уторак, 17. септембар 2024.

Jupiter turns retro on 9th October 2024 & Donald Trump Assassination Attempt #No3? Published: 17th September 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Jupiter turns retro on 9th October 2024 & Donald Trump

Assassination Attempt #No3?

Published: 17th September 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić


There were two assassination attampts on Trump, for now...

In both cases, Asc was at 15-16 Sagittarius, opposite Rigel star (Orion constellation), which is related with death of great leaders. Late JFK, was Libra Asc, with Venus, ruler of his Asc, at Rigel star, at 16 Gemini. Former President Donald Trump has his Uranus at 17 Gemini, in his 10th (he as president). Also, at 17 Gemini, there is weak Jupiter in exile of Robert F Kennedy Jr, who joined to Trump’s MAGA.

Also, in both cases there was the  activation of 21 Libra (Asc of late JFK): on 13 July 2024 the Moon’s placement was at 21 Libra, on 16th September 2024 Venus’ placement was at 21 Libra

The lunar eclipse at 25 Pisces happens on 17th September 2024 (9:34:13 pm, Washington, D.C.) with Asc at 25 Taurus (Algol), which is a sign that someone’s head may be ’cut off’. This eclipse sits at the cusp of Trump’s natal 8th house (danger, death, malefic house), and it is not a good sign for sure. 


In the moment when Jupiter turns retro, at 21 Gemini, on 9th October 2024 (3:05am, Washington, D.C.), it will hit Trump’s natal Sun at 22 Gemini, as well as his natal North Node at 20 Gemini. Jupiter knows to connect us with God, in sense of possible death. It will be stacionary Jupiter for awhile, so, I would even pay attention on 7-8th October 2024 already, because around midnight (Washington D.C. time) transit Moon will be at 15-16 Sagittarius (where was Asc on 13 July as well as on 16 September 2024), transit Mercury will be at 21 Libra (conjunct late JFK’s Asc, as well as Moon’s placement in the chart of Trump’s 1st assassination attempt on 13 July, and Venus’ placement in the chart of Trump’s 2nd assassination attepmt on 16 September 2024). 


Moreover around 7-8th October 2024, transit Mars is crossing over the sensitive degree, over 18 Cancer, which is related with the death of everyone from Kennedy’s family, and this time conjunct secondary progressed Sun (president) of the famous journalist Tucker Carlson.

Tel Aviv (Israel) has its Asc at 18 Cancer!!!

Robert F Kennedy Jr has his Moon/Uranus midpoint at 17 Cancer, which is very close with 18 Cancer.

What I want to say is that there may be again assassination attempt when Jupiter turns retro, around 7-8-9th October 2024.

Interesting, Russian President, Vladimir Putin was born on 7th October, and last year, on 7th October 2023,  Hamas and several other Palestinian nationalist militant groups launched coordinated armed incursions from the Gaza Strip into the Gaza Envelope of southern Israel, the first invasion of Israeli territory since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

In the chart for the moment when Jupiter turns retro, we see Asc at 25-26 Leo, conjunct Trump’s natal Mars, which is all around the star from Hyda (water snake) related with ’deep state’, our enemies,  as well as with heart issues, blood clots.

On 1st October 2024, there will be the solar eclipse at 10 Libra (conjunct Trump’s Solar Arc Venus-ruler of his natal MC at Algol), which is exactly the midpoint of Trump’s natal Neptune (ruler of his 8th –danger, death) and natal Chiron (wound). All happens in his 2nd house (food he takes), so I would watch what he is eating and drinking, ’cause there may be some ’poison’.  On 28-29 March 2025, there will be the solar eclipse at 9 Libra, which will be again in his 8th, so, there are many signs.And before that solar one, the lunar one is happening on 14th March 2025, at 24 Virgo, conjunct his cusp of 2nd house (food we eat).

These two solar eclipses, at 10 Libra in early October 2024, and at 9 Aries end of March 2025, both hitting Trump’s natal Mercury (ruler of his natal Gemini Sun and his natal North Node) at 8 Cancer. By the way, Solar Arc Saturn is right now at 8 Libra, and now we have a problem, toghter with both solar eclipses – there is a hard time for him. His natal Mercury runs into conjunction with his natal, weak, in exile Saturn in Cancer, so, yes, there is a problem for sure!

On 13 July 2024 (1st Trump’s Assassination Attempt) lunar nodes axis was over 10 Aries (North Node)/10 Libra (South Node).

