New Populist Italian Government Unsettle Eurozone and the Whole European Union?
again in the European Union – what’s cooking in Italy?
Published: 23 May, 2018 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
On Monday (May 21, 2018) the
Government is to be formed, but there is fear because of its program of
rejection of “belt tightening” and investment into economic growth at the price
of increasing the already huge public debt and budget deficit. If not otherwise
decided by Italian President Sergio Mattarella, the Government – formed by the
Five Star Movement and Northern League who ask for, among other things, banishing
of half a million illegal immigrants from Italy – should also work hard on
“urgent abolishing of sanctions against Russia”.
As stated in the program of the
future Italian Government, Russia is important “economic and trade partner of
Italy” and it is necessary to restore the full cooperation with Russian
President Putin, for the Moscow is the “strategic
partner” of Rome and Europe in world’s focal points like Syria and Libya.
EU institutions are already
preparing defense against sanctions announced by the American President Donald
Trump because of the gas pipeline South Stream 2.
Everything is indicating that Trump
is determined to punish EU and its companies also for rejecting American strict
policy towards Iran. See my article Persian Empire and Transition from 29º Librato 0º Scorpio – The Oil Empire.
These events in the Union and
especially this new strained relationship of EU and USA, as well as huge
changes on the world’s political scene are perceived by the European Union
commentators and European diplomats as the sign of deeper division within EU
that might lead to some rearrangement of strategic relationships between at
least key Union members and Russia.
As a confirmation of that, the
gas pipeline South Stream 2 and the validity of the agreement of the West,
Russia and China with Iran on preventing nuclear weapons development were
supported by the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin and the German Chancellor
Angela Merkel at their meeting in Sochi on Friday.
The Head of White House threatens
to retaliate to European companies if they not abandon business in Iran, for
Washington decided to impose strict sanctions against Iran because of its
perception of Iran breaching the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
that was concluded with Germany, France, Great Britain, China and USA.
Chancellor Merkel and President
Putin determinedly supported that treaty in Sochi for they find it satisfying
and they believe Tehran respects it.
Trump literally blackmailed
Germany and the whole EU by his request to abandon the South Stream 2, the
construction of which was agreed on in Sochi by the German Chancellor Merkel
and the Russian President Putin, although extremely anti-Russian block within
EU – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Denmark, but most of all
the Washington – strongly oppose it.
Trump believes that the South
Stream 2, which is worth 11 billion euros, will only increase EU dependence on
Russian gas import and he offers, instead, for Europe to turn to buying the
more expensive American shale gas.
Washington and its allays within
European Union find it as a huge disadvantage that the South Stream 2
completely takes Ukraine out of the game – Ukraine was until now the key
transit country for supplying Russian gas to Europe that earned around 350
million euros annually from that.
Now that is, at least partly,
removed as the reason against the gas pipeline for it seems that Angela Merkel
managed to talk Putin into having the gas supply partly going through Ukraine
even after the South Stream 2 becomes operational in 2019, when the Russian
company Gazprom planned to shut down the gas supply through Ukrainian obsolete
pipeline and plants that require huge investments Gazprom is not ready to make.
According to Wall Street Journal,
President Trump recently blackmailed Chancellor Merkel in Washington – if they
do not abandon the South Stream 2, USA shall not abandon imposing high customs
on importing European aluminum and steel, including high additional costs of
placement of German cars at the American market.
Within the EU, all eyes are on
tomorrow and Rome, when President Mattarella will decide if the Five Star
Movement and the Northern League will be approved to constitute new government.
So far, they openly expressed their opposition not only towards further EU
integration, but planned in their draft program for Italy, the third economy
within the Eurozone, to exit that same zone if
citizens decide so in a referendum.
French Minister of the Economy Bruno
Le Maire has pretty dramatically warned today that “if the new Italian
government takes the risk of not respecting its commitments on debt and the
deficit, but also the clean-up of the banks, the financial stability of the Eurozone
will be threatened.”
