недеља, 25. август 2024.

Make America HEALTHY Again 2024 – Robert F Kennedy Jr Published: 25th August, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP

Make America HEALTHY Again 2024 – Robert F Kennedy Jr

Published: 25th August, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP


                                                  On Friday 23 August 2024, Robert F Kennedy Jr, adressed nation and said – ’’There are three reasons why I left Democrats and endorese Donald Trump. They are: FREE SPEACH, WAR IN UKRAINE, WAR ON OUR CHILDREN

Robert F Kennedy Jr, the son of late Robert F Kennedy (who did run for the US President in 1968), was born on 17th January 1954 (5:32 pm, Washington D.C.). It was just around the lunar eclipse at 28 Cancer 30’ on 18th January 1954 (9:36 pm, Washington D.C.). His natal Moon (the US nation) is at very powerful degree, at 13 Cancer, at the brightest star Sirius (’Watcher of Europe’), telling us the story of very powerful family (Moon), which is at the same time in danger when some bodyguard pulls away his loyality. Sirius star is all about ’loyal dog’, the one who stands next to the first one, which is literally the bodyguard. We all know how his late uncle, former President JFK, as well as his late father, Robert F Kennedy (almost the President of the US in 1968) – died. They were both killed in assassinations.





  If you are following my astrological work, then you are familiar with the fact that I’ve emphasized 27 of Pisces regarding the upcoming Presidential election 2024 on 5th November. In my article on this topic (which you can read if you click here) I am speaking about 27 Pisces (Venus’ exaltation degree, as well as the degree where asteroid Helen (of Troy) was discovered). Why? Because, secondary progressed Moon (the US nation) is going to be at 27 Pisces in November 2024 (by the way, progressed Moon moves 1 degree per 1 month), conjunct secondary progressed Sun (President, husband) of the former 1st lady, Michelle Obama,  at 27 Pisces (by the way progressed Sun moves approximately  1 degree per 1 year). If we add now that Asc was at 27 Pisces on 12th April 1861 when the Civil War has been started, we are getting more and more full picture what may happen. 


Well, we saw the family Obama endorsed Kamala Harris, and the speach of the former 1st lady, Michelle Obama, in Chicago, had some power, we must admit. I am wondering who is running for the next President, Kamala Harris, or Barack Obama again?! Of course, I am joking, but it seams there is not a joke, the Universe is telling us this family is involved more then we can imagine. You may vote for Kamala, but you are voting for Obama’s.


Also, I have to remind you on the moment when we had the great Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0 Aquarius in late December 2020, just after Joe Biden was elected for the President of the US. In that moment, transit Moon was at 27 Pisces! So, again we are getting Venus’ exaltation degree as something we must not ignore, and you know what came next. It was 6th January 2021, and Trump’s supportes attacked the Capitol in Washington D.C. It was almost like the ’civil war’, isn’t it?! At 27 Pisces Venus’ exalts, and as she is the daughter of god of Revolution, she represents protests, chaos, blood, she is war, she will inspire Mars to act. Then, progressed Moon of the US was at 0 Aquarius, telling us the US is stepping into totally new time, it was an image of Joe Biden’s administration which is bringing transgender agenda more and more, for at 0 Aquarius we are stepping into Uranus’ world, and Uranus did not love his kids in myth, he put them all in the Underworld (Hades’ world), hidding from outside world, which is now fitting with Pluto in Aquarius.

Secondary progressed Moon of Robert F Kennedy Jr in the moment when he joins Trump’s team is at 0 Aquarius! Indeed, Robert Jr may help a lot Trump’s team, with the energy of his charts. 


At 27 Pisces we have Donald Trump’s draconic (past life soul memory) Uranus (revolution).

What is interesting for me is that progressed axis of angular houses of Robert Jr in 2024 are over 27 of mutable signs (Virgo/Pisces, Sagittarius/Gemini), which literally now puts MAGA & MAHA together much more stronger to fight against 27 Pisces (secondary progressed Sun of Michelle Obama). What I want to say is this – with Robert Jr in his team ,Trump got bigger chance, but, however, those elections (if there is going to be election at all) – are oppening the story of civil war, and I wonder will both sides accept the results at all, for some chaos must be there, it must!

