субота, 10. децембар 2016.

Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart Published: December 12, 2016 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart
Published: December 12, 2016 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Lauren Bacall, an actress with a mysterious look who got a chance to act in “film noir” because of her natural elegance and raspy voice (described by many as the most seductive voice in the history of movies), has in her natal chart the Venus in Leo in square with the Saturn from Scorpio. She met Humphrey Bogart – her great love – in 1944 while filming the movie “To Have and Have Not“! I would say that the movie title somehow implied the final result of their relationship…

Venus square Saturn

As we know, Venus in a non-harmonious aspect with Saturn is depiction of a considerably older partner (which was the case here, Humphrey being 25 years older than Lauren), but also the relationship that is limited in time… Venus at 7º Leo 14’ is very important in the chart of Lauren Bacall, because it represents the tip of a T-square with Saturn at 0º Scorpio 14’ and Moon at 28º Aries 37’. Through its dispositor (Sun) it goes to Virgo (the sign of Venus fall, the sign of solitude…), and Bogart left Lauren on January 14, 1957, when he died after the long and hard battle with illness (he died of throat cancer).

“I am really happy to have been married to Boggy and to have had such a fantastic relationship with him, although it was short (13 years)... I was stubborn, and he was patient, dear and funny, resourceful… man of honor and integrity, man who lived the life according to the Ten Commandments. Most of the time I felt awed by him…”

In 1944 Lauren was only 20 (Venus period) and had successful modeling career, while Humphrey was 45, had two failed marriages and was in the third that was not a lot better than the previous two. Humphrey Bogart grew up in a family where the kiss was unusual and rare display of affection (Venus - kiss, in Capricorn – rigidity, cold relations...), which later reflected in his emotional life. He was not known for his affairs, and he had a great capacity for tolerance (ruler of Ascendant in Taurus is the Venus at 28º Capricorn), but then she happened – Lauren Bacall! Her cat eyes and seductive glance won the famous Bogart. He was enchanted by her looks, beauty, openness and directness, and he could talk for hours about loving her. She was fascinated by his experience. He named her “Baby“, and called her that even when talking to other people, until the end of his life... Lauren Bacall was his first infidelity, his first and only affair with the leading female role.

The Venus (girl) in Bogart’s chart goes through its dispositor (Saturn) to the sign prone to affairs – Sagittarius, and to opposition with Neptune from Gemini! Also, there is applicative sextile of Saturn (Venus’ dispositor) with Moon (family) in Libra, in 6 (job), so with this young actress Bogart later had a family (they have two children, a son and a daughter), and he was also her partner in movies “The Big Sleep“, “Dark Passage“ and “The Key Largo“...

The first meeting...

She was very nervous while filming their first movie “To Have and Have Not“. In order to cover shivering she lowered her chin and looked at up the camera. That pose became famous as “The Look“, her trademark. All that enchanted Bogart, but little afraid of the huge age difference and possibility that she might leave him after couple of years for someone younger, he told her – “I was born again when you kissed me, I died when you left me. I lived for couple of weeks while you loved me.“ Young Lauren replied: “It does not matter how long it will last, better three years than none, but while it lasts – let it be beautiful...

So it was, and lasted longer than three years, beautiful all the time… This legendary couple of the “silver Hollywood“ was remembered by their movies and the everlasting romance of which Lauren still speaks today with the awe and great love for Bogart…

Bogart has Ascendant in Taurus, the sigh that loves family life, and the Venus (the ruler of Taurus) in Capricorn that loves tradition, family life, safety… On the other hand, Lauren has Ascendant in Cancer, and the cusp of 7 (marriage, partner) in Capricorn (in conjunction with Bogart’s Venus). As we can see, the ruler of Bogart’s Ascendant is in the sign of Capricorn, which is the sign of domicile for the ruler of 7 (Saturn) Lauren Bacall. All these are signs that Bogart might be a good partner for Bacall, as she is good partner for him. Her Ascendant is in Cancer, and the ruler – Moon, in Aries – the sign of domicile for the ruler of 7 (Mars) of Bogart.

I will add that Venus in Bogart’s chart is the planet describing his fourth marriage, so it is important for this analysis. Also, Bogart’s Moon (emotions, closeness) touched the cusp of Lauren’s 4 (closeness), while her Venus (series 7) is in his 4th house (closeness), Sun (natural representative of the series 5) in 5th house (love), and Moon activated the intercepted sign of Aries in his 12th house, so she was somebody who could feel his hidden (interception) inner world very well… All that was more than enough for love to emerge, apart from the fact that in the chart of Lauren Bacall there are indications of an older partner...

Although it is good to primarily focus to 7th house in marriage analysis, we must take into account that Lauren Bacall was Bogart’s fourth wife, so here her 1st house should be also analyzed for that house describes the fourth marriage (first marriage is 7, second marriage is 3rd house from 7 – which is 9, third marriage is the third house from 9 – which is 11, and fourth marriage is the third house from 11 – which is 1st house). In both cases (when looking at both her 7th house – house primarily describing the marriage, and her 1st house – fourth marriage) – Venus in Leo is the planet which is the tip of the T-square!

It is interesting that the first house (fourth marriage) start at 27º Cancer 43’, almost at the degree of Mars’ fall, so this describes Bogart, who participated in WWI and was wounded. He volunteered for WWII, but was refused because of his age. The first house is also occupied by Venus (essential signifier of relations, representative of series 7) which is the tip of a T-square with Moon at 28º Aries 37’ and Saturn at 0º Scorpio 14’. All that is depiction of a marriage that is limited in time, a family life that will become filled with sorrow, illness and finally death… (all that Saturn in Scorpio is). As I have already mentioned – dispositor of Venus in Leo is Sun in Virgo, which finally describes the result of this relationship – loneliness...

The wedding – May 1945

Bogart divorced his third wife in February 1945, and on May 21 the same year he married Lauren Bacall. All three former wives of Bogart were actresses, as was his last, the fourth one – Lauren Bacall. On the wedding day (May 21, 1945) transit Venus was at 21º Aries 02’ (direct, but still in the shadow), and in a wide separation square with Saturn at 8º Cancer 40’, so it is not strange that that date was selected for the wedding, for the square between Venus and Saturn is something that lasts in the chart of Lauren Bacall. Even if they had selected some later day, when Venus changed the sign, entered Taurus, left the shadow and made sextile with Saturn from Cancer – that would have not changed the destiny of this relationship, for the natal chart is always the basis for a life story…

If we take a look at secondary progressions of Lauren for the wedding day, we see secondary Moon (emotions, closeness, natural representative of series 4, here the ruler of her Asc, but also of the house describing the fourth marriage) at 0º Aquarius, in exact square with her natal Saturn at 0º Scorpio (ruler of her 7 – marriage), and in square with Venus from Davison relationship chart (joint horoscope) at 29º Aries 55’ (almost at 0º Taurus).

Even if planets from progression had harmonious aspects with natal and Davison planets, the final result would still have remained the same, for Lauren has in her natal chart relationship that is limited in time. I wish to add that the position of Venus in Davison at 29º (as the ruler of 7 – what relationship turns out to be in time, but also the younger person in the relationship —Lauren) one of signs that this relationship cannot last in time, although it is special (29º)... Here we may guess that it is about some karmic relationship between those two people, where one of them somehow leaves and leaves behind the emptiness in the life of the other…

The first Saturn return of Lauren Bacall

At the end, let us look at the first Saturn return of Lauren Bacall.

It happened in her 29th year, and since in this chart every house describes the period of about 2.5 years, it is interesting to look at the 2nd house, for this house describes the period her husband died (January 14, 1957). Chiron (wound, pain) is at the cusp of this house, and Saturn is the ruler of the 2nd house, just have been crossed over by the Sun (husband) – dispositor of her natal Venus at 7º Leo 14’, which is at the tip of T-square in her chart. All this is depiction of a possible loss (Saturn) of a husband (Sun) due to death (Scorpion) which certainly brings her the pain (Chiron)... This exact conjunction of the Sun and Saturn at 0º Scorpio also made opposition with Venus from Davison at 29º Aries 55’ (almost at 0º Taurus)...

Death horoscope

The very moment of Bogart’s death speaks of how much his relation with Lauren meant to him. Bogart died on January 14, 1957 at 02:25 (Los Angeles, California). Ascendant in that moment was at 21º Scorpio 18’, almost at the Ascendant in Davison (20º Scorpio 32’), and the ruler Mars was at 21º Aries (where transit Venus was at the day of their wedding), where Davison Mercury was, as well as the tip of T-square with the Moon in Capricorn and Mars-Neptune conjunction in Cancer.

Mercury rules 8 (the death of the older in the relationship, meaning Bogart) in Davison and at about 21 º Aries there was then a star from the constellation of Cetus (Baten Kaitos – Belly of the Whale), of Saturn nature, which often implies someone’s health is in jeopardy, and also implies the use of alcohol (which was true for Bogart)...

Life after Bogart’s death...

Although she had a short relationship with famous Frank Sinatra and was married to the actor Jason Robards (1961–1969) after Bogart’s death, in her biographies “Lauren Bacall By Myself“ (1978) and “Now“ (1994) Lauren Bacall wrote – “It is good to know, to be able to live alone… It is only necessary to accept…”, which fits in the disposition of her Venus in Leo (as the tip of T-square) – Sun at 23º Virgo..., and in the aspect – Venus/Saturn square...

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