Volodymyr Zelensky: "I Will Never Let You Down"! "I has never talked with Russian President Putin, and I has not been to Russia since the beginning of the war"! But, what about Zelensky's karma with Vladimir Putin?
Published: 22 April, 2019 I Author: Smiljana GavrančićHere you can read my article about Zelensky's winning in the second round which I wrote two weeks ago: Gas Princess (Yulia Tymoshenko), Chocolate Baron (Petro Proshenko) or "Servant of the People" (Volodymyr Zelenskiy)?PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN UKRAINE TODAY (31st March, 2019)
Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky has won a landslide victory in the country's presidential election, exit polls suggest.
Putin’s draco Chiron at 18° Aquarius (wound, pain) is in opposition with Zelensky’s Moon (theritory, land) at 17° Leo, so Putin could continue to hurt people of Ukraine regarding Crimea issues during Zelensky’s presidency. Putin’s draco Mars (ruler of his Scorpio rising) is at 6° Aquarius 32’, in conjunction with Venus (diplomacy) at 5° Aquarius 53’. As conjunction is within the modern sign of Aquarius, I would say they will have a chance to change relationship between Russia and Ukraine. Within the sign of Aquarius we are open enough to accept new trends and to look more in the future, leaving past behind... Do not forget that Russia has its Moon (Russian’s people) at 5° Aquarius too! Putin’s draco Venus (diplomacy) is at 21° Sagittarius, and she „sits“ on Zelensky’s Desc 21° Sagittarius. Interesting, around 21° Sagittarius there is one fixed star Atria (constellation Southern Triangle) which speaks about secret societies,massons, as well as secret services). We should follow Jupiter’s transit over 21° Sagittarius regarding relations between two countries: end of May 2019 retrograde Jupiter will cross over 21° Sagittarius and one more time, the last time, in the second half of October 2019. Jupiter knows to expand and makes problems, and in this case, crossing over Atria, may be there will be some affair where secret serveces of both country might be involved... Putin’s draco Uranus (as ruler of his IC-theritory, and it is speaking about separation generally) is at 28° Leo, making conjunction with Zelensky’s natal Saturn (ruler of his MC-he as president) at 28° Leo. Zelensky might deal with new, unexpected events with Putin e.i. draco Uranus of Putin might bring to his presidency a lot of stress regarding Crimea’s issue. Do not forget, when they both were born, the royal fixed star Regulus („Watcher of the North“) was around 28°-29° Leo!
The War in Donbass (6th April 2014 until today), started with the lunar nodes axis over 28° Libra27’ (NN) / 28° Aries27’ (SN). Uranus just turned direct in early January at 28° Aries, giving to the mentioned axis some power. Around 28° Aries there is the star nebula Vertex, from constellation Andromeda (The Chained Princess). The famous Roman astrologer Manilius mentiones this star in his book ‘Astronomica’: “The man whose birth coincides with the rising of Andromeda from the sea will prove merciless, a dispenser of punishment, a warder of dungeon dire; he will stand arrogantly by while the mothers of wretched prisoners lie prostrate on his threshold, and the fathers wait all night to catch the last kisses of their sons and receive into their inmost being the dying breath. From the same constellation comes the figure of the executioner, ready to take money for a speedy death and the rites of a funeral pyre, for him execution means profit, and oft will he bare his axe; in short, he is a man who could have looked unmoved on Andromeda herself fettered to the rock. Governor of the imprisoned he occasionally becomes a fellow convict, chained to criminals so as to save them for execution.” [Manilius, Astronomica, Book 5, 1st century A.D., p.351.]
Putin's "bridge" to Crimea...
Ukraine just got its first Jewish President!
A teacher of chemistry (in tv show, he is a teacher of history)
Inspiration: … and after mixing all the basic ingredients together in a bowl, sprinkle a wee amount of 'whats its name' to activate the alchemical process.
Today:Chemistry, understood as a metaphor for personal relating or social atmosphere considerations, points to the inner workings of things. Not visible on the surface, yet observable in its effects, the active ingredient such as yeast, that stimulates dough to rise, makes a difference.
In terms of awareness, allow your mind to sink below the perceptible surface of affairs. There is a chemistry there at work. Whether is is good or not so good, that question is yours to discern.
Bringing change to a situation is like sprinkling a small amount of something… consider kindness, patient detachment, a dash of enthusiasm, a few shakes of hot sauce comment… and sprinkling is an action whcih is to the core dynamic potential for the day.
Cooking is chemistry is creatively engaging your lived reality. When the doorbell rings, open the door onto a whole world of ambient sorcery.
The upcoming part of this article was updated on Sunday, 23 January 2022
The War in Donbass in 2022
The War in Donbass’ chart (6th April 2014) we should observe now again. Why? As this chart is the seed of this event! In Solar Arc direction (everything moves 1° per 1 year) we may notice Solar Arc Jupiter at 19° Cancer, squaring ’weak’ Mars at 19° Libra (the Sun’s fall degree, plus Mars is in its exile in Libra). Mars at 19° Libra is an image of some soldier who is going to lose life and his dignity or reputation, who is going to fall literally! Also, Mars in 4th (theritory) is very weak Mars, as Mars falls in Cancer (4th sign within the Zodiac). The last retro Venus/Sun conjunction at 18° Capricorn (9th Janaury 2022) hitted Mars at 19° Libra in this chart, as well as Solar Arc Jupiter at 19° Cancer, which is the activation exactly right now, and as Mars and Jupiter are in square in this chart by itself, the moment when Solar Arc Jupiter comes at 19° Cancer, making exactly square with Mars at 19° Libra is a year when war may, somehow, be reopen! Don’t forget Putin’s Uranus (as ruler of his 4th – theritory) at 18° Cancer in his 9th (abroad). A lot of things were activated recently.