In late March 2024, there was the solar eclipse at 5 Aries, hitting Trump’s natal Rx Neptune (ruler of his natal 8th) at 5 Libra in 2nd house –again, I will say the same, I Iwould really take care what Trump puts in his mouth. That eclipse was ofcourse, in his 8th house, which is a bad sign.

When late JFK was killed, transit Rx Jupiter was at 9-10 Aries, which is the point which is going to be hit with the solar eclipse on 1st October 2024 at 10 Libra, and with the solar eclipse on 29th March 2025 at 9 Aries.

With Jupiter around Trump’s Sun and North Node we expected some law issues, but Jupiter, as Zeus with many masks, knows to be death too.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you that there may be Assassination Attempt #No3, soon, just around Putin’s bday...

Here you can read my article on the New Moon at Rigel star which happened on 6th June 2024, when I’ve said that Trump may be killed. Just clik - here

Here you can read my artilce on the upcoming US election where I’ve compared Kamala’s journey and her role with progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln, the president who leaded the US into Civil War 1861. Just clik – here

Here you can read my artilce on Robert F Kennedy Jr and MAHA, just clik - here

Here you can read my article on the New Moon at 11 Virgo, where I am speaking about Tucker Carlson’s chart too, just clik – here

Here you can read my artilce on 1st Harris-Trump debate, just clik -  here Also, in this article, I am speaking about progressed Moon of the US at 0 Aries in January 2025 and about the New World which is going to be born. This spot is very important because Saturn and Neptune will make at 0 Aries their great conjunction, marking the beginning of New Fresh Start. It seams that Tulsi Gabbard is going to be that woman which will rise out of the water (Sabian symbol for 0 Aries- The Woman Rises Out of the Water).


You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English and Serbian. Contact for booking via email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com

I published, on 16th September 2024, via my Facebook page, an article on the upcoming lunar eclipse at 25 Pisces, speaking there about Assassination Attempt on Trump #No2. I copy paste that article here, for you.


The Lunar eclipse at 25° Pisces on 17/18 September 2024 and Trump's Assissantion Attempt #No2

In the chart of Trump's Assissantion Attempt #No2 we see almost the same  degree 16°35' Sagittarius as on 13 July 2024 (Asc 15°41' Sagittarius). In both cases - Desc conjunct star Rigel (Orion constellation) which is always linked with a death of some great tall leader, with strong shoulders, significant walking,as well as with someone who has problems with women, and who is open to cooperate with Eastern cultures and civilizations. I wrote about this star, if you remember, on 6th June 2024, we had the New Moon at Rigel, conjunct Trump's natal Uranus in 10th. Robert F Kennedy Jr has at Rigel his natal Jupiter- they are both in danger and they both could be killed. Moreover, transit Venus (revolution, because she was the daughter of Uranus) today has her placement at 21° Libra, conjunct Asc of late JFK, and that was a placement of transit Moon on 13 July 2024. You see how pattern is repeating! Transit Sun is almost at 24° Virgo, hitting Kamala's Harris natal axis Asc/Desc, North Node/South Node over 24° Gemini/24° Sagittarius, progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln at 24° Sagittarius on 12th April 1861 (when Civil war started), progressed Mars at 24° Sagittarius of Robert F Kennedy Jr, Solar Arc Moons at 24° Virgo of Robert F Kennedy Jr and Tulsi Gabbard, as well as Trump's Solar Arc Mercury (ruler of his natal Uranus at Rigel) at 24° Virgo. Plus, the lunar eclipse at 25° is coming on 17/18th September 2024, and there is a 'carpet' for some 'modern civil war' in the US. Also, you can notice IC/Mc axis in this chart over 27° Pisces/27° Virgo (Venus' exaltation degree/Venus' fall degree) which is axis Asc/Desc in the horoscope of Civil war 1861. Robert F Kennedy Jr has his progressed angular houses in 2024 over 27° of mutable signs, and since he joined Trump's Team- he is bringing him big chance for winning for progressed Moon of the US in November 2024 will be at 27° Pisces (conjunct draco Uranus of Trump). If you remember, I've said many many times, that progressed Sun of Michelle Obama is this year at 27° Pisces too, so that's why I dare to say that her husband is running again for his 4th term (Biden's term was Obama's 3rd term). But, if we know that 27° of mutable signs are related with the Civil war 1861, we really may dare to think will there be elections at all, 'cause all these assassination attempts may lead into some 'modern civil war'

And, listen more, Jupiter (death) easy slows down, ready to turn retro at 21° Gemini around 9th October 2024, conjunct Trump's natal North Node (secret enemy, the one who stands behind our back) and his natal Sun (ruler of his 29° Leo Asc as well as his natal Mars at 26° Leo). This is also a sign of possible death. Keep on mind that his Mars is conjunct the star from Hydra (water snake) which is literally link with the archetype of what we today call 'deep state'. Also, it brings a problem with heart issues, represents blood clots.

