субота, 25. мај 2024.

Jupiter in Gemini (26th May 2024 – 10th June 2025) The Zeus and all his immorality Published: 25th May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


Jupiter in Gemini (26th May 2024 – 10th June 2025)

The Zeus and all his immorality

Published: 25th May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


  Jupiter enters Gemini on 26th May 2024 (GMT 00:14:25). There are several fixed stars around 0 Gemini, but only one has Jupite’s nature, and that is ALRAI (Cepheus constellation). Cepheus was the mythological king of Ethiopia, the father of Andromeda (’Chained Princess’), the husband of Cassiopeia.

Jupiter in Gemini is weak Jupiter, so, the main God, the Zeus, is going to be so tricky, and to show us all his bad side (immorality). In the moment when it enteres Gemini, it will be 'combust' by the Sun, so be sure we are blind, and the Zeus is playing at the stage his worst performance.

When Jupiter is linked with the star from Cepheus, we can always see here an image of some very important, big (Jupiter) leader. Like in myth, Cepheus is in trouble, i.e. his kingdom is in trouble, as well as his daughter, Andromeda. Very often, Andromeda (’Chained Princess’) could represent nation, people of some country – they are in trouble, for, their leader is being blackmailed. Territory of some country could be ’eaten’ here, by ’Big Whale’ (Cetus constellation).


What happens with dispositor of Jupiter? It is Mercury, at 14 Taurus (conjunct the Sun in the chart of Palestine Autonomy from 4th May 1994), and around 14 Taurus we have stars from Cassiopeia as well as from Andromeda and Cetus. So, the whole Kingdom Family constellation is activated, and we have literally the mythological story. 

 The Moon’s placement is at 4 Capricorn, and the Moon is OOB, which means it has within itself  suppressed old emotions. Around 4 Capricorn, there are stars from Sagittarius constellation. When the Moon (people) is around stars from Sagittarius we can have an image of wars where religion could be the reason of war. The Moon ’runs’ into square with strong Mars in domicile, at 19 Aries (the Sun’s exaltation degree), and if you remember, at 19 Aries we had the solar eclipse on 8th April 2024. It seams like the beginning of Jupiter’s journey through the sign of Gemini is bringing a big possibility for conflicts. Just to remind you, on 26th December 2019 we had the Solar eclipse at 4 Capricorn. In my article  on Israel, which I’ve posted on my blog on 20th June 2015, I was explaining the harmonic point within the realtionship The US-Israel-Palestine, and it is 4 Capricorn!!! If you want to find out more about this, you can read my article if you click here

So, it seams that the conflict between Palestine and Israel (with the US involved) is starting to get new vibe with Jupiter in Gemini. Benjamin Netanyahu, the PM of Israel, has his natal Uranus at 4 Cancer. During 2024 his Solar Arc Moon (people of Israel) is at 4 Capricorn! The US has its Venus/Jupiter midpoint at 4 Cancer in 8th (conflicts).  Venus is always about the blood, wars, specially civil wars, for she was born from Uranus’ (revolution) blood. Jupiter always expands, and represents literally Zeus, the man with ’mask’, the main God in this modern world.

The most important moment could be when Mars and Jupiter make their conjunction this summer, and that will be around 14th August, and guess at which degree? At 16 Gemini, and at 16 Gemini in early June 2024 we have the New Moon. This New Moon is happening at star Rigel (Orion constellation), and it always speaks about the great leader, very tall, who maybe has more wifes, problems with women. In mythology, Orion was killed by Artemisia, by her mistake, because she was confused with the Sun ligth. Her twin brother Apolo (the God of the light) sent too much sunshine, that made her ’blind’ and she shot Orion, her big love. After she finds out she killed Orion, she takes Orion body, puts it in her silver chariot, and takes him on heaven. Literally, this is all an image of big furneal of some big world leader who is open for East, who looks into the direction of the East, ’cause the biggest change for Orion happens when one morning he wakes up and gets his eyes back because he looks into the direction of East (where the Sun shows up every single morning). Just to remind you, JFK has his Venus, ruler of his Libra Asc, exactly at Rigel (16 Gemini) in square with the Moon at 17 Virgo. Rigth now, transit Saturn is at 18 Pisces (across JFK Moon), and we have the same pattern in the air. For now, we had the death of President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, as well as five shots into Robert Fico (the PM of Slovakia) who managed to stay alive, for now. What is interesting here is that where the star Rigel is placed – there is the end of constellation Cassiopeia (Cepheus wife). She is the one who is the main cause of Cepheus’ bad destiny, her advices, her ambition. She is the one who destroys that family, putting ’chains’ over their daughter Andromeda, just in order to keep their kingdom safe, to keep their crowns.

In the moment when Mars and Jupiter meets, on 14th August 2024, the Moon will be across, at 16 Sagittarius, and the Sun will be at 22 Leo, just crossed over 21 Leo (Neptune’s fall degree), where Rx Venus/Sun met in their inferior conjunction on 13 August 2023 – which very often knows to bring literally death, for that is the journey of Persephone through the Hades’ world.

Also, I would watch on end of June 2024, around 27th June, when transit Jupiter is crossing over 7 Gemini, hitting 7 of every mutable signs (Moon/Mars at 8 Sagittarius in Erdogan’s chart), ’cause this is going to be the call for some kind of Armageddon (the final battle). When transit Mars was at 7 Pisces, Israel boombed the embassy of Iran Islamic republic in Syria, on 1st April 2024. Now, Jupiter at 7 of Gemini will open something too. And, transit Mars will cross over 7 Gemini on 1st August 2024. In Putin’s chart you can see his Vertex (the spot which speaks about wishes come true) at 8 Gemini, in his 8th (conflicts), so, this could work in Putin’s favour.

Jupiter will turn retro on 9th October 2024, at 21 Gemini, with Mercury (its dispositor) at 22 Libra –the solar eclipse point from 14th October 2023 (Palestine attacked Israel on 7th October 2023). Transit Moon will be around Galactic Center, at 28 Sagittarius, very close with Vladimir Putin’s natal OOB Mars at 26 Sagittarius (where is his progressed Sun too). This could be the final image of the biggest Putin’s power within the Space. Putin was born with the Sun/Mars sextile, which means that having progressed Sun at natal Mars is working great for him. 


As I’ve mapped the White House and the US Presidential election over 22 Gemini/22Sagittarius axis, it seams that the moment when Jupiter turns retro at 21-22 Gemini, on 9th October 2024, may bring us some ’changing mind mood’ regarding the US election. For those who attended my talk at the London Lodge on 18th March 2024-they are familiar with the fact that I’ve said there is a big possibility the US may be postpone, because of some world conflict. Or, if they happen, there is going to be the civil war. Everything is working in the favour of Joe Biden, regarding astrological view, and Trump’s life is in dangerous. Trump was born with the Moon/Sun axis over 21 Sagittarius/22 Gemini (conjunct Mars of the US, in square with Obama's natal Mars at 22 Virgo),with nodes included, i.e. he was born with the lunar eclipse in his chart, which is going to be activated with Jupiter at 21 Gemini turning retrograde on 9th October 2024.His Uranus (trauma, shock) is at star Rigel, at 17 Gemini (the end of Cassiopeia constellation-the woman is the cause of man’s bad destiny), where the New Moon is happening in early June 2024, and where Mars and Jupiter will meet in mid August 2024,as I’ve said above. Having the eclipse in your own horoscope it’s like you are having some kind of atomic bomb, it’s very Pluto’s energy. Moreover, when Mars and Uranus meets at Algol, on 15th July 2024, it will ’hit’ Trump’s natal Mars at 26 Leo in his 12th (secret enemies). Trump’s natal Mars is around star ALFARD from constellation Hydra (the wooden snake). Anyway, there is Joe Biden’s natal Chiron (wound) conjunct Trump’s Mars. This is very heavy energy and in August 19th, there will be the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, hitted Trump’s/Biden’s conjunction Mars/Chiron which could bring very bad events between those two.

 And few lines on the upcoming UK general election on 4th July 2024! As you know, it is the US independecy day, so the Sun will be at Sirius (the Watcher of Europe), and transit Moon at 7am will be at 21 Gemini (the spot for entering the White House). What does it mean? It means that the new British government is going to be an extended hand of the United States. Just to remind you, on 18th March 2024, ex US President Barack Obama visited the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. In mythological sense, the Zeus is the United States, and his wife Hera is the UK. Hera does not love Zeus' lover, so the UK choosed Brexit in 2016. Now, the US are trying to make some kind of reunion (love) with the UK again. There is one more country in Europe who is fitting with Sirius, and that is Turkey, the second NATO country within NATO and yes, Turkey is an extanded hand of the US in Europe, the Watcher of Europe, and ofcourse, it won't be part of the EU, never. It is the same with the UK who left EU in 2016. 

Barack was born with axis IC/MC over 28 Taurus/28 Scorpio, so his angular houses are also called out during this heavy energy over Algol's 'carpet'. Moreover, the progressed Sun of his wife, Michelle, is at 27 Pisces, conjunct the secondary progressed Moon of the US in November 2024 (when the US should choose its President). So, I wonder, is the US is going maybe to choose Barack Obama's in shadow administration?

During July 2024, Mars and Uranus will meet at the same spot where was the Sun/Jupiter conjucntion when Ebrahim Raisi lost his life, at Algol. Mars/Uranus at Algol could not be worst, it is very heavy energy, and here murders and death must happen. Both planets, Mars, as well as Uranus, are very very weak in Taurus, plus Algol (’the head must be cut off’) is involved too. Algol knows to represents Islam as well, so some blood may come in the name of Allah. What happens when Mars and Uranus meet in mid July, will reflect  around 19th August with the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius I’ve mentioned above.

The mid December 2024, is bringing us the Full Moon at 23 Gemini 53’, which is the first quarter of the lunar eclipse from 17th September at 25 Pisces, as well as some kind of reminder on 9th October 2024 when Jupiter turns retro at 21-22 Gemini.That is going to be the time when Jupiter in retro motion will cross again over 16 Gemini (Rigel star, Orion constellation), when Mars is retro , and when Mercury starts its direct motion at 6 Sagittarius, crossing soon over 7 Sagitarius, hitting 7 of each mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Pisces).

Here you can read my article on Venus/Jupiter meeting at 29 Taurus, the New Moon at 2 Sagittarius and the Men of the Death


You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English as well as in Serbian

Contact for booking: email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com


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