The road scattered with roses...
Originally Published: 29th April, 2013 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
Last year's crossing of Venus
over the disc of the Sun (on June 6, 2012.) opened a very nice doors for
Serbian diplomacy (more on this in my article "Serbian Minister is the
head of UN), since that event activated the Venus (diplomacy) at 15º Gemini in
the 7th house (diplomacy) in Serbia's chart.
The next important date for
Serbia was the moment when Saturn (past,
borders) entered the sign of Scorpio (Kosovo). Saturn entered Scorpio on October
5, 2012., and soon after that, on October 19, Serbian Prime Minister Ivica
Dačić met Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Tachi in Brussels, which was the
official beginning of the series of dialogs, resulting in recent (April 19,
2013) agreement between Belgrade and Priština, all under the patronage of
European Union and Catherine Ashton.
end of the tunnel
If we make secondary progressions
of the Serbia horoscope for the day the dialogue begun (October 19, 2012), we see the secondary Moon (people)
of Serbia positioned at 8º Sagittarius, at the spot where "boomerang"
will be on December 21, 2012 (when new year naturally starts, and Sun reaches 0º
Capricorn 00’00’’), and it promises resolution of all tense situations in 2013.
Furthermore, secondary Venus (diplomacy) of Serbia is at the last degree of "the
end sign" – at 29º Scorpio, which is depiction of "the end of the
tunnel", the end of the dark. Since Mars is at this very spot in the chart
of Saturn's entering of Scorpio, and it carries Mercury (negotiations,
dialogue) as the ruler of the Ascendant and Saturn (history, past, something
from before...), then all this might be the picture of Serbian diplomacy taking
part in some dialogue related to Kosovo (Scorpio), "historical problem of
Serbia“, and it may result in "the end of the dark period". If I also
add that this decan (from 20º to 30º Scorpio) is ruled by the Venus, and that
pentade (from 25º to 30º Scorpio) is ruled by the Saturn, then it is necessary
for Serbia to be "emotionally strong" in its dialogue with Kosovo…
Finally, the very conjunction of Moon and Jupiter at 16º Gemini in the chart of
Saturn's entering the Scorpio, which touched the Venus (diplomacy) from the
Serbia's chart certainly puts the accent on the Serbian diplomacy during the
period of Saturn's residence in Scorpio. It is time to "release"
something from before…

The Ascendant of this chart is
also very interesting (at 26º Gemini 40’), because it is in conjunction with
the star WAZN (26º Gemini 35’) from the constellation of Columba Noe (Noe's
dove), that tells the story of finding peace with the opposing side,
reconnecting of broken relations, so this whole period of Saturn in Scorpio
might be in the sign of reconciliation, at the global level, since this is the
position of Ascendant for GM time (the picture for the whole world).
of Kosovo – the Vitus Day, 1389
While the dialogue between
Belgrade and Priština was coming to the conclusion, on April 8, 2013, there was
the news that a documentary is being filmed ("Road scattered with roses“) about
the last Serbian princess, Olivera Lazarević, who was given to the Turkish
sultan Bayezid I after the defeat of the Serbian army at Kosovo, as a pledge to
the diplomatic peace.
I certainly saw the "sign
along the road" in this information, because in the chart of Kosovo battle
the Venus (daughter, girl, but also the diplomacy...) is in the 12th
house (harem), positioned at 8º Gemini, at the spot where on December 21, 2012
the cusp of Yod was, so it is not strange that now, in 2013, this story gets
its realization on the film… "Boomerang“ is at 8º Sagittarius, and there
is secondary Moon (people) of Serbia at the moment of Belgrade and Priština
dialogue beginning, right after Saturn entered Scorpio… All these are signs of
possible solution of centuries-long problem during 2013…
Olivera Lazarević was the
youngest daughter of Duke Lazar and Duchess Milica. She was born sometime
between 1373 and 1376 in Kruševac. She lived at her parents' court until 1390. Her
childhood and youth were the time of Serbia's preparations for the war with
Turks. She was, as all daughters of the Duke Lazar were, ambitious, clever,
educated, self-aware and energetic woman, real ruler, like their mother Milica.
After the critical battle with
Turks on the Vitus Day 1389, at Kosovo field, Serbia was left without its ruler
the Duke Lazar and majority of noblemen. Squeezed between Hungarians on the
north and the Turks on the south, it had to accept the peace with Ottoman
Empire and become its vassal. Being the vassal also meant financial and army
tribute, but the greatest guaranty of peace was giving the youngest Lazarević
princess -- sixteen years old Olivera, to sultan Bayezid's harem.
Serbian rulers used political
marriages since the middle of IX century. The same was the case in the time of Nemanjić
rule. All four sisters of Olivera were married for state and political
interests. But this time, Olivera was given to the man of other religion, the
man who attacked her country and executed her father. Duchess Milica, who ruled
Serbia after the Battle of Kosovo in the place of her minor son Stefan, shared
the burden of deciding on vassalage and giving Olivera to harem with the
remaining nobility and church dignitaries.
