субота, 16. април 2022.

France 2022 Election Emmanuel Macron Or Marine Le Pen? The First Saturn Return of the EU - Is Marine Le Pen The One Who Is Going To 'Cut Off The Head Of Eu'? Published: 16th April, 2022 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP

France 2022 Election

Emmanuel Macron Or Marine Le Pen?

The First Saturn Return of the EU - Is Marine Le Pen The One Who Is Going To 'Cut Off The Head Of Eu'?

Published: 16th April, 2022 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić Professional Astrologer ISAR CAP


Here you can read my article Spring 2022 and where this world is going


 The Élysée Palace is the official residence of the President of the French Republic since 12th December 1848 when The Parliament of 2nd French Republic declared it. Transit Sun was at 20 ° -21 ° Sagittarius, axis IC/Mc was over 22 ° Gemini/22 ° Sagittarius, and transit Moon was at 18 ° 43’ Cancer. In my research, which I am going to present you in this article, you are going to see how axis 21 ° Gemini/21 ° Sagittarius, as well as axis 18 ° -19 ° Cancer/18 ° -19 ° Capricorn are important for French Presidential Election through history.  

It was a time of Napoleon Louis III, and if we progress his natal chart for 12th December 1848, we can see his axis IC/MC over 21 Gemini/Sagittarius. This was for me very important spot, because, at 21 ° 00’ Sagittarius, on 24th April 2022, there will be secondary progressed Moon (ruler of her MC) of Marine Le Pen. Moreover, at 20 ° 38’ there is her draconic Moon (memory from past life).



But, the current President Macron has his secondary progressed Moon also very close, at 20 ° 48’ Sagittarius (his natal Venus is at 21 ° Sagittarius, and it is ruler of his Moon 14 ° Taurus). So, they both  have that spot activated in their progressiond. It seams there is going to be very tight fight between Le Pen and Macron. I would also mention that Le Pen’s natal Moon (voters) is ’out-of-bounds’ (OOB) which means that she may get ’hidden’ voters suddenly which may help her. When I say ’hidden’ I do not mean in negative sense, as planet OOB always brings extra ordinary opportuinites.

8th January 1959 & 8th January 2022

In modern history of France, the most important figure would be Charles De Gaulle, as he is well-known as father of 5th French Republic (the current one). The moment of his Inauguration (8th January 1959, 12:20 pm, Paris) in draconic chart (the memory of that event) has axis IC/MC over 21 ° Sagittarius/21 ° Gemini. De Gaulle’s draconic chart has the Moon (people, nation) at 19 ° Capricorn, conjunction Marine Le Pen’s IC, and at the same time opposite her MC. I must add that her draconic Mars is at 18 ° Cancer, at her natal MC at 19° Cancer. During 2022, i.e. on 8th January 2022 (pay attention it is again 8th January like when De Gaulle was inaugurated) there was RxVenus/Sun conjunction at 18 ° Capricorn, exactly at Marine Le Pen IC (her father), which opened very important year for her. At the same time, the memory of soul of De Gaulle (though his draco Moon 19 ° Capricorn) was acctivated. And, finally, on 8th January 1959 you can notice transit Sun (President) at 17 ° 26’ Capricorn (very close with 18 ° Capricorn).    


If we check Solar Arc direction of the chart when De Gaulle was inaugurated, we can see that for 24th April 2022 (second round of election) axis of lunar nodes goes over 21° 46’ Gemini (South Node)/21° 46’ Sagittarius (North Node), with tertiary Moon (moves 1 degree per 2 days) over 19° Sagittarius (very soon crossing over 21° Sagittarius).

French Presidents

If we check some French Presidents, for example, we can notice that Sarkozy has his natal Venus at 21° Sagittarius (the same as Macron) and that his draconic Asc is at 21° Sagittarius. So, definnetelly 21° Sagittarius may be some kind of ticket for entering The Élysée Palace.

When Jacques Rene Chirac started his term (17th May 1995) his tertiary Asc (moves 1 degree per 1 month) was at 19° Cancer, conjunct Marine Le Pen’s natal MC, as well as his draco Mars, and opposite draco Moon of Charles De Gaulle. Even Chirac’s tertiary Moon (moves 1 degree per 2 days )was around, at 20° Cancer which means that in few past days it was crossing over 19° Cancer.    

