birth is not the beginning of the life…
Catherine Deneuve,
Marcello Mastroianni and Chiara Mastroianni....
Published: 24th December 2018 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
article was first published in IAM#22 Nov/Dec2018 #STRONGER issue. If
you want to get your digital/hard copy you can order it here: order STRONGER issue #IAM22
person coming into one’s life comes with the meaning, purpose, for some planet
of his touches one’s planet and through different relations we manifest
differently. In my work with clients, I often use the following sentences: “The relation between you and him is only
your relation, nobody else matters, for with some other partner you would have
some other story, and that other partner would touch a different planet in your
chart… But please try to really comprehend that every partner is – actually one
of your characteristics, one of your planets, so actually – You. Then, you will
be able to look at relationships from a completely new perspective... Through
relationships we actually meet ourselves; we are in a relationship with
example, when partner has his Sun on our Moon, we relive our son through the
relationship, through Sun’s position in certain house, sign, through aspects,
disposition, and if our Sun is positioned excellently in the chart, that
partner is a kind of light for us – and vice versa... On the other hand, we
touch that partner’s Moon, and depending on the quality of that Moon (position
in the house, sign, aspects, and disposition) – he will have same kind of
relationship with us. That is why we feel nice with some people, we are
comfortable and safe with them, but there are also other relationships where we
do not feel nice, because that partner may be touching our Venus for example,
which is in conjunction with Neptune, so the relationship with that person may
easily bring disappointment (after initial exaltation), but only because we
were not silent enough and we had no faith… This aspect requires the special
state of “personal silence”, for only in silence the faith grows stronger and
stronger, and love needs faith…
fact is that people come into our lives so we can transform and evolve through
relationships with them… the only question is how many of us are aware of that
and see something good in it instead of bad… Astrology helped me to find sense
in everything, and to accept that it is always the right time for what is
actually happening, nice or not, painful as it may be, for the Universe knows
when we are ready for nice, but also for painful experience. So, accept, let go
and live – is what is needed... The Heavens know why here and now…
Only Happens to Others”

Famous Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni is Sagittarius
Ascendant, and Jupiter from Sagittarius (the domicile sign for this planet)
colors him. Jupiter is the top of mutable T-square containing Mercury from
almost the degree of its exaltation - 15º Virgo (ruler of 7th – relationships,
first marriage) and retrograde Uranus at 18º Pisces. The first marriage with
Italian actress Flora Carabella ended in 1960. He never officially divorced
her, for Italian law prohibited divorce. But, it did not prevent him from
having rich love life since he was not prone to bonding, and he loved his
freedom (Jupiter square Uranus). The Jupiter (him) is in the sign where his
ruler of the 7th house (Mercury) is in exile, as his Mercury (ruler of 7th
house) is in Virgo – the sign of exile for Jupiter (him). Did this man cared at
all for the institution of marriage? I would say not, but the square “pulled”
him into his first marriage, for the square always speaks of some unfinished
action from before, from past life probably...
after the first marriage are described by the 8th house, where the intercepted
Venus (secret) is at 17º Leo in conjunction with Neptune (secret) at the very
degree of its fall (21º Leo), but there is North Node as well (children,
future) at 22º Leo – so from the very short (only 3 years) and secret love
affair with beautiful French actress (Leo – France) Catherine Deneuve – this man got a daughter, a famous film director
Chiara Mastroianni.
we have to determine Catherine Deneuve in the chart of Marcello, then as I have
already mentioned, it would probably be that intercepted Venus in Leo in
conjunction with Neptune – French actress he starts a secret affair with during
filming of their first movie together “It Only Happens to Others”. The Venus is
the ruler of his 5th house (love, but also the house of children), 6th house
(job), 10th house (career) and it is in 8th house – relationship in which the
accent is on physical attraction. Since all that is colored by 21º Leo –
realistically there is the “danger” of disappointment. But, North Node
(descendants) is also there, so conception may easily happen, which was the
case. Their film was premiered on October 29, 1971, and on May 28, 1972 Chiara
Mastroianni was born. Two years later (in 1974), their relationship was over.