In the spring of 1390, Olivera
was escorted by her brothers, Stefan and Vuk, to sultan. The road from her
hometown of Kruševac to Drenopolje was scattered with roses by Serbian people
for Olivera.
in harem
Amongst hundreds of women in
harem, Olivera became one of the four sultan's legal wives. With time, a deep
love developed between them. Olivera often used her place in harem and in
sultan's heart to help her suffering people and country. Thanks to her great
influence on Bayezid, and to Bayezid's great respect for Duchess Milica and
Stefan, Serbia had much easier position at that time than other Balkan vassal
It is very strange that Olivera
became one of the four legal wives of sultan, since she had no children with
him and she never abandoned her orthodox Christian religion. It is the proof of
Bayezid's great love for her. After Bayezid's death Olivera returned to Serbia
-- dispositor of Venus at 8º Gemini is retrograde (returning) Mercury at 24º Gemini
(interestingly, from this spot on May 15, 2012 Venus started its retrograde
movement, and on this very spot is also Jupiter in the chart of Ivica Dačić), so
her return to Serbia is something that "lives" as a picture in the
chart of Battle of Kosovo…
Bošković in the role of Duchess Milica
As we do not have the horoscope
of Olivera Lazarević, I took a look at the chart of our famous actress Tanja
Bošković, since she plays Duchess Milica in the film "The road scattered
with roses". In her chart, the Venus (daughters, Olivera) is at 19º Taurus,
which is the very cusp of the 7th house (diplomacy) in the chart of
Serbia! Isn't this the depiction of Olivera, her sisters, who were married for
diplomatic reasons?!
eclipse at 19º Taurus
But, this degree is really
important for Serbia, because on May 10, 2013 there will be Solar eclipse (Sun/Moon
conjunction close to the South Node) at this very degree, which will put accent
again on Serbian diplomacy in the time to come. Solar eclipse is always
depiction of the new beginning, and since the South Node (the past) is involved
this time, it will certainly open some questions from the past, and about
diplomatic relations (the cusp of the 7th house).
This eclipse will
"engage" the sextile of Venus (diplomacy, anybody who stands across
from Serbia) and Mars (Belgrade – Mars is the ruler of Ascendant) from the
chart of Serbia, which is promising, and since the Venus is at the star Rigel from
Orion constellation, which is being connected to the United States – we may
expect the diplomatic "affection" of this superpower, certainly the
most important in the world…
This degree (19º Taurus) is also
being activated in the chart of Serbian Prime Minister, Ivica Dačić, since he
has the cusp of the 7th (diplomatic relations) out of 10 (he as the
Prime Minister) at this degree.
The dispositor of the eclipse is
the conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aquarius. Only couple of days after his
birth, this Venus (anybody who stands across from him) became retrograde and
met Mars (him). The sign of Aquarius promises a completely new, modern approach
to diplomacy, so this might be depiction of more rapid European integration for
Serbia in the time to come… This is also depiction of dialogue continuation
with Priština, where the Serbian side will be more open for change, relieved
from the burden of the past...
Nevertheless, the Solar eclipse
will "touch" the Mars at 19º Taurus in the chart of the Kosovo Prime
Minister Hashim Tachi.
So, there is the conjunction of
Venus at 19º Taurus (which is depiction of Olivera Lazarević in the chart of Tanja
Bošković) and Mars at 19º Taurus
Scorpio – chance for transformation
The position of directive Venus (Olivera)
of Tanja Bošković (Duchess Milica) for the spring of 1390 is interesting, for
that is when Olivera went to sultan's harem. It is 3º Scorpio, the degree of
Pluto's exaltation, so it is easy to conclude that this is depiction of
Persephone going to Hades. The cusp of the secondary 7 (diplomacy) in the chart
of Serbia was at the same degree when negotiations of Belgrade and Prišitina started
in October 2012., so this is also depiction of Serbian diplomacy being deeply
transformed, changed…
Hades is someone dangerous, but
it is the task of Persephone to love the man who is also her enemy, who killed
her father. This degree carries the enormous potential for transformation.
Isn't this the message for all of us, for the Serbian diplomacy? Shouldn't we
be making friends out of enemies, be in good relations with someone who hurt us
somehow and some time ago? I would say that is our task, and filming of this
movie at this time is the reminder that this is originally our story, that it
lives deep in our collective consciousness, and that it should be our guide.
The very fact that Olivera was sent to harem in the symbolism of Venus (flowers),
with roses thrown before her – should be our "sign along the road"…
She was sent to Bayezid I with the nice energy, and she found love there
somehow… Should love be judged? Love works miracles, it transforms us, changes
us… As an astrologist, I understand this story, for being in love with the
enemy is what changes the world…
Vitus Day, 2013
This date is being following us
as the nation for sure. On June 28, 2013 the European Council should assign the
date to Serbia for the beginning of negotiations on accession to EU, but also the
premiere of the film about Olivera Lazarević – "The road scattered with
roses" is planned on this day. Secondary Moon (people) of Serbia will be
at 18º Sagittarius during June, in exact trine with the Ascendant of European
Union (18º Leo), which is the chance for Serbia to get the date.
But, it seems that 19º Taurus is
very important degree for Serbia, because on that same day the secondary
Fortune will be at this spot. The secondary Fortune is the fastest spot, whose
movement should be tracked through progressions, so we may have some luck on
that day as well…
Sabian symbols also offer some
interesting pictures… "Wisps of clouds, like wings, streaming across the
sky“ (19º Taurus). The result is given by the degree across, so 19º Scorpio – "A
woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred
It is certain that Duchess Milica
was the most responsible for the diplomatic move by which she put her youngest
daughter into the hands of her greatest enemy. Today, after so much time, we
also have Milica in Serbian diplomacy. It is Milica Delević, who is the
Director of European Integration Office of Serbian Government since 2009, so
some diplomatic move from her side might bring Serbia into a better position
and more dignity in the region, as well as in the rest of the world…
It is important that in the time
to come we regard every diplomatic move of our government with love, as Serbian
people did while escorting Olivera to harem by scattering the road before her
with roses (Venus - love). By doing so we send the good energy, which must
result in something good…