петак, 31. мај 2024.

The New Moon on 6th June 2024, at RIGEL star (The Great Hunter, Orion) The Big Storm_y Is Coming Published: 31st May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


The New Moon on 6th June 2024, at RIGEL star (The Great Hunter, Orion)

The Big Storm_y Is Coming

Published: 31st May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


The upcoming New Moon on 6th June 2024, is going to be placed at 16 Gemini 18’, it will be OOB (’out-of-bounds), and it will be in conjunction with the most important star within the Orion constellation – RIGEL star. Rigel has nature Jupiter-Mars, and Orion contellation starts at 9 Gemini 05’, ends at 6 Cancer 29’.

The New Moon is always ’combust’ Moon by the Sun, and with this New Moon we have also Venus (the symbol of revolution, civil war, because she was born from Uranus’ blood). This New Moon also runs into square with Saturn at 18 Pisces.

 Problems with women


RIGEL star was very prominent in the horoscope of late US president, JFK, he was Libra 20 Asc, with Venus (ruler of Asc) in 8th (death, dangerous) exactly at 16 Gemini (RIGEL star). This Venus in square with the Moon at 17 Virgo – right now, transit Saturn is across, at 18 Pisces, so we have the similar pattern.  He was living the archetype of Orion in full sense – problems with women, very handsome man, popular.  JFK natal Sun was placed at 7-8 Gemini (very close to 9 Gemini where Orion constellation starts). In myth, Orion was killed by the goddess Artemisia, the goddess who protects slaves, animals. Orion was her great love, and as she was falling in love, she started to forget to put the Moon on the sky during nights. Her twin brother Apolo (the god of the Sun) noticed something happens. After Apolo discovers that his twin sister loves Orion, he decided to kill him. He sends too much sunshine into her eyes, and by mistake, Artemisia kills Orion with her arrow. When she finds out what she did, she is begging her relative Asclepius (the god of medicine, the son of her twin brother Apolo) to help her, and to save Orion, but scorpions were sent on Asclepius, and Asclepius can’t help him. In real life, this looks like this: there is going to be someone who is very well trained to shot some big leader, his/her arrow (gun) will shot the target. The best doctor ever (Asclepius) won’t be able to save this leader, and big leader may die. Artemisia, as Moon’s goddess too, put the death body of Orion in her silver chariot, and she gave him special place in heaven. This all is an image of some big furneal of some great leader. Orion is usually tall man, with strong arms, and very open to look into the direction of East too, ’cause, in myth, Orion is meeting with his biggest awaking in the moment when he, one morning, watching in the Sun, and the Sun is rising in the East.  The presence of East is also here within 9 Gemini (the beggining of Orion constellation), because at 9 Gemini we have the royal star ALDEBARAN (Taurus constellation), which is well-known as ’Watcher of East’, and always linked with the great power which comes from East (Russia, UAE, Egypt, etc). For me, it is very interesting that Donald Trump has his draconic (past life horsocope) Asc at 9 Gemini!


Donald Trump has also the star Rigel in his chart, it’s his Uranus at 17 Gemini in his 10th (his status, reputation).



If we cast the New Moon chart for Washington D.C, we can see Asc at 24 Cancer (conjunct Trump’s draco Chiron-wound), which is the midpoint of Trump’s natal Venus 25 Cancer and Saturn at 23 Cancer.But, I have to tell you that JFK has his MC at 23 Cancer 47’!!! It means, that this New Moon puts into focus Trumps Venus/Saturn conjunction from Cancer, and Saturn is not so strong in Cancer (the sign of Saturn’s exile). Venus is ruler of his MC at 24 Taurus (transit Uranus is in the moment of the New Moon at Rigel exactly at 24 Taurus, conjunct Trump’s natal MC), speaking about Trump’s reputation, status.  Very close, at 26 Taurus, there is star Algol, and Algol is well-know for justice/injustice.  Also, Algol always speaks about some 'raped' woman (Gorgon Medusa) who wants a revenge. This could be a clear image of Storm_y Daniels!

In the moment when I am writting this article, there is a news: ’ Trump has been convicted’.


So, the upcoming New Moon at Trump’s natal Uranus at Rigel, in his 10th, may bring literally storm, ’cause, Orion is linked with storms, chaos with weather.

If we check Antisica New Moon spot, we can see it is placed at 13 Cancer, conjunct the Sun of the US, and at 13 Cancer we have the brightes star, Sirus (’Watcher of Europe’), the first one next to the first one, the bodyguard of president, systems of security, alarms, etc. It’s not rare, that at 13 Cancer, the ’loyal dog’ (bodyguard) can pull away his support, and his lord may be ’eaten’. At Sirius, there was JFK Sout Node (the spot of loss).So, definatelly, with this New Moon at 16 Gemini (Rigel star) we are having the same energy as we had when JFK died. And, Trump is involved.

