary of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – transit Uranus will be at the
UK Mars, at 11º Taurus! If we take a look at Solar Return 2021 of the horoscope
of wedding of Harry and Meghan (May 19, 2018, 12:00, London, UK), we see MC at 0º
Aquarius, which is the Ascendant of Edward VIII. These are very important signs
that 2021 may bring some kind of “shake”, “shock” to the British Crown from Meghan
and Harry. Which scenarios are possible?
In my article “Kate and Meghan – theTradition and the New”, I emphasized that the marriage of Harry and Meghan
Markle would strongly shake the British Crown and that there is the possibility
of divorce. For example, during 2021 Prince Harry will have his progressed Sun
at 29° Libra, at the very end of the sign that depicts marriage, relations,
i.e. the progressed Sun will soon touch 0º Scorpio, which is not easy at all,
for it is entering into Hades’ world, which brings a lot of transformation. At
the same time, his Neptune will oppose the natal Sun at 22º Virgo (it is
interesting that draconic axis Asc/Desc of Meghan Markle lies across 22º Pisces/22º
Virgo, i.e. it “moves” the Sun of Prince Harry, confirming their connection
from past life). Will the opposition of Neptune with natal Sun bring to Prince
Harry the possibility to see things more realistically, to see things he may
not be able to see now? The transit Uranus at 12º Scorpio 51’ will oppose the
natal Saturn of Prince Harry (the ruler of his Asc in Capricorn), and this is
also the huge sign of sudden liberation of Prince Harry, but he could also
somehow, together with Meghan, “shock” the public with some event that will be
outside of socially accepted. At the same time when Uranus makes opposition
with natal Uranus of Edward VIII, on May 15, 2021, only 4 days before the third
wedding anniversary of Meghan and Harry – the tertiary Moon of Harry (natal ruler
of 7th house - marriage) will be at 7º Taurus, in opposition with
tertiary Pluto at 7º Scorpio – this is depiction of huge, deep transformation
their marriage will go through. Since tertiary Moon moves 1º for around 2 days,
then it is clear why I take it into account, for it will soon activate the axis
11º Taurus/11º Scorpio, the axis of Uranus I talk about in this article.
Another sign that Harry will find himself in a challenging position in
spring/summer 2021 is the position of transit Saturn at around 13º Aquarius, in
square with his natal Saturn at 12° Scorpio. Whenever there is activation of natal Saturn
through transit Saturn (conjunction, i.e. the return of Saturn, square and
opposition) – these are important moments in time. Besides, Saturn rules
Harry’s Ascendant, so it is very important in his chart. For instance, on June 17,
1999 Harry had his first opposition of transit Saturn and natal Saturn, which
was the time after Princess Diana’s death, and it is known how hard he took the
loss of his mother. It is very certain that the first opposition of transit
Saturn with natal Saturn had put him to a great test, when he had to find the
strength and grow up fast…
Princess Diana

Prince Charles does not have
prominent axis of exaltation/fall of Uranus in his chart, so he found it
difficult to bear with the late Princess Diana and he was not able to
understand the needs of her soul. Prince William and Duchess Kate also do not
have this axis prominent in their charts. The same is with Camila Parker, the
present wife of Prince Charles.
Anyway, it may be said in the end
that three most important royal weddings, three most important women who may
bring the “storm” to the British Crown are Willis Smith, Princess Diana and
finally – Meghan Markle. The year 2021 will be very interesting when during May
and June Uranus will activate axis 11º Taurus/11º Scorpio in charts of the
mentioned, as well as the Mars from the chart of the United Kingdom.
But, from May next year Meghan
Markle will have Solar Arc Moon at 11º Scorpio, and this transit of Solar Arc Moon
across 11º Scorpio will last until May 2020. It seems that from the second half
of 2019 it will be possible to sense with what will Meghan Markle finally
“shake” the British Crown in 2021. Meghan has Cancer Ascendant, and as I said
before – the Moon is very important in this Duchess’ horoscope.
If in the end we take a look at
the mundane astrology, then I must mention Davison relationship chart of United
States and the present Russia, for the axis Asc (USA)/Desc (Russia) lies across
11º Taurus/11º Scorpio, which “moves” the Mars of the United Kingdom at 11º Taurus! But, in my long work on mundane astrology, I
have “mapped” Japan at 11º Taurus and China at the opposite side of the Zodiac,
at 11º Scorpio.
Sabian symbol for 11º Scorpio (read
the meaning for 12º Scorpio) is the following: “a brilliant assembly of officials
at an official embassy ball”. I must repeat, it is very important that members
of the royal family stay away from politics!
Sabian symbol for 11º Taurus
(read the meaning for 12º Taurus) is the following: “A young couple walks down main-street,
window shopping”.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced
their engagement on November 28, 2017 – you will not believe this but transit
Jupiter was crossing 10 º-11º Scorpio, which is the sign that affairs are very
possible here, for the Jupiter only "widens", extends...
Sabian symbols send clear message
and this may easily be Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at some activity during 2021
that may be “Uranian” and that may shake the British Crown. It remains to be
It is an interesting detail that Edward
VIII and Wallis Simpson got married with transit Venus at 29º Aries, while Harry
and Meghan had Venus at 29º Gemini. The last degree of any sign is the
so-called “anaretic degree” and there the fate is not an easy one – it implies
the end of a marriage or difficulties in a marriage, may be depiction of Edward
and Wallis leaving to isolation, far away (29º)...
Uranus’ entering of Taurus was
marked by a New Moon close to Algol on May 15, 2018. In my article "Uranusin Taurus 2018 – Where Is This World Going", you could read that I
connected the star Algol (26º Taurus) with the emergence of the Third Reich,
World War II, but on the other side this star is active in British Royal family
- Prince William has Venus on Algol, Edward VIII as well, even the late Diana had
Venus close to Algol, Harry and Meghan’s wedding was with the Sun on Algol, etc.
Anyhow, Algol is always the “fall of the head” – here the position is easily
lost, the reputation, the crown, so I find the eclipse on November 18, 1937
very interesting – it happened only couple of months after Edward VIII married Wallis
and it was a lunar eclipse on Algol. The similar will happen on November 19, 2021,
in the year I found to be important.
The head is often “lost” because
of love, not only in the war…
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