 Kamala Harris accepted her nomination for the President of the US during retro Mercury at 26 Leo (which was  combust (burnt out) by the Sun (probably this Sun is Obama, and not Joe Biden) around the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, in square with Uranus at 27 Taurus. This is really strange time, and it will be interesting to watch is something is going to be changed, soon. Why? As soon as Mercury turns direct on 29th August 2024, together with secondary progressed Moon of the US at 24 Pisces (which is the lunar eclipse spot on 18th September 2024), calling out Kamala’s natal axis Asc/Desc (24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius), as well as her natal lunar nodes axis over 24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius (Norht Node/South Node) – the US is oppening the memory on 12th April 1861 when progressed Moon (the US nation) of former late President Abraham Linkoln was at 24 Sagittarius, conjunct the South Node of Vice President Kamala Harris. Like Kamala is some portal for ’coping’ over the same issue, she is just the one who is a good portal for putting the US into some chaos, soon. Her progressed Moon in late October early November 2024 is crossing over 13 Cancer,  conjunct the Sun of the US, as well as natal Moon of Robert Jr.


Now, after Robert F Kennedy Jr, joined to Trump’s team, things are changing, and we are getting more and more signs that those two (Harris on one side (with the help of Obama’s) and Trump on the other side (with the help of Kennedy) – are putting the US into some chaos. 

 For the start, Solar Arc Moon of the Robert F Kennedy Jr is at 24 Virgo – which is fitting into 24 of mutable signs (Kamala’s natal axis Asc/Desc, North Node/South Node – over 24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius, progressed Moon of the US at 24 Pisces during September 2024, the lunar eclipse over 24 Pisces / 24 Virgo on 18th September 2024, together with progressed Moon of Abraham Linkoln at 24 Sagittarius in April 1861) – telling us that the US enters very challenging time and that September may show us how the country  is deeply divided, which could lead into some ’civil war’. Even Robert’s Jr progressed Mars is at 24 Sagittarius, and Mars is ruler of his MC – father, as well as his status, reputation, he as leader. Let me just tell you that Solar Arc Mercury of Donald Trump is at 24 Virgo too! His natal Mercury is ruler of his Sun, Uranus and North Node in Gemini, all placed in 10th, and all are conjuncting the stars from Orion constellation).

Robert's Jr Solar Arc Mars, natal ruler of his MC (dad, his reputation, he as leader) is at 27-28 Capricorn, conjunct his father's natal Moon,as well as his own natal Sun (dad) -again speaking about hos 2024 may be for him important, and the same time dangerous.


All three, Harris, Trump, Kennedy – having the Full Moon in their charts, and two of them, Trump and Kennedy – having the lunar eclipses, so, those two men are having big life tasks. There may be a lot to ’shift’ regarding energies.

 As I’ve said, Robert F Kennedy Jr was born just before the lunar eclipse at 28 Cancer, opposite his father’s natal Moon at 28 Cancer. When his father was killed, on 5th June 1968, Robert Jr had his Solar Arc Moon (family) at 28 Cancer, just conjunct his postnatal eclipse. Even his tertiary Moon (moves 1 degree per 2 and a half days) was crossing over 26-28 Cancer in those days. Transit Pluto few times ’called – out’ 28 Cancer/28 Capricorn in past two years, and Robert Jr was ’choosen’ by the Universe to stand up for something which his father didn’t make it – to try to be next US President, or at least, through Trump’s administration – to make America HEALTHY again. At 28 Cancer, Mars (vital force, health, our energy, and energy is health) falls, here we easy lose our battle for life, so, this place within the Zodiac speaks a lot, indeed.

Recently, I’ve posted on my Facebook page how Robert F Kennedy Jr is in danger, for his Jupiter is at star Rigel, around 16 Gemini, conjunct with Trump’s natal Uranus, as well as with his late uncle, JFK, natal Venus (ruler of JFK’s Asc 20-21 Libra where was transit Moon when Trump almost lost his life in July 2024). Rigel brings assissinations, the one who kills is always a woman, for in myth, Artemisia is the one who kills her great love, Orion, because her twin brother Apolo (the God of the Sun, read Lucifer) sent into her eyes too much light).

