Are We Safe? ’ART’ as part of A_I
Spring 2024 Eclipses
Published: 24th March, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP
When Rishi Sunak became the Prime Minister, on 25th October 2022, he has made AI one of the priorities of his government, announcing that the UK would host a global AI Safety conference in autumn 2023. And, that happend!
Chiron was at 13° Aries sitting exactly
at MC of King Charles III. It was the solar eclipse day (2 Scorpio – at 3
degree Moon falls), which means the Moon (woman/women, people) was combusts (’burnt’)
by the Sun (King). Venus (art) was also at Moon’s fall degree, which was the
clear picture of Persephone who travels to the Underworld, to Hades, in oreder
to be changed, transformed. IC/MC axis
went over axis Asc/Desc of the House of Windsor, and over the solar eclipse’s
point on 8th April 2024 (at 19 ° Aries). Soon, we are going to face with the
outcome of using AI within royals as well as the whole global elite all over
the world. Just, stay tuned, and watch!
More to come!
Transit Mars (harming) was at 24 ° Gemini, conjuncting transit Moon (people, woman/women) on 1st November 2023. And, what happens on 1st November 2023, one year after Rishi became the PM?
The AI Safety Summit was an international conference discussing the safety and regulation of artificial intelligence. It was held at Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, on 1–2 November 2023. It was the first ever global summit on artificial intelligence, and is planned to become a recurring event.
Bletchley Park was a World War II codebreaking facility established by the British government on the site of a Victorian manor and is in the British city of Milton Keynes. It has played an important role in the history of computing, with some of the first modern computers being built at the facility.
As on Monday 25th March 2024, the lunar eclipse at 5 ° Libra is happening, look where was Asc (for noon) on 1st November 2023? It was at 5 ° Capricorn, which means that the upcoming lunar eclipse is ’calling-out’ axis Asc/Desc of 1st AI Safety Summit. This is a big sign we are living very important time.
Right now, there are rumors, how AI is part of Princess’ Kate photos, videos. Let’s check her tertiary Moon for 1st-2nd November 2023.
Why tertiary?
Because, tertiary Moon is the faster, it moves 1 degree per 2 and a half days. So, for 1st-2nd November 2023, Kate’s tertiary Moon was believer or not at 4 °-5 ° Capricorn, at Asc of 1st AI Safety Summit, which means that the upcoming eclipse on 25th March 2024 opens the gate, definately. I would just remind you that Prince William, has his natal Moon (wife), intercepted (secret) in 7th (marraige) at 4 °-5 ° Cancer, combust (’burnt’) by the Sun (King). So, we are getting 5 ° of cardinal signs as very important for AI, and we may suspect that rumors regarding Kate’s photos, as well as last video she showed up with statement that she got cancer – may be correct. Yes, AI may be involved.
And there is more in the favour that AI may be involved regarding royals photos, videos. On 1st -2nd November 2023, tertiary progressed Moon (wife) of Prince William was at 5 ° Libra (the eclipse point on 25th March 2024).At the same time, his tertiary progressed Sun (father, King, moving by the way 1 degree per one month) was at 4 °-5 ° Capricorn, well well well.... , there are too many signs that AI is involved. So, the first lunar eclipse in 2024 should open AI saga for royals and we should be open for more discovering, more truth...
28 countries at the summit, including the United States, China, and the European Union, have issued an agreement known as the Bletchley Declaration, calling for international co-operation to manage the challenges and risks of artificial intelligence. Emphasis has been placed on regulating "Frontier AI", a term for the latest and most powerful AI systems. Concerns that have been raised at the summit include the potential use of AI for terrorism, criminal activity, and warfare, as well as existential risk posed to humanity as a whole.
The president of the United States, Joe Biden, signed an executive order requiring AI developers to share safety results with the US government. The US government also announced the creation of an American AI Safety Institute, as part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
The following individuals attended the summit:
Rishi Sunak, prime minister of the United Kingdom
Kamala Harris, vice president of the United States
Charles III, king of the United Kingdom (attending virtually)
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, owner of Twitter, SpaceX, Neuralink, and xAI
Giorgia Meloni, prime minister of Italy
Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI
Nick Clegg, former British politician and president of global affairs at Meta Platforms
Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind
Michelle Donelan, UK secretary of state for Science, Innovation and Technology
Věra Jourová, the European Commission’s vice-president for Values and Transparency
Gina Raimondo, United States secretary of commerce
Wu Zhaohui, Chinese vice-minister of science and technology
King Charles III attended virtually, that is interesting, indeed. I told you at the beginning, transit Chiron (wounding) was at 13 ° Aries (when Rishi became the PM and when he visited King Charles for the first time), conjunct King’s natal MC (his reputation), and it is interesting that draconic Sun’s placement of 1st AI Safety Summit was at 13 ° Libra, which is the placement of King’s IC. Over 13° Cancer/13 ° Capricorn, Prince William, the husband of Princess Kate, has his natal axis North Node/South Node,and during March/April (eclipse time), William’s progressed Moon (wife) is exactly at 13 ° Capricorn, conjunct his South Node (possible loss).But, as you can see, all regarding the 1st Safety AI Summit , was set up over 13 ° of cardinal signs.
Don't forget, the US has its Sun (President) at 13° Cancer, as well as Vladimir Putin (the President of Russian Federation) has his natal Sun at 13° Libra.
Draconic Mars (harming) of summit was at 19 ° Libra (the Sun’s fall degree-King will fall), and that was squaring Moon 19 ° Cancer of the UK, as well as Princess’ Kate natal Moon 18 °-19 ° Cancer in her 12th (secret enermy) and her natal Sun (ruler of her Asc) at 19 ° Capricorn. Isn’t it interesting that King Charles had in that moment his progressed Venus (ruler of his IC- the way how we end this life, as well as ruler of his natal Moon at 0 Taurus (mother, and all females within royals) ) at 19 ° Capricorn! After all Venus is all about art too, and AI has within itself word – art! Be aware!