Italian and EU analysts explain
that this turning point in Italy was reached because citizens voted for two
populist parties that emphasized they would do anything to break the existing
system of totally corrupted and bureaucratized parties that are not able to
steer the country and people clear from permanent crisis, including preventing
the flood of illegal immigrants.
In December 2017, the public
opinion survey showed that only 10% of Italians have confidence in political
parties, so many voted for Five Star Movement and the Northern League out of
protest and “because those could not lie to us so far”, and also because they
strongly criticize “Brussel bureaucracy” that imposes “belt tightening” while
bank and the rich ones become even richer.
Especially worrisome for EU
institutions, governments and politicians, who believe it is the time now to
economically and financially strengthen Eurozone, is the fact that new Italian
government will have support from similar forces and parties in other EU
countries because of its “anti-European views”.
Also, it may worsen already
visible north-south division, i.e. the gap between the rich and the poor
members of the European club.
However, European Union is facing changes after Brexit in UK - MC is at 3º Taurus and Uranus will soon transit it and will certainly change its reputation. Then, the Sun, as the ruler of Asc is at 8º Scorpio 32' (which is also Asc of USA, "Horoscopes of USA and Canada" Mark Penfield) and on May 31, 2020 there will be the first opposition of Uranus and the Sun of EU, which is very clear sign of unavoidable changes. It remains to be seen if the existing Union shall transform in order to survive or if the Uranus shall cause the stress. But, Italy is also facing changes, and very soon… Italy’s Pluto at 9º Leo (the ruler of Asc in Scorpio) squares the Sun of European Union (the ruler of EU’s Asc in Leo) at 8º Scorpio, which is clear depiction of Italy being the one to influence the transformation of EU. Later in the text it will be clear why the Grand Fixed Cross across 9º Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius is important!
In Italy’s horoscope (the source
being "The Book of World Horoscopes", Nicholas Campion) there is the
Moon (Italian people) at 4º Scorpio, which is already the sign that next year
(May 29, 2019), when Uranus will make opposition – Italy will see huge changes,
or more precisely, Italian people will want to be free. During October and
November 2019 the Uranus shall be in retrograde motion and will make opposition
once more with the Italy’s Moon! And then again, for the last time, in March 2020!
What caught my eye is the
draconic Venus (finances, economics, but also relations with others, i.e.
diplomacy) of Italy, which is exactly at 0º Taurus 14', as well as the draconic
Saturn (the state, bureaucracy) at 2º Taurus 33'. Is Italy on the road to great
changes in the field of economy? It seems so… The first transit of Uranus over
draconic Venus (economy) of Italy happened yesterday, on May 20, 2018, when
leaders of the Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle) and the Northern League agreed
on the government. Change is in the air already. Then, on November 1, 2018, in
its retrograde motion, Uranus will again cross 0º Taurus 14' (draconic Venus of
Italy). It will happen one more time on March 11/12, 2019. Regarding draconic
Saturn of Italy, it is positioned at 2º Taurus 33' and the first transit of
Uranus is going to happen on August 3, 2018, couple of days before Uranus
starts its retrograde motion at 2º Taurus 34' (August 8, 2018). Now, there is a lunar eclipse to be
added – on July 27, 2018, at 4º Aquarius, which "opens" the Moon (Italian
people) at 4º Scorpio in 12th house (people who were silent may
speak now). I have to add that the Moon is dispositor of natal Venus and Saturn
in the chart of Italy in 8th house (credits, loans from others). But,
before the eclipse at 4º Aquarius, on July 13, 2018 there is a solar eclipse at
20º Cancer, exactly at the conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Italy’s chart –
another sign that a “hot” summer is coming in Italy, at least as the economy is
concerned. Let us briefly go back to draconic Saturn of Italy that is
positioned at 2º Taurus 33'. The first transit of Uranus will happen at the
beginning of August, than the second shortly after, around August 14, 2018 in
retrograde motion and the last third on April 23/24, 2019!