Hiroshima and Rigel

Let’s see more. The Rigel star was very activated in August 1945, on 6th August, in the moment of bombing of Hiroshima. MC, as well as Uranus, were at 16 Gemini, believer or not! Mars (naturally malefic) was at 9 Gemini (the starting point of Orion constellation, the placement of royal star Aldebaran  -’Watcher of East’). As I’ve told you, Trump’s draconic Asc is at 9 Gemini, and JFK’s natal Sun is there too. I would mention one EU leader who has his natal Sun at 9 Gemini – it is Hungarian PM Victor Orban, the only one within the EU who looks into the direction of the East. Moreover, his Solar Arc Venus (and his Libra rising –as JFK was) is during 2024 at 13 Cancer (Sirus star)-so his bodyguards may ’pull away ’protection. 


 Also, I would ad that Asc of bombing of Hiroshima was t 17 Virgo – conjunct JFK’s natal Moon (ruler of his MC at 23-24 Cancer, where is Trump’s midpoint Venus/Saturn). 


If you cast draconic chart for Hiroshima event, we get draco Asc at  9 Gemini,as well as draco Jupiter (spreading of problems) at 17 Gemini (conjunct Rigel star, as well as Trump’s natal Uranus).Also, I would keep eyes on Moon/Saturn here at 9 Aries, 'cause on 1st October 2024 we are having the solar eclipse at 10 Libra, and in late March 2025 we are having the solar eclipse at 9 Aries, so, more to come!


Specially, I would keep eyes on Antiscia (mirror chart) of Hiroshima. Why? There you can notice axis of lunar nodes over 21 Gemini (South node)/21 Sagittarius (North node) –this is the axis of Trump’s lunar eclipse in his chart, as well as this axis is axis you need to have in order to enter the White House (my article on this topic you can read if you click here ). At 21 Gemini, there is Mars (malefic planet) in the horoscope of the US, and the same Mars is in square with Neptune at 22 Gemini. Around 20-22 Gemini (where Trump’s natal Sun is placed too), there are stars BELATRIKS and MITAKA, both are from Orion constellation, one speaks on left arm of Orion, the other one speaks on western part of Orion waist.So, we can say that Trump’s weak spot may be –his left arm, as well as area of his waist. 


On 9th October 2024, transit Jupiter will turn retro, at 21 Gemini, which could be the start of turning point regaring Trump and the upcoming US election in November 2024. In that moment, Pluto finally turns direct, at 29 Capricorn (conjunct JFK natal Fortuna-the most important spot ’cause it represents the realation between Asc-Sun-Moon), and it is going to leave Capricorn for our life time, so, this is the last stage before the real change comes, for with Pluto definatelly in Aquarius – revolutions all over the world may literally start. Old system is going to die, and from October until 19th November we are going to see how old system is dying, finally. The end of September, and the beginning of October 2024 transit Mars is transiting over 13 Cancer (the US Sun, Sirus star), which is also a clear picture that the US main male figure is in dangerous. 

 If we check the US horoscope, we can notice that during 2024, secondary progressed Sun of the US is at 19 Pisces, exactly conjunct Biden’s natal IC, hitting his MC at 19 Virgo, which means that all works in the favour of Joe Biden. Also, as this elections are going to be the first rematch election since Dwight D Eisenhower took his second term in his rematch 1956 when he defeated Democratic Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson II, we should check Eisenhower’s progressions and find out are they are working in the favour of Biden, or Trump? 


Exactly right now, Eisenhower’s progressed Moon (the US nation) is at 19 Virgo-conjunct Biden’s natal MC, opposite the US progressed Sun! So, in the moment when Trump is facing with the ’justice’, Eisenhower’s spirit is telling us that all is in favour of Joe Biden- through Eisenhower’s progressed Moon,’cause,even he is not alive, he is an extand ’hand’ of nation, and his horoscope is speaking. This means, that in November 2024, if there are going to be elections, Eisenhower’s progressed Moon is traveling through Biden’s natal 10th house, which puts Biden in focus, and as very important.

Also, we have the notice axis of Eisenhower's lunar nodes is going over 16 Gemini (North node, Rigel star)/16 Sagittarius (South node), which means his nodes are going to be activated too. 

In the horoscope of the USA, you can see Rx Mercury at 24 Cancer (Asc placement for the upcoming New Moon on 6th June 2024 for Washington D.C., Trump’s midpoint Venus/Saturn, JFK’s Mc, Trump’s draco Chiron’s placement). In Rx Mercury of the USA ’lives’ its Uranus at 8-9 Gemini  (the beginning of Orion constellation –draco Asc of Donald Trump, natal Sun of JFK). 


If we cast the draconic chart for the upcoming New Moon at Rigel, we can see its placement at 2 Gemini – conjunct Putin’s natal Moon, as well as Barack Obama’s natal Moon. Interesting, but Biden is involved too, ’cause his natal axis Asc/Desc goes over 3 Sagittarius/3 Gemini. If you remember, the last lunation was the Full Moon at 2-3 Sagittarius on 23 May 2024.

 I would watch on Michelle Obama’s chart, ’cause her progressed Sun (which speaks about her husband, Barack, during 2024) is at 27 Pisces!!! It’s Venus’ (revolution, blood, civil war) exaltation degree, as well as the placement of  discovering of asteroid Helen (the Trojan one), the placement of Trump’s draco Uranus (revolution), as well as the Asc when the US Civil War has been started  - 12 April 1861. Interesting, but in the chart of the US Civil War, Uranus was at 9 Gemini – conjunct Trump’s draco Asc.