Georges Pompidou, who ruled after De Gaulle, has his draco Venus (ruler of his natal MC) at 19° Cancer – conjunct Le Pen’s natal MC and her draco Mars, and opposite De Gaulle’s draco Moon 19° Capricorn.  



On 10th April 2022 France voted, and elected two candidates for second round. They are Emmanuel Macron (the current President who runs for his second term), and Marine Le Pen (far-right candidate). Macron got 27,8%, Le Pen got 23,1%. The winner will be the one who get 50% + 1 on 24th April 2022

France 2022 Election happens with Jupiter/Neptune conjunction vibe, which happend on 12th April 2022, at 23° 59’ Pisces. By the way, Jupiter/Neptune cycle is always related with France, you cand find that The First French Republic was established just after Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, today’s Fifth French Republic also has in its chart Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.

There is also one more chart of France, important, 3rd July 987 AD, 12:03pm, Noyon, France (Hugh Capet, the Count of Paris, became king and founded a dynasty that would rule France for the next 800 years). There you can also see Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.

If we progress this chart for the year when The Élysée Palace was complited, in 1722, we can see secondary progressed Sun (President, King), as well as MC, both,  at 19° Cancer, conjunct today’s Le Pen’s MC and his draco Mars.  Secondary progressed Asc was at 15° Libra – which is the place of Le Pen’s Asc too. Solar Arc Uranus (which is in this chart exactly at IC) was at 19° Capricorn, conjunct draco Moon od De Gaulle, and conjunct Le Pen’s natal IC (her home).    

If we take a look on the horoscope of Brigitte Macron (wife of President Macron) we can notice her progressed Sun (husband) at the very end of Taurus, at 29° Taurus, conjunct the nebula star Pleiades well-known as ’TheWeeping Sisters’ which may be a sign that he is at his end as President and in some kind of trouble. Also, her secondary progressed IC (home, residency) just came at 0° 44’ Cancer which also could be a sign that Brigitte Macron is coming back home (Cancer) where she used to live before The Élysée Palace.  Of course, there is a strong sign that this woman is linked with The Élysée Palace – her axis Asc/Desc is over 22° Sagittarius/22° Gemini, which is very close with 21° Sagittarius/21°Gemini.


As interesting information is that Marine Le Pen in the moment of election, on 24th April 2022, is going to have her tertiary Moon (moves 1 degree per 2 days) at 19° Aries (where her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has his draco Sun), which all squares axis 19° Cancer/19° Capricorn. Like she is helping her father to finish something which he didn’t...   

The First Saturn Return in the chart of the EU

„We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten and put aside the people, the people's interests, aspirations, and dreams“

„Everyone understands the European Union is a failure. It has not kept any of its promises - in particular about prosperity, security - and, worst of all, has put us under a guardianship“

„Let's close all the Islamist mosques“

~ Marine Le Pen~



The second round of the Presidential Election in France are happening in the moment (just after EU’s first Saturn Return), with lunar nodes over the Moon at Algol in 10th house (woman in EU who may be Gorgon Medusa and ’break’ the head of EU) and over Mars/Pluto in Scorpio around the star from Draco constellation (energy) in EU’s 4th house (resources). Saturn in 7th represents Russia, as its open enemy, and it is very strong Saturn, in domicile, in 7th (Saturn naturally exalts in 7th sign in Zodiac, in Libra, so it likes to be placed in 7th). Saturn is top of the fixed T square and the most important spot in the chart othe EU. That Moon at Algol represents Islam too, and all migrants from East who came in EU. The EU may ’crash’ on that issue, on Islam and migrants. It is well-known that Le Pen fights against EU with migrants.She wants drastically to reduce immigration. So, she may be that Moon at Algol, the woman who is going to cut off ’the head’ of Islam in EU, who is going to transform Europe, as Algol always brings changes, movings.  In the moment when the 2nd round is over, transit Moon as you can see will be very close with Saturn (Russia) of EU, which also may works in her favour. Moreover, in that moment, the ruler of 4th (Le Pen as oposition ) is very strong Saturn in domicile, and transit Moon (voters) is applying to that Saturn. It seams she is going to have support of nation. The ruler of 10th (current ruler, Macron is the Sun in Taurus, where the Sun does not have any dignity. This also may be a sign that Le Pen may get some advantage.