Italy has Scorpio Asc, so I
cannot neglect Pluto (the other, modern ruler of Scorpio) at 9º Leo 58' for in
this year the Mars shall start its retrograde motion from the degree across the
Zodiac – from 9º Aquarius, on June 27, 2018. Mars will again oppose the Pluto
on October 10, 2018, the day of Italy’s lunar return, for at that moment
Italy’s Moon shall be at 3º Scorpio, very close to 4º Scorpio (which is natal
position of the Moon in the chart of Italy). At that moment the Venus (finances)
will be retrograde. Transit Venus will cross Italy’s Moon several times during
autumn 2018 – on September 16/17, 2018, in its direct movement, then on October
24/25, 2018 in retrograde movement and once more on December 9/10, 2018 in
direct movement again.
Why is Pluto at 9º Leo 58' in
Italy’s chart important? On January 1, 1999, when euro replaced national
currencies of EU member states (Italy was a signatory of Treaty of Rome, i.e.
the founder of today’s EU), the progressed Sun (country’s reputation) of Italy
was at 9º Leo 20', but secondary progressed Mercury (ruler of MC – country’s
reputation, government) was also there. That Mercury was retrograde, which was
the sign of possible problems to come… Interestingly, Italy now has secondary
progressed Mercury again at 9º Leo 27', but this time Mercury is in direct
motion – obviously it is the time for change… I will just add that the
secondary progressed Moon of Italy is now at 18º Gemini 36', just about to
cross the natal Sun of Italy at 19º Gemini 09', which will happen in June 2018 –
depiction of new beginning for a country, just like it represents the new
beginning on a personal level.
More interesting facts: Mercury and
Venus in the chart of Italy are “out-of-bounds”, which gives them special
“sensitivity” to transits, as well as to their own movement in progressions, Solar
Arc directions, etc. If a country has out-of-bounds Venus, its economy might be
exposed to a huge risk. Since Mercury is the ruler of MC, describing the
country’s reputation, it is clear why Italian government went through many
atypical situations (from Silvio Berlusconi and his affairs… ).
It is important to emphasize that
both rulers of Asc, Mars and Pluto, are in Leo – Mars at 24º Leo 35' and Pluto at
9º Leo 58', their midpoint at approximately 17º Leo, i.e. very close to 18º Leo,
the point where the solar eclipse will happen on August 11, 2018. Asc of Eu is
also at 18º Leo, depicting the Brussels as the central point. Finally, in the
next years Uranus shall square Pluto at 9º Leo 58' – in June 2020, October 2020
(in retrograde motion) and April 2021.
Important moment for Italian
economy will be the opposition of Saturn with Italy’s Venus and Saturn – on
December 28, 2019 there will be an exact opposition of transit Saturn with the
Venus (economy, relations with the world) across 21º Capricorn 02'/21º Cancer
02'. Soon after, on January 17, 2020 there will be the first and only
opposition of transit Saturn with natal Saturn, and it shall represent the
review in time for Italian system and government.
Both lunar eclipse next summer,
on July 16, 2019 at 24º Capricorn and lunar eclipse at 20º Cancer on January
10, 2020 shall call out the Venus and Saturn of Italy. Only two days later the
long await conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will happen at 22º Capricorn, directly
calling out Venus/Saturn midpoint of Italy. Finally, the transit of Jupiter through
the sign of Capricorn in 2020 and opposition with Venus and Saturn of Italy in
8th house (loans, money from others) may bring problems, for in the
chart of Italy the Jupiter is in Libra in square with the mentioned planets in
Cancer, bringing unrealized expectations.
The position of Solar Arc Venus
at 29º Virgo 48' clearly indicates that Italy is on the verge of economic
change – when it touches 0º Libra it will also make opposition with Chiron in
Aries – sign of challenging times ahead.
When 19 years ago lunar eclipse
at 4º Aquarius called out the Moon of Italy at 4° Scorpio (on July 28, 1999), it
was in the year when Italy was preparing for the use of new currency – euro
(January 1, 2000). Square between 4º Aquarius and 4º Scorpio was the sign that
things might stop halfway. Besides representing the people of Italy, the Moon
is also the dispositor of the Venus (economy, diplomacy) and the Saturn (system,
bureaucracy, state) in Italy’s chart, for both planets are in Cancer (and Moon
is ruling Cancer). But, the Moon also carries the Mercury at 1º Cancer, and Mercury
is the ruler of MC (country’s reputation, government) and 8th house
(credits, loans, debts).

His chart is very interesting, with
secondary Asc/Desc axis presently at 9º Leo51'/9º Aquarius 51', activating the
mentioned Pluto of Italy and present progressed Mercury, but also the
progressed Mercury from 1999 when euro became the official currency of EU. Things
will turn interesting when Mars make a turn and start its retrograde motion
from 9° Aquarius this year, the summer 2018 bringing lots of events and then
October 2018 when Mars in direct motion crosses 9º Aquarius and calls out 9º Leo.
Finally, Italy has Asc/Desc axis across 19º Scorpio/19º Taurus, which is
presently the nodal axis of planet Mars (North Node at 19º Taurus, South Node
at 19º Scorpio). Whatever may be, but energy of Mars is very important for
Italy. Couple of years ago I mapped Italy at axis of Moon’s exaltation and fall
(3º Taurus/3º Scorpio) and emphasized that Mars is strong in Scorpio but weak
in Taurus, remembering the historical event " kidnapping of Sabine women ".
Take a look at my article "Eternal City of Rome and 3º Taurus".
Matteo Salvini (9th March 1973 Milan, Italy, time of birth: unknown), the leader of
North League presently has progressed Sun at 3º Taurus, which means that during
2019 transit Uranus shall call out at the same time the Moon of Italy at 4º Scorpio and Solar Arc Sun of this young
leader, which will be at 4º Taurus! All this shall bring immense changes to
I also need to mention that the
lunar nodes axis has recently crossed 9º Aquarius/9º Leo (North Node/South Node)
and that year 1999 was important for Italy just like this 2018. Then, Italy was
preparing for euro, and now new government announces the possible exiting of
Eurozone. Secondary Moon of Beppe Grillo is presently at 10º Leo, just having
crossed 9º Leo (end of April/beginning of May 2018). But, at the end of 2018
and during 2019 his Solar Arc Asc will be at 18º Leo, i.e. at Asc of the very
European Union, so his contact with it is very certain.
Five Star Movement was founded on
October 4, 2009. Since the time is unknown, and since it is an organization,
ideal solution is to take the noon as the time of founding. When I transferred
that chart into draconic system, I just smiled - draconic Asc/Desc axis is at 9º
Aquarius/9º Leo, confirming all previously said about importance of Mars
transit through Aquarius during summer 2018 and its turn to direct motion at 9º
Recent Full Moon at 9º Scorpio (April
30, 2018) was certainly significant, since negotiations between leaders of Five
Star Movement and North League just ended with agreement on May 20, 2018, but I
have to repeat that very important moment shall be on June 27, 2018 when Mars
starts its retrograde motion and another crossing over 9º Aquarius (in direct
motion), at the beginning of October 2018.
If I tell you now that the lunar
eclipse of July 28, 1999 at 4º Aquarius (repeating this year after 19 years, on
July 27) had transit Mars at 9º Scorpio, than it is completely clear that
astrology confirms repeating of cycles. The last Full Moon (April 30, 2018)
happened exactly at 9º Scorpio, squaring Italy's Pluto at 9º Leo! Also, lunar eclipse at 4º Aquarius this year
shall have transit retrograde Mars at 3º Aquarius 58' (almost at 4º), calling
the Moon of Italy at 4° Scorpio through the square!
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