недеља, 7. јул 2019.

ZEBRAS #IAM26 July/August 2019 – order your digital/hard copy!

ZEBRAS #IAM26 July/August 2019 – order your digital/hard copy!


Dear readers, #IAM26 July/August 2019 is out!
We call it ZEBRAS
And, this time, we have two covers, we couldn’t resist…
Readers now can choose which cover will stand face up on their coffee-table…
Enjoy summer and keep our IAM in your hands, wherever you are…
You can order your digital/hard copy here

Kazan, Oktobar 2024- 16.Samit BRICS-a Objavljeno: 24.Oktobar,2024 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP

  Kazan,  Oktobar 2024- 16.Samit BRICS-a Objavljeno: 24.Oktobar,2024 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP   Od 22. do 24. oktobra 2024, u gr...