One more important thing, Venus is ruler of EU’s MC (reputation of EU, status what EU becomes in time) and we see that Venus of EU is in domicle, in Libra, but at 19° Libra, where Sun falls-so the EU is going to fall regarding its reputation. At 19° Libra, I mapped Russia, Moscow (in my mundane work, you can read that article here), and it seams that the reason of EU’s fall is going to be Russia’s issue.  On 8th January 2022, when RxVenus and Sun met at 18°-19° Capricorn, it squared 19° Libra too, and the EU already entered its deep transformation. 


Macron, has in his natal chart the Moon/Uranus oposition over 14° Taurus/14° Scorpio, with RxMars as focal planet, at 11° Leo, in fixed T square. His Mars (as ruler of his MC-he as President) was already activated in last December 2021 with 3rd Saturn/Uranus square over 11° Aquarius/11° Taurus. Transit Uranus over Macron’s natal Moon brings him very unstable situation within his nation and those are people who are going to bring him a lot of stress and some kind of revolution. His Solar Arc Moon/Uranus are going over 29° Gemini/29° Sagittarius, which means he reached some end and there is going to be some change for him. Also, transit Jupiter squares his natal Sun/Mercury conjunction at 29° Sagittarius,natally he has Jupiter opositon his Sun/Mercury, and that’s why his expectations may not be realistic.    

Marine Le Pen is Libra rising, and her Venus at 25° Leo has trine with Saturn at 25° Aries, in her 7th. Transit Saturn in Aquarius, is making oposition with her Venus, but this is helping her, to manifest her lazy trine. This is working for her very well. Transit Pluto oposite her Mars in 10th, also working for her well, as natally she has Pluto in Virgo in sextile with the same Mars. 

What Macron misses and what Le Pen has? He misses 18°-19° of cardinal signs, which can works in favour of Le Pen, this time.

On 13 May 2022, the new President will enter The Élysée Palace. At noon (12pm) transit Moon will be at 15° Libra, exactly at Le Pen’s Asc. It wil be just three days before the lunar eclipse at 25° Scorpio, which is going to shake the future of EU and to bring deep changes.  

NATO & France


Marine Le Pen said if she wins, France will leave NATO! Her synastry with NATO is very strong, specially if we take the fact that NATO’s draconic Pluto (ruler of its Asc 2° Scorpio) is at 29° Cancer, conjunct her natal Mars 29° Cancer in her 10th, and her draco Mercury at 29° Cancer. We must all have on mind that very soon, transit Pluto is going to ’hit’ 29° Cancer – early spring 2023, which could be ’big war’ between Le Pen and NATO in case she wins and becomes President. NATO has its draconic Sun at 13° Leo where Le Pen has her natal Sun. This is very strong bond between NATO an Le Pen. Like status and reputation of NATO is very linked with Le Pen’s personality. Draco Asc of NATO is at 15° Libra which is Asc of Le Pen.   


 NATO was established during 4th French Republic and under the presidency of Vincent Auriol. Secondary progressed Asc of 4th French Republic on 24th August 1949 was at 13° Leo. So, again that famous 13° Leo-place of Le Pen’s natal Sun and draco Sun of NATO.  Vincent Auriol had his solar Arc axis IC/MC over 13° Leo/13° Aquarius on 24th August 1949.  

Now, I get idea to progress Vincent’s chart for election 2022, and I see his progressed Moon (voters) at 20° 58’ Sagittarius (almost 21° Sagittarius) where Le Pen has her progressed Moon (her draco Moon too), where even Macron has his progressed Moon (and natal Venus-ruler of his Moon in Taurus). As I showed you in this article, 21° Sagittarius may be a spot for entering The Élysée Palace. Even his tertiary progressions shows something which could be in favour of Le Pen. What? His tertiary Moon (moves 1 degree per 2 days) on 24th April 2022 is at the same spot where Le Pen has her tertiary Moon in that moment, at 19° Aries, conjunct draco Sun of her late father Jean-Mari Le Pen. His tertiary axis IC/MC is over 21° Gemini/21° Sagittarius which also speaks that this man is very important even now, as ex French President. During his term, NATO was established.  

I will finish this article with this: I mapped The White House over 22° Gemini/22° Sagittarius, and it seams that we have the same ticket for entering The White House and The Élysée Palace. It seams that the US influence for Presidential Election in France is very prominent... More then we could even imagine.


You can  book your personal reading with me in advance as there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English and Serbian. Contact for booking via email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com


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