Solar Arc Moon is at 13° Cancer, opposite Pluto 13° Capricorn from this chart, which is again an image of people who are in dangerous (war). This 2022 has been started with the New Moon at 12° Capricorn (2nd January 2022) which activated that too! If you remember, I’ve already said in this article the importance of 13° of cardinal signs and the Grand Cardinal Cross over 13°. The brightest star Sirius (’The Watcher of Europe’, which is literally the United States of America) is very linked with the US, as it has its Sun at 13° Cancer, so we may expect the US is going somehow to be involved into all this.
Solar Arc Mars just came at 27° Libra 33’, and it activates the lunar nodes axis from this chart which goes over 28° Libra (North Node)/28° Aries (South Node). Transit Pluto at 28° Capricorn is going to square this axis in February 2022 and to open some dramatic things regardign theritory.
Solar Arc Asc of this chart is at 3° Leo, and in the moment when I do update of this article (23 January 2022) we have retro Mercury/Sun kazimi conjunction at 3° Aquarius, which may be the very important day for Ukraine and Russia.
Around 1st February 2022 we are going to have the Full Moon at 12° Aquarius, which is the top of 8th house (war, conflicts) in this chart.
Around 19th February 2022 transit Saturn will be at 17° Aquarius, exactly in opposition with Zeleneskey’s natal Moon (people of Ukraine) at 17° Leo. As in his natal he has Moon/Saturn conjunction in Leo, this is a sign that Ukraine’s people are going to go through some loss, regarding theritory too, as the Moon represents theritory too. Just to remind you that Putin’s South Node is over Zeleneskey’s Moon, which literally means that Ukraine’s People are going to be ’eaten’ by Putin. Karma works in favour of Putin!As you can see, Putin’s axis IC/MC is going over Zeleneskey’s axis MC/IC and those two men are very linked, and transit Saturn in 2022 is going to make they must face with the facts.
Also, we must pay attention at Mercury at 27° Pisces in this chart. Why? Because that Mercury is at MC in this chart, and at Venus’ exaltation degree, and Venus’ exaltation degree was always activated through history when some war has been started. How? Becuase, Venus’ was made from Uranus’ blood, Venus is the daughter of the God of Revolution, also, at 27° Pisces we may find the placement of discovering of asteroid Helena (now I am speaking on Troyan war, and a woman as cause of war). When Jupiter and Saturn made the great conjunction in late December 2020 at 0° Aquarius, the Moon’s placement was at 27° Pisces. At the same place we may see in the chart of the US Civil War Ascendent! In 2021, at 27° Pisces we had the Full Moon around 20th September 2021. In late December, we had the Full Moon at 27°-28° Gemini, squaring 27° Pisces. In mid March 2022 we will have the Full Moon at 27° Virgo, which will be opposite to 27° Pisces. But, the most important moment is going to be 30th April 2022 when we have the solar eclipse at 10° Taurus together with Venus/Jupiter conjunction at 27° Pisces!
Finally, in this chart from 6th April 2014, we can see the Sun in 10th, at 16°Aries29’, in conjunction with asteroid Helene at 17Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from 10 August 2015 Aries, and this Sun, through dispositor (which is Mars) goes from exaltation into the sigh where it falls (Libra), moreover it goes even at the degree of its fall (which is 19° Libra).
One more interesting thing is that right now Mars (the planet of war, conflicts) is OOB (out-of-bounds) and both leaders, Putin as well as Zeleneskey, have their Mars’ OOB.
Beijing 2022 – Winter Olympics in China
We must mention Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova (she is the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation from 10 August 2015) as her part may be very important too, for she is a woman! Her progressed Sun just came at 18°47’ Aquarius, conjunct Zeleneskey’s MC at 19°50' Aquarius, which may be a sign of Putin (as her President) who is taking advantage over Zeleneskey’s reputation. Maria Zakharova said on 22 January 2022 how she expects some kind of provocations by the USA and Ukraine during The Winter Olympics in China, well-known as Beijing 2022 (which are happening from 4th February until 20th February 2022). As you can see, I’ve mentioned several days within February as important for this topic.
Joe Biden/Volodymyr Zeleneskey synastry
We must notice Biden's North Node at Zelenesky's Saturn (ruler of his MC-his status) in 4th (theritory) around the royal star Regulus (The Heart of Lion). The problem is that Zelenekey's SAturn is in its exile (it does not feel strong in Leo), as well as in bad house by itself (SAturn does not want to be in 4th sign within Zodiac,which is the sign of Cancer, as there it is in its exile). Ofcourse that Biden's North Node wants to help to Zelenesky to expand regarding theritory, but it won't happen, as this is very weak Saturn. Anyway, Zeleneskey is getting big message and lesson via his relationship with Biden.
Interesting, Biden's progressed Sun is also at 18° 03' Aquarius, conjunct Zeleneskey's MC 19° Aquarius 50', but Maria Zakharova's progressed Sun is at 18° 47' Aquarius, much more closer to Zeleneskey's MC. What I want to say, is that Russia is in advantage over Zeleneskey, Biden won't be enough 'fast' here, and the cake goes to Putin.