If we take a closer look at his Venus in Leo (Catherine Deneuve), besides the
mentioned conjunction with Neptune and North Node, there is also opposition
with Mars in Aquarius (accenting the passion in this relationship, which turned
into disputes and quarrels later), and quincunx with Uranus, so this
relationship was really on slippery grounds. But, these two people remained
excellent friends even after the break-up – Venus’ dispositor is the Sun at 3º
Libra, bringing the Venus (Catherine) in domicile and wide sextile with Jupiter
(Marcello). Of course, there is the square with Pluto from Cancer that
influenced termination of their relationship…
brought them together?
Catherine has the Moon (natural
representative of the series 4 – emotions, and in her case the ruler of the 7th
house – relationships) at 13º Leo, in conjunction with Marcello’s Venus at 17º
Leo, his Neptune and North Node, so she really loved him and she was enchanted,
even a little “dazed” by him… The very presence of the North Node here looked
promising, as an opportunity to leave something behind, for the future… Further
on, her Venus (natural representative of the series 7) at 14º Virgo (the ruler
of the 4th house – personal Moon, but ruler of the 9th house – affairs) is in
conjunction with his Mercury (ruler of his 7 – relations, and his 9 - affairs)
at 15º Virgo. His Moon at 3º Virgo will cross her Venus at 14º Virgo,
emphasizing closeness and his need to love her (Moon is the one that loves,
while Venus is more related to attraction)...
her chart, Marcello is her Venus at 14º Virgo in 8th house (relationship after
the first marriage – Catherine also had a marriage before), in conjunction with
Chiron, and in square with retrograde Uranus at the cusp of the 5th house
(love) – passionate, secret affair through the job that ended abruptly, with
the person that was somehow different, rebellious, but may be divorces?! Chiron
describes later situation of Marcello, when Catherine cares about him while he
suffers from pancreatic cancer. Namely, he is dying, and beside him are his
great love, but also his great friend – Catherine Deneuve, and their daughter
Chiara. Dispositor of her Venus is Mercury at 15º of Libra („Via Combusta“ and
here we have to heal our parnter, like the goddess Isis did in myth), practically
bringing the Venus into sign of domicile and at the very powerful degree. The
same Mercury has a nice aspect with nodes axis, and applicative sextile with
the Moon at 13º Leo – Catherine has chance to easily realize motherhood from
relationship with Marcello, which was the case.
in Virgo

Since their strongest mutual conjunction is one between his Mercury at 15º
Virgo and her Venus at 14º Virgo, in her 8th house (pregnancy), if we take
a look at the house ruled by Mercury in her chart (as well as the house ruled
by the Venus in his chart), we see it rules the 5th house, the house of
children, it is positioned at 15º Libra (royal degree). The very conjunction
has already stated good aspects to nodal axis and the Moon – once again I
conclude that Marcello came into her life so she could become a mother, have a
daughter with him, and finally – realize her purpose (Mercury is in the 9th
house – the purpose), and later to have grandchildren – also the symbolism of
the 9th house. Chiara Mastroianni gave her parents their grandchildren… On the
other hand, Catherine touched Marcello’s Venus, as I have already said, and his
Venus rules the 5th house as well (children), in conjunction with Neptune, and
the North Node, so Chiara follows the same road as her father, she is involved
in acting, but she is also the film director…

(lunar) eclipse of Catherine Deneuve at 22º Aquarius
interesting to me is that prenatal eclipse of Catherine Deneuve was a lunar one
(Moon/Sun opposition close to nodes) at 22º Aquarius (almost the degree of
Neptune’s exaltation – dream, magic), and it practically moved the natal nodal
axis of Marcello Mastroianni at 22º Aquarius (South Node) – 22º Leo (North
21º Leo 59’ (almost 22º Leo) there was the secondary Moon (ruler of 7 –
relations, Catherine Deneuve) on October 29, 1971, the day of the premier of
their first movie (“It Only Happens to Others”), also confirming reviving of some
of her past life experience with this man, but also some of his experience with
her. Prenatal lunar eclipse speaks of the need of person to finish something,
and it also defines the state of awareness through the degree of confidence or
fear, but since there is the axis of Neptune’s exaltation/fall (faith), isn’t
the main task Catherine has to finish just working on the confidence? Marcello
was ladies’ man, the true archetype of Zeus (obvious from his chart), and to
remain in a relationship with such a man one needs to fill oneself with silence
and faith…

eclipse happened before our birth, it is a kind of unknown to us, a kind of
“dark”, but some memory always exists, and when the partner touches this spot,
like Marcello did in this case, with his South Node (past) – isn’t the answer
for this relationship contained in this axis – exaltation and fall of Neptune?!