However, Kennedy Jr is also in danger, for his father was killed also when Rigel was in the air, as well as with the activation of 11° of mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarus-Pisces). On 20th January 2025, when the US should officially get its President, Antiscia Moon will be at 11° Virgo. Recently, we had the New Moon at 11° Virgo, and i wrote in my article on that topic that even inauguration day may be coloured with some assissantion/s. Transit Moon on that day is at 18° Libra (at 19° Libra the Sun falls), transit Mercury will be at 18° Capricorn - all Kennedy's lost their lives over 18° of cardinal (you can read my article on that topic too,here). In early October transit Mars is crossing over 18° Cancer, so pay attention, and Mars will turn direct in  February 2025 at 17°-18° Cancer. Even the famous journalist Tucker Carlson has his progressed Sun in 2024 at 18° Cancer!

Whatever happens, have on mind that the US is going to have its progressed Moon at 0° Aries in January 2024, which is a strong sign that the New Cycle begins. The New world will be born at 0° Aries when Saturn and Neptune meet already in July 2024 but the exact conjunction will be on 20th February 2025. Transit Mars will be then around 22° Aquarius (Neptune exaltation degree) conjunct the Moon's placement in the chart of Trump's assissantion attempt #No2. Saturn Neptun cycle is linked always with socialism, Communism, Russia. I found all related with BRICS is linked with 24° of mutable, as well as with 0° Aries where Saturn and Neptune will meet.

At 0° Aries Sabian symbol says -'Woman Rises Out of Water'. It's a cardinal military sign, and this could be Tulsi Gabbard with her draco Asc at 0° Aries, together with draco Venus' of Robert F Kennedy Jr at 0° Aries, as well as with Trump's draco Moon across,at 0° Libra.

Yes, Trump is in danger, elections may be postponed or not happening, there may be some chaos, if they happen around inauguration also someone may be killed, but one is sure, the first signs of New World which is going to be born- we will see in the US, in January 2025, and Tulsi-Kennedy- Trump may be those who will  open the gate - ready to connect much more with BRICS world.

Bolswick revolution happened with Saturn Neptune conjunction in Leo 1917

Stalin died when Saturn Neptune were made conjunction in Libra (Putin was born with the same conjunction in Libra)

The Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 was with Saturn Neptune in Capricorn

Marxism was launched with Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aquarius

We are all seeing that socialists and Communists are getting elections in UK, France, so pay attention,so far left parties are much more worst, they are new Communists

Trump uses to say that Kamala is a liberal communist!

But, with this Saturn Neptune conjunction at 0° Aries the new world such as BRICS will get its five minutes, and team around Trump may take some part in that.

Again I will say, the US may soon go into big chaos, something similar what was civil war, so this elections are the most interesting elections ever.

To remind you, Hitler attacked SSSR when Mars was at 24° Pisces, and Neptune was at 24° Virgo. With the upcoming lunar eclipse at 25° Pisces the US, as the most important NATO country, could launch much bigger war (through Ukraine) against Putin, which also could postpone election. Someone is going to do all, to stop Trump to win, that's the point here. This won't go without mess and chaos, both parties have 27° of mutable for winning and both they declare the same - We Won!!!

Happy Lunar eclipse, stay calm, try to be intuitive more then ever, 'cause this lunar eclipse conjunct Rx Neptune in domicile - dream, sleep, feel, don't speak!

Here is the link of my article on last New Moon at 11° Virgo https://astrologsmiljanagavrancic.blogspot.com/.../the...

Within the same link, they are links for all my articles on US elections topic

Also, I recommend you to check my article on Harris' Trump debate https://astrologsmiljanagavrancic.blogspot.com/.../harris...

~ You can book your personal reading with me in advance for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English and Serbian, contact for booking via email smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com 



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