субота, 11. март 2023.

BRICS and 0 ° Aquarius Published: 11 March, 2023 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP Professional Astrologer


BRICS and 0 ° Aquarius

Published: 11 March, 2023 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP Professional Astrologer


 BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The first four were initially grouped as "BRIC" (or "the BRICs") in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill, who coined the term to describe fast-growing economies that would collectively dominate the global economy by 2050; South Africa was added in 2010.

Brazil, Russia, India, and China are among the world's ten largest countries by population, area, and GDP (gross domestic product based, and the latter three are widely considered to be current or emerging superpowers. All five states are members of the G20

First BRIC summit

 The foreign ministers of the initial four BRIC General states (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) met in New York City in September 2006 at the margins of the 61st Session of General Debate of the UN Assembly, beginning a series of high-level meetings. A full-scale diplomatic meeting was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on 16 June 2009. That moment we should take as some kind of  astrological seed.

I cast the chart for noon (12 pm), as time is un-known. The axis of lunar nodes was over 0 ° Aquarius/0 ° Leo, as you can see, and in 2023 this is the most important axis, for Pluto enters 0 ° Aquarius on 24 March 2023. Transit Pluto over Nort Node could be very powerful if we take the fact that North Node is the spot where we make our future, and having Pluto (big money) there may bring the launching of the BRICS’ currency.

The exact conjunction between transit Pluto and North Node is going to be on 14th February 2024, and what I found as interesting is that transit Mars is going to be at 0° Aquarius in that moment, too. Mars/Pluto together literally represent very powerful energy (gas oil, everything what vibes within the Underworld, even gold, diamonds etc), and 0 ° represents new tehnology.


 The Sun’s placement at 25 ° Gemini, conjunct MC of the Russian Federation – Mars turned retrograde at 25 ° Gemini on 31 October 2022, and it will finish its ’shadow’ in mid March 2023 crossing for the last time over 25 ° Gemini.

Axis Asc/Desc was over 7 ° Virgo/7 ° Pisces and Saturn is going to start its retro motion at 7° Pisces on 18 June 2023. This could be very important year for BRICS, for setting up some important ’pillars’ within this organization. One more time, Saturn is going to be at 7 ° Pisces, for the last time, around 14th February 2024 when Pluto and Mars are going to cross over North Node (which I’ve mentioned already). This is going to be some kind of the final form within the BRICS.     

At 7° Pisces, South Africa has its Vertex, the point of wish, and it has placement in its 7th house (diplomatic relationships). Also, the Russian Federation is going to have over 7° Pisces its Solar Arc Moon during 2023.

In the chart of 61st UN Session (which has been started at 3pm, New York) we can see the fixed T-square where Jupiter (money) at 15 ° Scorpio is the focal planet, making squares with Neptune in 2nd house and Saturn in 8th house. Both houses, 2/8, are houses of money,loans, investments.  On 5th May 2023 there is going to be the lunar eclipse at 14 °-15 ° Scorpio, ’hitting’ this fixed T-square. In Solar Arc directions, the same Jupiter came at 0 ° Sagittarius during 2022. When some planet comes at 0 ° of new sign it is a big sign that the new period is coming. I would add that draco chart of 61st UN Session has axis IC/MC over 29 ° Aries/29 ° Libra, which is going to be ’hitted’ on 20th April 2023 with the solar eclipse at 29 ° Aries, as well as with transit Pluto at 29 ° Capricorn/0 ° Aquarius. Also, I would add that Asc was at 0° Capricorn when 61st UN Session has been started - in 2023 Saudia Arabia has its progressed Sun at 0° Capricorn - Saudia Arabia also wants to join BRICS.

By the way, in my mundane work, I mapped Persian Empire (today’s Iran) at 29 ° Libra/0 ° Scorpio, and as we know – Iran wants to join BRICS too. So, the solar eclipse on 20th April 2023 may be some kind of the starting point for Iran too.


Draco Moon was at 3 ° Gemini, exactly where Vladimir Putin has his natal Moon. Dmitri Medvedev has his natal Moon at 29 ° Aries, conjunct draco IC of the 61st UN Session. 

  Vladimir Putin’s Solar Arc Moon’s placement on 16th June 2009 was at 29 ° Cancer/0 ° Leo, ’calling out’ the axis 0 ° Leo/0 ° Aquarius. In 2023, Putin’s Solar Arc Jupiter is going to be at 0° Leo. Jupiter is in his natal 8th house (investments, loans) and the ruler of his OOB (out-of-bounds) Mars at Galactic Center, and Mars is ruler of his Scorpio Asc. Better say-Mars is representing himself, and Jupiter is his final dispositor. So, having Solar Arc Jupiter at 0 ° Leo means a lot, like he is going to start in 2023 something so so big and powerful within the BRICS.  Zero degree of each sign means the starting seed, some new life is coming, but specially at 0 ° Leo we have very powerful start. It’s like the ’new kingdom’ is going to be born!

India got its independence on 15th August 1947, midnight, Delhi (Asc 0 ° Gemini, MC 14 ° -15 ° Aquarius, Moon 27 ° Cancer). If we check the Solar Arc of India for 16th June 2009 (1st BRIC’s summit), we can see the axis of lunar nodes over 29 ° Cancer/29 ° Capricorn. Again we can conclude that the tranistion point of Pluto over 29 ° Capricorn/0 ° Aquarius, which is happening in 2023, may be the spot of BRICS within the Zodiac.