of past life of Marcello Mastroianni
us look at the Dwadasamsa chart (horoscope of the past life) of Marcello, for
we see 3/9 axis, the axis describing the second marriage, across 22º Leo - 22º
Aquarius, which is the axis of his nodes in this life, as well as the axis of
prenatal (lunar) eclipse of Catherine Deneuve. Isn’t this another confirmation
of their connection through Neptune’s (secret, magic) exaltation/fall axis?
(solar) eclipse is at 4º Aquarius
“It Only Happens to
Others” as the
title of a movie in case of those two people is interesting, for those others
are – they themselves! On the day of premier of this movie, directive Ascendant
(crosses 1º in 1 year) of Marcello came to 3º Aquarius 41’ (very close to 4º
Aquarius), the spot where both Catherine and Marcello have postnatal eclipse,
solar one in both cases!
eclipse always speaks of initiation of something new, and obviously the movie
“It Only Happens to Others” marked the big beginning for them… which bringing a
new life into the world certainly is…
But, the relationship did not
last long, which is obvious from the chart of Chiara as well, who stated that she saw her parents kissing only in a movie!
take a look at rulers of her 4th and 10th houses, houses describing parents. We
see they are retrograde Venus at 4º Cancer and Mars at 10º Cancer. Although in
conjunction, we see the Venus leaving the Mars, so this is depiction of
separation of her parents. Also, natural representatives of parents, the Sun
and the Moon, in opposition in her chart, speak of separation… The Sun (father)
is making conjunction with Saturn – cold relationship with father, this might
be... The Moon (family) makes separation oppostion with Saturn – she did not
get from her parents „warm home“...
on, since the birth is not the beginning
of the life, let us look at her cusp of the 9th house for it speaks of
prenatal period and the moment her mother, Catherine, found out that she was
pregnant. We see it is a very specific degree – 29º Libra, the ruler being the
retro Venus in separating conjunction with Mars in Cancer (fall of Mars). Some
consideration took place, obviously, even the very 29º shows that she somehow
stopped, thought what to do… but separating conjunction with Mars in fall still
ruled to keep the baby…
is interesting that Venus has started retrograde motion at the same day when
Chiara was born, and that both rulers of her 4th and 10th (houses of our
parents) are out-of-bounds (RVenus as well as Mars), which is also a sign that
there must be some extra ordinary situation regarding family issues... In
possitive sense, RVenus and Mars out-of-bounds are describing her parents as
extra talented persons.
Smiljana Gavrančić was
born in Serbia and she is the editor, founder and owner of the bimonthly IAM
– INΦINITY Astrological Magazine. She is
an ISAR (CAP), studied hermetic astrology and practises astrology of karma and
archetypes (fixed stars, mythology). She is also a leading exponent of
significant degrees in mundane and natal charts – and was one of a few
astrologers to predict that Donald Trump would become 45th US president a year
before his election.