Well, the solar eclipse at 19 ° Aries is coming, on 8th April 2024, and it seams that both eclipses, the lunar one on 25th March 2025 at 5 Libra, as well as the solar one two weeks after, are very involved into AI.
If I tell you now that secondary progressed Moon of Joe Biden (the US President) was at 19 ° Aries on 1st-2nd November 2023, you are going to make your own puzzle.
Let’s keep our eyes on King Charles for a while, why? Because, his tertiary Moon on 1st-2nd November 2023 was at 7 ° Capricorn! When Daily mail published photo of Kate and William and their ’visit’ to Windsor Farm shop (in order to calm public who has been asking for a while ’’Where is Kate?’’), on Monday 18th March 2024 (00:14 GMT), transit Moon was at 7 ° Cancer (which was by the way Asc when Princess Diana lost her life in ’car accident’), which is opposite 7 ° Capricorn. So, this means that rumors regarding Windsor Farm shop-are correct, that’s true.
Keep on mind that the UK has in its chart Asc/Desc axis 7 ° Libra/7 ° Aries, which squares axis 7 ° Cancer/7 ° Capricorn which I’ve mentioned.
7 ° Libra is going to be the midpoint ’spot’ of two eclipses this year, one is happening at 5 ° Libra, the lunar one (on 25th March 2024), and the other one is happening in early October (2nd October)2024 at 10 ° Libra, and it is the solar one this time. So, this all is very occurate.
The House of Windsor was established on 17th July 1917 (time set up for noon), Asc/Desc 20 ° Aries/20 ° Libra (which is axis IC/MC in the moment when Rishi visited King Charles for the first time as PM), which means the upcoming eclipse at 19 ° Aries in early April 2024 is hittting this axis, and some things must go into the surface. But, there is axis IC/MC over 7 ° Cancer/7 ° Capricorn too, which makes all this (regarding using AI) much more visible.
Transit Moon on 1st November 2023 was at 24 ° Gemini (double, twins) in square with Rx Neptune (actor/s), and in square with Venus (doll) at 22 ° Virgo, where Venus falls. Interesting, Asc/Desc axis of Kamala Harris, the vice president of the US, goes over 24 ° Gemini/24 °Sagittairus. At the same degree, at 24 ° Gemini, Princess Kate right now has her tertiary North Node (future Kate), and her tertiary Mars (harming), which is moving 1 degree per 2 and a half months, at 19 ° Cancer, which is part of the upcoming solar eclipse at 19 ° Aries on 8th April 2024.
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was born on 22 April 1985. During 2024, period around 21st April 2024 is very important from the point of view of astrology because Jupiter and Uranus are going to meet at 21 °-22 ° Taurus, around star RANA (Eridanus constellation) which is speaking about Zeus (always it is the US) who sends thunderstorms on Phaeton who drives very fast his golden car and who may bring fire to the whole world.Well, if we hear around 21st of April 2024 on news that some planes are falling, take it as this: maybe AI plays with us and we are just watchng 3D movie in order ’new global agenda’ stop us, ordinary people, to fly. Maybe ’climate agenda’ is going to be excuse...
Sam was born as double Taurus, with Sun at 2 ° Taurus, and Asc at 0 ° Taurus (conjunct King’s Charles natal Moon), and his Venus (making photos, art), ruler of Asc and the Sun, is retro and at 6 ° Aries, which means the upcoming lunar eclipse is going to hit him too. I will add his Venus is (beside she is retro) she is in 12th (secret), and in intercepted (secret) Aries. So, definately his Venus is capable to be part of AI and to ’play’ with us.
Let’s check others too. For example, Ursula von der Leyen (who attends summit too), the President of EU Comission, was born with Venus (photos) at 5 ° Libra – the lunar eclipse point on 25th March 2024.
Isn’t it interesting that artificial intelligence has within itself word – ART, so, it is all about Venus, the one who was born from Uranus’ (tehnology, blood, airplanes, airports, flying), after Saturn (system) cut Uranus masculine organ, i.e. penis. That’s why I am always speaking about Venus in the favour of every war, every revolution, every protest. She is all the rest, but not love by default...
Are We Safe?
Well, I would say that spring 2024 is going to show us a lot, regarding AI, and, definately, royals are not safe, as well as everony who has in his/her chart something over 5 °-7 °-13 °- 19 ° of cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
Keep on mind that around 20-21 April 2014, we had the Grand Cardinal (Easter) Cross over 13 degrees, Uranus was at 13 of Aries, Pluto at 13 of Capricorn, Jupiter at 13 Cancer, as well as Mars around 13 Libra. Russia took Crimea, and there was referendum. People of Crimea choosed to be part of Russia.
My article on Kate’s issue you can read here: What Happens with Kate?
And, all has been strated with Mother's day photo, which was published on Instagram of Kate and William. Soon, after, photo was banned, and makred as photosop. If we cast the chart for 10th March 2024, noon, transit Fortuna (the most important spot 'cause it reprsents the relationship between Asc, Sun and the Moon) was at 19 ° Cancer, exactly over Kate's natal Moon, over Moon of the UK, and by default it was part of Grand Cardinal Cross over 19 ° , which is part of AI .
It stays we wait to see what these two eclipses are bringing us, and yes, I would listen rumors, for, there is definately something wrong with photos, videos, etc.
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On my Fb, I've published one post on the upcoming lunar eclpse, so, here you can read it too: