Venus/Sun Superior Conjunction On 22 October 2022 At The Very End Of Libra- Tulsi Gabbard As Symbol Of Transition Within The 'Combusta Way''The 2nd Episode Of 6th January 2021 - Trump's Supporters Attack At The Capitol Building Washington D.C.
Published: 18th October, 2022 I Author: Professional Astrologer Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP

On 22 October, 2022 (GMT 21:17) we are going to have Venus/Sun Superior conjunction at 29 24' Libra.
The Moon's placement is going to be at 27 14' Virgo (Venus' fall degree), just opposite 27 Pisces (Venus exaltation degree)
I link Troy, Trojan War with 27 Pisces (you can read my article on that topic here: The Helen Of Troy)
When Jupiter and Saturn made so called great conjunction in December 2020, at 0 Aquarius, transit Moon was at 27 Pisces
On 5th November 2024 (US Election) secondary progressed Moon of the US is going to be at 26 59' Pisces (which is very 27 00' Pisces)
On 6th January 2021 (Trump's Supportes Attack on the Capitol Building Washington D.C) transit Mars was at 29 Aries, just opposite the upcoming Venus/Sun superior conjunction at 29 Libra on 22 October 2022
On 20th April 2023 we will have the solar eclipse at 29 09' Aries, where was Mars (attack) on 6th January 2021. Mars' placement in that moment is going to be at 13 Cancer (where the US has its Sun - President)
And finally, Asteroid Aphrodite was discovered at 29 50' Aries. She was the one who puts Helene of Sparta into the hands of Paris (the Prince of Troy) and that's how the Trojan War has been started. In the moment of solar eclipse at 29 Aries, on 20th April 2023, secondary progressed Moon of the chart of disccovering Aphrodite will be at 29 Libra, where we are having on 22 October 2022 superior conjunction of Venus and Sun
I would also watch over the chart of Persian Empire ('s Iran), as I've mapped this country at 29 Libra/0 Scorpio, and Solar Arc Moon of the US just left 29 59 ' Libra and entered 0 00' Scorpio. Somehow, some kind of conflict between the US and Iran - may be possible.
Also, some civil war in the US is again in the air. If we take the fact that the midterm elections are coming, and they are happening on the lunar eclipse day, and that Republicans are going to take back seats - civil war is more then possible. Specially, if I tell you that lunar eclipse on 8th November 2022 (the day of midterm election) at16 Taurus is in conjunction with the asteroid Helen at 17 Taurus, where Uranus (revolution by itself) is placed too.
In the mean time, one brave woman, Tussli Gabbard, just left Democracy Party of the US...In the horoscope of Democratic party US, we can see Venus at 0 Taurus (just crossed over 29 Aries)
In draconic chart, Venus/Sun conjunction on 22 October 2022 is happening at 15 Virgo (I've mapped Ukraine and 15 Pisces). And, now, we have in the air the memory of the soul on this event, and e can see that the background of all what is happening in the US is very linked with Ukraine. My article on Ukraine and 15 Pisces you can read here

The Memory Of Trojan War

Which Planet At Which Degree Would Be An Image Of
The Most Beautiful Woman In The World (Helen Of Troy)?
Venus At 27º Pisces
Mythology Says On 27º Pisces?