What happens with Princess Kate?
Published: 13 March, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP
Catherine was admitted to The London Clinic in January 2024, where she underwent abdominal surgery for an undisclosed medical condition. Due to her medical procedure and convalescence period, she postponed all her public engagements and duties until after Easter that year.Kate was born with Asc/Desc axis over 20° Leo/20° Aquarius. On 13 August 2023, we had the ’lower’ (inferior) conjunction RxVenus/Sun at 20 Leo. Whenever retro Venus meets the Sun, during her retro journey – death may happen. Because, when retro Venus meets the Sun, it’s like she is steping into the field of the Underworld, in order to be transformed and get rebirth, or to die. For example, the UK has in its chart the Moon in 10th (queen) at 19° Cancer, and she died in a year when retro Venus met the Sun at 18° -19° Capricorn, in September 2022. The inferior conjunction of Rx Venus and the Sun was around 7th January 2022. So, she passed away eight months later (cycle of Rx Venus/Sun inferior conj. lasts about 19 months). Interisting, this is axis of Kate’s natal Moon (18° Cancer)/natal Sun (19° Capricorn).
The lunar eclipse is coming, on 24.March 2024, at 5° Libra, squaring William’s natal Moon (Kate) at 4° Cancer. The got married on 29th April 2011, and just five days after his solar return in 2010, on 26th June 2010, there was the lunar eclipse at 4° Capricorn, which hitted his natal Moon at 4° Cancer. On 26th December 2019, we had the solar eclipse at the same degree, at 4° Capricorn. It was just around the global pandemic C-19.
So, the first eclipse in 2024, the lunar one at 5° Libra, is oppening very intense time for William’s Moon (Kate). If we add that his secondary progressed Moon is at the same time at 13° Capricorn, at his natal South Node (the point of loos, the place where we should digest lessons, accept, and move forward), so we can really suspect that Kate is not so well. We can expect the worst scenario, indeed.
When late Princess Dianna lost her life, on 31st August 1997 (Paris, 01:50am), in draconic chart for that moment, we can see axis Asc/Desc, believer or not, over 18° Capricorn/18° Cancer, which hitted the UK natal Moon in 10th. Just to remind you, princess Kate was born with Moon’s placement at 18° Cancer, and Sun’s placement at 19° Capricorn. Do you figure now that late Queen Elizabeth II died in a year of RxVenus/Sun inferior conjunction at 18° -19° Capricorn, opposite the UK Moon at 19° Cancer.
If we take a look for William's Solar Arc direction when his mom, late Princess Diana, lost her life, we can see his Solar Arc Moon (mom) beliver or not at 19° Cancer, conjunct the UK Moon in 10th. So, in front of us is the solar eclipse at 19° Aries on 8th April 2024, which hits 19° of all cardinal signs, so one more time, the same pattern is in the air. Plus, in William's chart we can see asteroid Diana is placed at 19° Libra, so, one more sign how 19° of cardinal signs (Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn) bringing 'bad destiny' for royals.
In April 2024, there will be 19 months since RxVenus/Sun conjunction which happend in early January 2022. So, first the late Queen Elizabath II, now, princess Kate too. There is something wrong regarding Kate's well-being, definitely.
If we progress the chart of Diana’s death for now, we see progressed Mc/Ic axis over 5° Aries/5° Libra, which is the axis of the lunar eclipse on 24th March 2024, and all squares William’s natal intercepted Moon (Kate) in 7th. One more sign, that Kate is in dangerous. In Solar Arc dirctions for 2024 for the horoscope of death of late Diana, we see Mercury (ruler of IC-the end of life) at 4° -5 ° Libra (the lunar eclipse point on 24th March 2024), again squaring William’s natal interecpted Moon (Kate) in his 7th.
In early April, the solar eclipse at 19° Aries (Sun –crown, exalts at 19° Aries) is going to hit Saturn in the horoscope of Death of late Diana. Saturn rules 8th house in ths horoscope, horoscope of death, dangerous. Interesting, we had the same eclipse in early April 2005 when today’s King Charles (then he was just a Prince) got married Camila Parker, William’s and Harry's step mother.
Well, across, at 19° Libra, the Sun (crown) falls, so in the moment when Charles got married Camila, there was a sign that when he become the king one day, there is a big possibility crown may fall. I am waiting his progressed Moon comes at 11° Aquarius, which is going to be soon, during May 2024, because he may step down then. Why? I wrote few articles on royals, emphasizing 11° of fixed signs as somethign important for them, for all royals did step down when 11° of fixed signs were activated (you can read my article on that topic here: Prince Andrew stepping down and here:Edward VIII & Harry ) – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and/or Aquarius. Even the UK governemt used to fall when 11° of fixed was in the air. For example, in the moment when Boris Johnson got elections in December 2019 you can read my article about the UK general elections here: Boris Johnson and 11 Scorpio), his progressed Moon was at 11° Scorpio-I’ve knew it even then, he won’t last! And he didn’t, during C-19 time, after few affairs, he was forced to step down, because the public preasure was huge.
Let’s switch on Kate’s natal chart. In early April 2024, the solar eclipse at 19° Aries will hit her Moon/Sun oppostion, over 18° Cancer/19° Capricorn (she was born with the lunar eclipse in her chart, Willia with solar one, so they both have eclipses in their charts). All goes over her 6/12 houses, which are malefic houses, houses of health, hospitals, etc. As she is Leo at Asc, the Sun represents her body as well as herself by default, and it is in her 6th (bad sign, house of health, as well as house of serving to others), and through dispositon, Saturn at 21° Libra, the Sun goes in its fall, and very close with the Sun’s fall degree (19° Libra). So, her life is in dangerous. I would add that at 21° Libra, where her Saturn (dispositor of her Sun –she) is, there is asteroid Diana in her chart too!!!
In the horoscope of her first born kid, George Alexander Luis, we can see the Full Moon over 28 ° Capricorn (the Moon’s placement)/29° Cancer 59’ (the Sun’s placement), which is a sign that his parrents may separate during his life. Also, those degrees are so called anaretic, because ever 29° has some problems. Pluto transformed William’s and Kate’s relationship since March 2023 (when Pluto entered 0 Aquarius for the first time). The second transit was in January 2024 when Pluto again reentered 0 Aquarius –then we found out she had a surgery. And for the last time, it will be from September – November 2024. In the mean time, there will be one lunation over 29° Capricorn, the Full Moon, and guess when? On 21st June 2024, which is the birthday of Prince William. Both planets, the Moon as well as the Sun, in the horoscope of Prince George are interecepted, so there is a secret, and his parrents have tendecy to hide things. I would there to say that his mother, Princess Kate, is not well at all.What is also a sign that Kate and Diana may have the same destiny is this: in the moment of Diana's death - Fortuna, the most important spot in the chart of everyone (beacuse it describes the relationship between Asc - Sun - Moon), was at 29° Cancer!!!
If we even check progressions for the horoscope of late Dian's death, for now, we can see axis Asc/Desc came at 28°-29° Cancer/28°-29° Capricorn, hitted Prince George natal axis Sun/Moon. This is also not a good sign!
In the chart of Princess Charlote, Kate's and Willam's second child, we can see the Moon's (mother) placement at 20° Libra, so, the solar eclipse at 19° Aries in early April is going to hit her Moon. In Solar Arc, the same Moon is at 29° Libra, the end of sign, which is squaring Prince George's Sun 29° Cancer/Moon 28° Capricorn Full Moon, as well as transit Fortuna at 29° Cancer in the moment of late Diana's death on 31st August, 1997.Moreover, she was born with Asc 5° Cancer, which is exactly at her father's natal Moon (father's wife, i.e. Kate), and the lunar eclipse on 24th March 2024 at 5° Libra is going to hit litttle princess Asc/Desc axis, which is going to be for her a call for transformation.
Sara Rose Hanbury?
Also, Prince William was born with Venus/Chiron conjunction at Algols, in his 5th house, in inconjunction with his Rx Neptune at 25° Sagittarius (conjunct his natal Asc 26° Sagittarius). There may be other woman, also, as Venus is naturally ruler of marriage, we may see here very bad destiny for his marriage, because his partner may get sick, may be very unhappy, as Gorgone Meduse in myth, there may be some sexual violence, like in myth Poseidon raped Gorgone Meduse after he took a from of horse. There are definately love affairs with other woman/women. Both, Jupiter as well as Uranus, are going to cross over his Chiron/Venus conjuction, during the upcoming spring, so probably we are going to find out for his affairs. Moreover, Venus/Chiron conjunction is part of Yod (the finger of God) with Rx Neptune I’ve mentioned, and with Rx Pluto a 24° Libra. There is a other woman, it could be a clear picture of having an affair with a other woman, and there even may be some kid, for there was a ’raping’ in myth.
And , finally, the solar eclipse at 19° Aries, on 8th April, is going to hit the UK Moon in 10th (queen, princess),so, one more sign that royals are under the storm. As you can see, Asc of UK, at 7° Libra, squares Asc at 7° Cancer in the moment when late Princess Diana lost her life.
What I've noticed also, is the placement of the Moon in the Lunar Return chart of the United Kingdom (18th March-15th April 2024). The Moon (woman) is in 8th house, house of death, dangerous.
This period of time, covers two eclipses which I am talking about in this article (24th March the lunar eclipse, and 8th April the solar one).
Here, you can read my article: Coronation of KingCharles III – 6th May 2023; The King Of Transition
My conclusion would be this: If Kate is not literally death, she is in big life transition from one world-into another world, and her life is in dangerous...
When William and Kate gor married, Asc was at 12° Leo - the same degree was Venus' shadow starting point last June (21st June 2023-which is by the way William's birthday). On 4th-5th September 2023, Venus started her direct motion at 12° Leo. I would definately dare to say that something started to happen within their marriage last summer.
~ You can book your personal readings with me in advance, for there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English and Serbian. Contact me via email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com
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