If we cast the chart for 5th June 1968, when Robert’s father, Robert F Kennedy, was killed, beside we see transit Sun at star Rigel, we see transit Moon at 29 Virgo. About the importance of 29 Virgo, I will speak later in this article. 


First of all, the most important thing here, regarding 5th June 1968, is to cast draconic chart for that event. In draconich chart we see Sun (president) at 27 Taurus, conjunct the malefic star Algol, conjunct transit Uranus now at 27 Taurus (it will turn retro in early September 2024 at 27 Taurus), which was part of fixed T –square on the Full Moon 27 Aquarius day during DNC in Chicago. That is a sign, for around Algol, recently, was Mars Uranus conjunction, when Trump almost lost his life. Algol is all about death, by the way, it is about some head which must be ’cut off’ literally. But, in this draco chart there is something else, which may be must more important. It is the placement of draco Moon at 11 Virgo!!!


On 2nd September 2024, there is going to be the New Moon at 11 Virgo, calling out the memory on 5th June 1968 when Robert F Kennedy was killed in one hotel in Los Angeles. In that moment, Solar Arc Moon of Robert F Kennedy was at 11 Pisces, just across 11 Virgo. If we now check progressions of late Robert F Kennedy, we get his progressed Moon at 11 Virgo in late December 2024/early January 2025 (around inauguration day). In the chart of inauguration, 20th January 2025, we get Antiscia Moon at 11 Pisces, i.e. Contra Antiscia Moon at 11 Virgo!!! Wow, and well – I will say!!!


This means literally that there definately may be some assisination again, and if I tell you that secondary progressed Mercury of Robert F Kenned Jr is at 11 Pisces, now you can see how all this is dangerous. Mercury in his natal chart rules intercepted Gemini in 11th house (political party), as well as it carries within itself his weak Jupiter in exile, at Rigel star. So, his enemy is within Democrat party, definately. His life is in danger already now, around the New Moon at 11 Virgo, on 2nd September, also around inauguration day – if there is going to be inauguration at all, for too many signs that in September for the US starts some chaos.

Progressed Sun (father, president) of Robert F Kennedy Jr is at 8 Aries 18’. On 1st October 2024, we have the solar eclipse at 10 Libra, hitting his progressed Sun, and in late March 2025 we have the solar eclipse at 9 Aries, conjunct his progressed Sun. In spring 1968, i.e. on 28th March 1968 – there was the solar eclipse at 8 Aries 25’. Just two months after, his father, Robert F Kennedy, lost his life.

The first eclipse after Robert F Kennedy’s death was on 22 September 1968, and it was the solar one, and placed at 29 Virgo! Remember, I was mentioned 29 Virgo above and told you I will later speak on this degree more. Well, on 21 September 2025, there will be the solar eclipse at 29 Virgo again!By the way, 29 Virgo is the placement of draconic Venus for the upcoming Full Moon on 2nd September 2024 at 11 Virgo, so, take 29 of Virgo as something important in this story!

If we cast Antisica chart for the upcoming New Moon at 11 Virgo for 2nd September 2024, we gets its placement at 19 Aries, which is by the way natal MC of Robert Jr, contra Antiscia is of course at 19 Libra, which is Robert’s Jr natal IC. On 8th April 2024, at 19 Aries we had the solar eclipse. Also, in Antisca chart of the New Moon at 11 Virgo we can notice Venus’ placement at 24 Pisces-bingo, so again we are getting the activation of 24 of mutable signs which I’ve mentioned above.

During election time, transit Neptune is retro, and at 27 Pisces, where progressed Moon of the US will be in November 2024, together with progressed Sun (husband, president) of Michelle Obama, conjunct progressed Desc of Robert F Kennedy Jr. Plus, do not forget Trump’s draco Uranus (revolution) at 27 Pisces. Neptune (dreams, ideals) will turn direct at 27 Pisces on 8th December 2024.

The first eclipse in 1969 was at 27 Pisces, on 18th March. It was almost one year after Robert F Kennedy was killed. That day in the US history is well known for Operation Breakfest – the covering bombing of Cambodia by US planes begins.

In mid December 2024, there is the Full Moon at 24 Sagittarius, which calls out 24 of mutable signs again. So, so, there is indeed a lot.