If we do progressions for the horoscope of Brazil (21 April, 1960 – day when Brazilia was inaugurated as the new capital of the country) for 16th June 2009, we can see secondary progressed Asc at 29 ° Cancer, which ’hitted’ 29 ° Capricorn/0 ° Aquarius.



Lula de Silva, the current President of Brazil, and the President of Brazil during the 1st summit of BRIC, had his progressed Moon at 1° Aquarius on 16th June 2009, just finishing crossing over 0 ° of Aquarius during May 2009.

In the horoscope of Communist China, we can see the position of its draconic Pluto (big money, financial power, the biggest energy) at 0 ° Leo, which ’hits’ 0 ° Aquarius. Pluto is ruler of MC in the chart of China, and represents its status, leaders.


Dmitri Medvedev was the President of the Russian Federation in the moment of 1st BRICK Summit. As I’ve said already, he has Moon’s placement at 29 ° Aries, and this Moon is going to be hitted on 20th April 2023 with the solar eclipse at the same degree. At the same moment, his secondary progressed Moon is going to cross over 9 ° Gemini (Aldebaran royal star, the Watcher of East).  

Entry of South Africa

 In 2010, South Africa began efforts to join the BRIC grouping, and the process for its formal admission began in August of that year.South Africa officially became a member nation on 24 December 2010, after being formally invited by China to join[ and subsequently accepted by other BRIC countries. The group was renamed BRICS – with the "S" standing for South Africa – to reflect the group's expanded membership. In April 2011, the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, attended the 2011 BRICS summit in Sanya, China, as a full member.

When South Africa joined BRICS (on 24 December 2010) its secondary progressed MC (reputation of the country) was at 9 ° Gemini (IC was at 9 ° Sagittarius-conjunct other royal star, Antares, the Watcher of West. In late August 2023 there is going to be BRICS’ Summit in South Africa. Secondary progressed Sun of South Africa is crossing over its Venus 17 ° Gemini (ruler of its MC) during 2023, so we may expect that South Africa is going to take some very big and important role within BRICS’ Summit in late August 2023.  

For example, secondary progressed Moon of South Africa is going to cross over 9 °-10 ° Sagittarius in late July/early August 2023, and solar Arc axis Asc/Desc of South Africa is  going to be over 7 ° Virgo/7 ° Pisces which is putting all attention again over Vertex of South Africa at 7 ° Pisces (which I’ve mentioned above). As you know, Saturn will turn retro at 7 ° Pisces on 18th June 2023 and again cross over the same point around 14 February 2024 when  Pluto (together with Mars at 0 ° Aquarius) is going to make exact conjunction with North Node of 1st BRIC’s Summit.



Also, I would add that the Indian Empire had Venus (ruler of its Asc) at 9 ° Sagittarius, and that secondary progessed Mercury of Indian Empire was on 9 ° Gemini on 16th June 2009 (1st BRIC’s Summit). When the late Queen Victoria became the Empress of Indian Empire on 1st January 1877- her Solar Arc Asc was at 0 ° Leo, and her Solar Arc Moon was at 29 °  Cancer. And, Solar Arc Saturn of Indian Empire is going to be at 29 ° Cancer during 2023  

If we progress the chart of Indian Empire for the moment when it got its independence from Britishs, we can see axis Asc/Desc over 9 ° Sagittarius/9 ° Gemini, over Antares/Aldebaran, i.e. the Watcher of West/the Watcher of East. This is one of the most powerful axis and for sure speaks about the importance of balance between estearn and western values which could be something possible within the organization as BRICS is .

The current Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has his secondary progressed Asc in 2023 at 0 ° Aquarius, which will be ’hitted’ with transit Pluto.

It seams that within the BRICS – India, Russia as well as South Africa are going to make some important new steps and to start new world order (0 ° Aquarius).  

The New Development Bank – The BRICS Tower

 The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). According to the Agreement on the NDB, "the Bank shall support public or private projects through loans, guarantees, equity participation and other financial instruments." Moreover, the NDB "shall cooperate with international organizations and other financial entities, and provide technical assistance for projects to be supported by the Bank."

The bank is headquartered in Shanghai, China. The first regional office of the NDB is in Johannesburg, South Africa. The second regional office was established in 2019 in São Paulo, Brazil, followed by GIFT City, India and Moscow, Russia.

History of NDB

The idea for setting up the bank was proposed by India at the 4th BRICS summit in 2012 held in Delhi. The creation of a new development bank was the main theme of the meeting. BRICS leaders agreed to set up a Development bank at the 5th BRICS summit held in Durban, South Africa on 27 March 2013.

On 20 July 2016, the first annual meeting of the NDB Board of Governors was held in Shanghai. Take a look where was transit Moon at noon? It was at 0 ° Aquarius, where Pluto is going to be from 24th March 2023 on...

Pluto is going to cross over 0 ° Aquarius several times during 2023 and 2024. In 2024 it will go retrogade backward in Capricorn again, standing at 29 ° Capricorn for the last time in October/November 2024 when it will enter again 0 ° Aquarius. Already in June 2023 retrograde Pluto will be again at 29 ° Capricorn until Jan/Feb 2024 when again it enters 0 ° Aquarius. What I want to say is that in next two years BRICS is going to spread its wings.

The New World Order is coming, the new currency is coming, which is going to make balance between two different worlds.

 Regarding 29° Capricorn/0° Aquarius I would just add that I've mapped Turkey there too, so it would be interesting to watch is Turkey going to join BRICS too. For now we know that Turkey showed some wish to join BRICS.

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