If we cast the chart for inauguration, for 20th January 2025, we can see Sun Pluto conjunction at 0-1 Aqurius in 10th – this is a picture of male president of the US, isn’t it?! But Kamala Harris (through Obama’s progressions) fits so much, but since Robert Jr joined Trump’s team, to make America HEALTHY again, things may change. This is going to be the most interesting race, ever, I repeat, there is so big possibility some assissination happens soon, which may postpone election, or if election happens-the results of the same will open the pandora box and some civil war is there. Also, assissanation may happen even around inauguration day. Just in late January 2025, Venus (revolution) starts her shadow time, before she turns retro at 10 Aries on 2nd March 2025 (conjunct the progressed Sun of Robert Jr, as well as hitting the solar eclipses spot from October 2024 at 10 Libra, and 29th March 2025 at 9 Aries). On 12-13 April (which is the day when the US Civil War has been started in 1861) 2025, Venus will turn direct at 24 Pisces! 




Robert F Kennedy Jr has Asc/Desc axis over 2 Leo/2 Aquarius, and Pluto’s transit over it brings him a lot of transformation through dangerous time he lives right now. All what does not kill him – will make him stronger. He joined Trump’s team after the Full Moon, when Moon is in the phase of ’falling’, also during retro Mercury time, so, both, Kamala, as well as Kennedy, did major moves during retro Mercury time, and after the Full Moon day –something must be changed there, and already in September we will see what, I would watch on the lunar eclipse on 18th September 2024 at 25 Pisces, for then we will see a lot, in which direction all goes. I will repeat, Robert’s Jr life is in danger, alreday with the upcoming New Moon at 11 Virgo, on 2nd of September (as well as around the Inauguration day, 20th January 2025) 

 At 11 Virgo we have the star ZOSMA (Leo constellation) which speaks about sacrificing, it is the star in the back of lion, the person becomes famous after he/she gives his/her life for some ideals. Let’s hope Robert Jr won’t have the same destiny as his late father, but, there are a lot of signs that history may repeat.

On 20th January 2025, transit Moon will be at 18-19 Libra, conjunct Robert’s Jr natal IC, hitting his natal MC at 19 Aries. Transit Chiron (wound) will be at 19 Aries, exactly at his natal MC, which is again sign that his life is in danger, or, this may be a sign that his role, through MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN – is going to go through this Chiron at his MC. We will see, already in September, in which directions things are going. Trump witout Kennedy does not have chance for entering the White House, but with him – he has, the question is are they going to stay, both, alive and to manage. In all cases, some chaos is going to happen there, for that is the message which vibes at 27 Pisces (Revolution degree).


We know that Robert F Kennedy Jr is not Trump’s candidate for Vice President, but however, he is going to get some role in Trump’s administration, comparing his chart with Tim Walz’s (Kamala’s running mate for VP) we can notice that Walz is not a winning ticket for entering White House. You see how things are changing, regarding the US Election 2024, if there are going to be elections at all- I am repeating all this time the same, for indeed, the question is will the US vote at all, or will both sides accept results, etc...




This is my post from Facebook page, on Robert F Kennedy Jr



On 14th August, 2024 (GMT 16:43:26) Mars and Jupiter will make their conjunction at 16 Gemini 41', 'calling-out' the fixed star RIGEL (Orion constellation), which speaks about one great leader who may be in danger.Late JFK has his natal Venus (ruler of his Libra 21 Asc) at RIGEL. Just recall the New Moon at RIGEL, around 6th June 2024 which oppened the assassination attempt (Donald Trump) which came after, around Mars/Uranus meeting at Algol (around 15th July 2024). Well, then, Asc was at 15 Sagittarius, and now, when Mars and Jupiter meet-the Moon's (which is by the way OOB) placement is at 15 Sagittarius too! Like we have around the same energy. More over, Rx Saturn at 17 Pisces (opposite JFK's natal Moon at 17 Virgo) is the focal planet in mutable T-square. There are few of them who are in danger: Trump (with his Uranus at RIGEL in his 10th), Erdogan, the president of Turkey, with his natal Jupiter at RIGEL (in opposition with Moon-Mars at 8 Sagittarius-draco Moon's placemet on 14th August 2024 is at 8 Sagittarius), Israel PM with his natal Chiron (wound) at 17 Sagittarius, Robert Kennedy (who also runs for the US Presidential election) with his Jupiter at RIGEL, and probably many others....

The ruler of Mars-Jupiter at RIGEL is RxMercury at 0 Virgo, at royal star REGULUS (Watcher of North) and now we, indeed, can suspect that some great leader is really in danger
Moreover, in few days, around 19th August (when we have the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius, conjunct Trump's Desc, opposite his Asc, conjunct Barack Obama's natal South Node) Venus is going to be at 16-17 Virgo, transforming the mutable T-square into mutable great cross. If you notice that Venus carries within herself Uranus at Algol, as well as South Node from Libra-this could be a clear image of some 'big world boom'
In draco chart, for 14th August 2024, we have, as I've said Moon at 8 Sagittarius (at royal star Antares-Watcher of West), where Erdogan has his Moon-Mars conjunction, as well as Mars-Jupiter at 9 Gemini (conjunct royal star Aldebaran, Watcher of East-Egypt, Russia, Arabian world). This is such a big sign that some conflict is coming
In Antiscia chart, Mars and Jupiter are at 13 Cancer (conjunct the brightest star Sirius-always speaking about the bodyguards, the one who stands next to the first one, representing the 'loyal dog' who may pull back his loyality and eat his Lord). As you know, the US has its Sun (president) at 13 Cancer. This is again not a good sign for any US president, today's, ex, and future. Antiscia Moon is at Jupiter's falls degree, around 15 Capricorn, representing some old civilizations, as well as the stone of wisdom. Around 4th July 2024, we had the New Moon at Sirus, as you know, also, around that time the UK got its new PM, France has its elections, and very soon Trump's life was in danger.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, as I've said, was born with Jupiter at RIGEL, but with Moon at 13 Cancer too, so I think this man is in danger. His MC is at 19 Aries (the Sun exaltation degree), and there was the solar eclipse on 8th April 2024-his head may be indeed in danger.His Solar Arc Moon is at 24 Virgo-the lunar eclipse in mid September is going to hit his Solar Arc Moon, and then again in mid March 2025. You must know that 24 of mutable signs were activated when Abraham Linkoln puts the US into the Civil War. The US secondary progressed Moon is approaching 24 Pisces end of August/beggining of September 2024, just before the lunar eclipse at 25 Pisces. His (Robert F Kennedy Jr) secondary progressed angular axis go over 27 of mutable signs, and all about the Civil War in the US is the story about 27 Pisces-Venus' exaltation degree.His Solar Arc Asc at 13 Libra-hitting his natal Moon at 13 Cancer, which is the spot of Mars/Jupiter in Antiscia for 14th August 2024-this all could be a sign that his security may be under the question...His secondary progressed Moon is at 0 Aquarius-where was progressed Moon when Biden won election in November 2020. This is a huge sign that the US should keep its eye on Robert F Kennedy. His weak Jupiter at RIGEL has inconjunction with Mars at 16-17 Scorpio, and Mars makes inconjunction with his MC 19 Aries (the Sun's exaltation degree). He may be in danger!
With Mars-Jupiter at RIGEL we may take care not to push too much our mental field of life, 'cause it may lead into stress, and depression (sqare with Rx Saturn at 17 Pisces). With Moon at Sagittarius involved (plus the Moon is OOB)-every crossing over the limits-will cause some stress. Pull back on time, rest your minds. Venus is approaching, ready to join, and to form the great Cross, so be sure chaos is coming, around 19th August 2024. The Full Moon at 27 Aquarius is happening then, at star from Cygnus constellation, which is the story of Zeus who seduces Leda, the wife of the King of Sparta, and she is bringing three kids, two twins, one mortal, another immortal, and one baby girl, which is going to be later, the cause of Troyan war - the most beautiful one, the Helen of Troy (27 Pisces).
You can read my article on the upcoming US election here: http://astrologsmiljanagavrancic.blogspot.com/.../the-us...
~ you can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English as well as in Serbian. Contact: email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com

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Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić Profesionalni Astrolog ISAR CAP

  Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavran...