понедељак, 22. јул 2024.

The US Presidential Election 2024 What Abraham Lincoln and Kamala Harris have in common? The Civil War Energy Above the US Published: 22 July 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP



The US Presidential Election 2024

What Abraham Lincoln and Kamala Harris have in common?

The Civil War Energy Above the US

Published: 22 July 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP

 1 Kamala Harris photo that shows just how much history was made on  Inauguration Day | CNN Politics

The US President Abraham Lincoln led his country through the American Civil War, defending the nation as a constitutional union, defeating the insurgent Confederacy, playing a major role in the aboliton of slavery, expanding the power of the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy.

Why I am now speaking about him?

He was born with Moon at 27 Capricorn, conjunct Pluto of the US. On 2nd February 2022 transit Pluto crossed over his natal Moon (the US nation), and in that moment, transit Moon was at 28 Aquarius 11’.

On 19th August 2024, there is going to be the Full Moon at 27 Aquarius 15’ (Washington D.C., 14:25:34), and Democrats should finally say who is going to be the candidate for presidential race (although I think already current Vice President Kamala Harris has her big chance to get in). Probably, we are going to find out who is going to be running mate for VP too.

But, let’s start from the beginning.

Secondary progressed Moon of the US in November 2024 (time of elections) is going to be at 27 Pisces, which is Venus’ exaltation degree, speaks about the daughter of Uranus (God of Revolution, with big R), and she represents civil war, protesting, blood. She is the one who inspires war, not Mars, Mars acts, but before Mars gets a call to act-Venus must inspire him, that’s the point, to figure the difrence between Venus and Mars regarding conflicts, wars, etc.

When I saw 27 of Pisces for the placement of progressed Moon of the US in the moment of elections, I just recalled Asc of the US Civil War chart (12th April, 1861). Believer or not, Asc was at 27 Pisces! That helps me even more to understand where the US is going... Then, I recalled the moment when Jupiter and Saturn made their great conjunction in December 2020, just after Joe Biden won elections – there was Moon’s placement at 27 Pisces! You all know what comes soon after? On 6th January 2021, Trump’s supporters attacked the Capitol in Washington D.C., which was almost like a civil war in the air...

 Photos from The Making of Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama's Inauguration  Day Looks

My puzzle started to be much more completed when I checked progressed Sun’s placement of former first lady, Michelle Obama, and when I saw it is placed at 27 Pisces in 2024! That led me to conclude how this woman somehow, or her husband (Sun-former president Barack), must be somehow included, directly, or not, but their influence on  the upcoming November election must be there. Yes, I know Michelle said several times in past she wouldn’t run for President... but, ... Also I found as important that Solar Arc Saturn (ruler of Barack’s 12th and Asc) is in 2024 at 27 Pisces too-so, definately the former President Obama is going to have such a big influence on the upcoming elections, maybe  his candidate is going to be promoted, we will see soon.. . I also take as important the fact that on his Solar Return day, on 4th August 2024, there is going to be the New Moon at 12  Leo, exactly at his natal Sun 12 Leo (ruler of his 7th-wife), so let’s see. By the way, 12 Leo was Venus’ shadow starting point last June 2023 and the point when Venus turned direct in early September 2023-I would dare to say they started to prepare for replacement of Biden last summer... They did all from ’shadow’...

Also, I have to say that I did not notice any 27 of mutable signs in Trump’s charts, so I suspect he will win, even right now all works in his favour, if you observe as ordinary person, if you are not into astrology...

 Kamala Harris - "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth,  they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is  to bring them

When you chek the chart from 19th November 2021, when VP Kamala Harris took for few hours office, during Biden’s surgery, and when all medias presented that moment like this-’’KAMALA MADE A HISTORY’’, we can notice transit Sun at 27 Scorpio, which is going to hit fixed T-square on 19th August 2024 Full Moon day (Moon will be at 27 Aquarius, Sun at 27 Leo, Rx Mercury 26 Leo, Uranus at 27 Taurus). When you cast draconic chart (the memory of our souls on this moment, from previous lives) for 19th November 2021-you can see the Moon’s placement at 28 Pisces (just finished crossing over 27  Pisces – Civil War degree), and the Sun’s placement at 25 Virgo – in mid September 2024 there is going to be the lunar eclipse at 24-25 Pisces, hitting that Sun (president), as well as Kamala’s natal axis Asc/Desc (as well as axis of lunar nodes) over 24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius. So, the bingo I ’ve said to myself!!! So, once she took office for a while, but she may do it again, even before Joe Biden ends his term . Why I think Joe Biden won’t maybe end his term? Because he was elected just around Jupiter/Saturn great conjunction in December 2020-every US President who would be elected on Jupiter/Saturn great conjunction – wouldn’t finish his term. So, maybe his Covid-19 issue recently was just the first step into something much more deeper which could hit his health, ’cause that Full Moon on 19th August 2024 at 27 Auqarius –is going to hit his natal Chiron (illness) at 28 Leo, as well as his natal Venus/Sun conjunction in 12th (malefic house) at 27-28 Scorpio. As I’ve wrote many times on my Facebook page-Venus (blood clotting) in Scorpio is weak, in her exile, and in his case ’combust’ by the Sun (brain, too much light), and all is in square with Chiron which is at fixed star from Hydra constellation (always has something with blood clots). I dare to say his health is very in danger, and in August we may hear some bad news. That’s why I dare to say that VP Kamala Harris may took the office even few months before elections. I would watch on end of August, beginning of September, why?

It is just before the lunare eclipse at 24-25 Pisces, which calls out her Asc/Desc, lunar nodes axis, and she was born with the Full Moon in her chart too (have on mind that lunar eclipse is the Full Moon too).

Now, let’s take a look on 12th April 1861 and Abraham Lincoln’s progressions and Solar Arc for the moment when the US entered Civil War. Beliver or not, but his progressed Moon (the US nation) was then at 24 Sagittarius!!! It is the placement of Kamala’s natal South Node (the point of her biggest lesson, the point of loss, accepting things and moving forward). What this could mean? This could mean this lady is going to expose the country to some Civil War-there is a material for that. And look more, Abraham’s Solar Arc Moon (the US nation) for 12th April 1861 was at 19 Pisces!!! Right now, secondary progressed Sun of the US (as well as Solar Arc of the US) is at 19 Pisces , and all was coloured with transit stacionary Rx Saturn at 19 Pisces –Joe Biden just stopped and changed mind, gave up on race, that happens with stacionary retro planet, you just change mind... More over, the importance of 19 Pisces for the US we can see through Abraham Lincoln’s draconic Mars at 19 Pisces too! So, there are many signs for possible Civil War in the US. Already end of August 2024, early September 2024, progressed Moon of the US is going to be at 24 Pisces-so, it starts soon. There must be some chaos, mess, which reminds on 12th April 1861.

Kamala may be in charge, we have many signs for that, for example, her Solar Arc axis Moon/Sun is at 27 Gemini/28 Sagittarius, hitting 27 Pisces (secondary progressed Moon of the US in November 2024). Her secondary progressed Moon is going to be around elections exactly at the US Sun 13 Cancer, which is also a sign that the Universe is working in her favour.

Biden took his term with progressed Moon of the US at the very end of Capricorn, at 29 Capricorn in November 2020. Yesterday, on Sunday 21st July 2024, on the Full Moon day at 29 Capricorn (conjunct Rx Pluto at 0 Aqurius) he gave up on race, with all his support for Kamala Harris. At 29 Capricorn we have the end of old system, old leaders, and at 0 Aquarius we are stepping into totally new different time, this is the change  of generations. I wonder will Trump keep his idea to run, or maybe he will be replaced too. Why? I predicted in my article on New Moon at Rigel star on 6th June 2024 that his life could be in danger, and when Mars and Uranus met at Algol, someone tried to kill him, we all know that. In myth, regarding Rigel, Artemis is the one  who kills him, because she got the wrong navigation by her twin brother Apolo (the God of the Sun) and her arrow ends in Orion’s body. With Rigel we always have some furneal of some big great world leader who looks into the direction of East, who is open to make some balance with East. Rigel is something which lives in the chart of fomer late president JFK too. I suspect the person who tired to kill Trump was some woman, there are some rumors around that young male who tried to stop Trump's life-was a transgender person, ex woman... Well, at 16 Gemini (Rigel’s placement) just around 19th August 2024 (the Full Moon day at 27 Aquarius) there is going to be Mars-Jupiter conjunction and here we go again-Trump may be again in danger. In the horoscope of his assissination attempt Asc/Desc was over 15 Sagittarius/15 Gemini, hitting Rigel at 16 Gemini. I would say his life is in real danger, but Biden’s health too. So, they are both very old, and very very fitting into 29 of Capricorn, so the replacemant of both is possible. Some chaos in August may stop elections and as there are many signs that Kamala’s chart is similar with Abraham’s chart (regarding 12th April 1861) – I suspect some civil war chaos may stop country for awhile, she may be in charge to declare the state of emergency because of some bad event in the country, and here we go... Ofcourse, beside Mars-Jupiter at Rigel, conjunct JFK’s natal Venus (ruler of his Asc 20 -21 Libra, conjunct transit Moon 21 Libra when they tried to kill Trump recently), conjunct Trump’s nata Uranus in his 10th, we must notice this Full Moon at 27 Aquarius hits Trump’s Desc, Asc, as well as Mars 26 Leo. There is a lot indeed for possible chaos in the US.

 On one side, Abraham Lincoln’s chart has some links with Kamala’s chart regarding the energy of Civil War repeating, on the other side, Abraham Lincoln was the US President who was assissinated-that fact is similar with Trump’s chart. It happend on 14th April 1865, with his progressed Sun at 19 Aries-the solar eclipse point on 8th April 2024, also it is the placement of secondary progresed Asc of former president Obama, as well as MC of first Pluto Return of the US (if you use Asc 8 Scorpio for the US horoscope, as I use-the source is Mark Penfield book). Well, just to let you know, that the last Full Moon at 29 Capricorn has its placement in draconic chart at 19 Capricorn, which immidatelly calls-out 19 of each cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Abraham died on 15th April 1865, 7:22 am, Washington D.C, with axis IC/MC – end of life/status, reputation, over 12 Leo/12 Aquarius-which is hitting the Sun’s placement of Barack Obama at 12 Leo, as well as calling out the upcoming New Moon at 12 Leo on 4th August 2024. Well, can we suspect that even Obama’s life is in danger? Well, yes...But, the same Sun in the chart of Barack Obama could be every single US President...

One more interesting thing regarding the chart of death of Linkoln-in its draco, you can see Sun’s placement at 25 Virgo-the same placement was in draco for 19th November 2021 when Biden had a surgery and Kamala took in charge for a while. Well, so many signs that Joe Biden literally may die before he ends term. And all around the lunar eclipse at 24-25 Pisces, indeed, we will soon find out...Immidiaelly that calls out Kamala’s axis Asc/Desc (lunar nodes) as well as secondary progressed Moon of Abraham Lincoln from April 1861 at 24 Sagittarius. Like some bad event with some US president may provide in the country something like was US Civil War in 1861.

And, speaking more about Mars-Jupiter conjunction at Rigel star, at 16 Gemini, it literally happens on 14th August 2024, with Moon’s placement guess where? At 15 Sagittarius, where was Asc when they tried to kill Trump on 13 July 2024. Sun’s placement is at 22 Leo, at Neptune’s fall degree, so maybe secret service is going to fall. Interesting, Abraham Lincoln axis Asc/Desc is 22 Aquarius/22 Leo, and his natal Sun is at 23 Aquarius-this  literally means some possible assissination is again there. I think Trump is in dagner again, for his natal Uranus in 10th is at 17 Gemini, conjunct Rigel star 16 Gemini. Because, I don’t see Trump entering White House at all, I see the enregy of 27 Pisces (the Helen of Troy asteroid’ degree discovering), which is Venus’ exaltation degree, which is so female energy who is going to provocate some war. All regarding abortion policy which Trump provides is also fitting within 27 Pisces, and 27 Pisces could bring the victory to those who wants to protect women, so, all is against Trump, even polls say he has advantage after debate with Joe Biden.

Mercury is going to turn retro, at 4 Virgo, just around Barack’s Obama Solar Return on 4th August, which is also the New Moon day, so the question is what Democrats are going to decide in August at all, what if something else happens in the country and we get postponed elections? Yes, that movie is also possible. I do really thing something bad may happen in the US in August which is going to stop all for a while and to change the history of the US... Mercury will turn direct on 29th August 2024, at 21-22 Leo, conjunct Abraham Linconln’s Desc, opposite his Asc, so again sign that his spirit is in the air, and we know how he ends his life, as well as we know he led the US through the Civil War.

Let me tell you know something about Cygnus (Swan) constellation. Why? It starts at 28-29 Capricorn, and it ends at 7-8 Aries. So, it starts around Abraham’s natal Moon, as well as the US Pluto, but also around the last Full Moon at 29 Capricorn on 21st July 2024 when Biden gave up on race. Within this constellation there are two important stars for this story.

One is GIENAH (the left wing of Swan) at 27 Aqurius-the upcoming Full Moon’s placement on 19th August, conjunct Obama’s natal South Node (the most important lession he can reach in life, acceptence, moving forward, the point of loss), as well as Trump’s Desc, as well as Kamala’s Saturn around her MC.

The other one is placed at 28 Pisces (around 27 Pisces-the Civil War US Asc), it is AZELFAFAGE, and it is also about left wing of Swan. So, the left hand may be somehow in focus.

Swan (cygnus) is all about Leda, the queen of the king of Sparta, who was seduced by Zeus who took a body of swan in order to seduce her. At the same time, she stayed pregnant with both, with Zeus, as well as with her husband, mortal king. She gave a birth to three kids, twins Polux and Castor, one from mortal father, other form immortal, but also, there was one baby girl. That baby girl is for us maybe the most important, for it was Helene of Troy, the woman who si going to be the cause of war, who is the most beautiful woman, the golden apple and all the rest...

So, maybe choosing Kamala for Biden’s replacment is going to make angry other ’goddess’ in Democracy party, but someone there is going to be that Helen of Troy, mayb even Michelle Obama with her progressed Sun at 27 Pisces. So, all this may make inside of Democrats their own ’troyan war’ and their mess which can reflect on the destiny of the US.


With Swan, we have Zeus with mask,love triangles, art, perfomance, ballet, opera, etc,  and we have some stage, maybe even a theatre. Abraham Lincoln was assissinated attending theatre play 'Our American Couisin', so here we go, the symbol of ' swan' was there...

If I would have to speak about some other names from Democrats, I can notice that California governor Gavin Newsom, former mayor of San Franciso, the man who met Xi-Jinping, and had a debate on Fox News with Ron DeSantis (republican governor from Florida) has right now his Solar Arc axis of lunar nodes over Kamala’s nata axis Asc/Desc (and her lunar nodes)-24 Gemini/24 Sagittarius.  Yes, this man may be somehow in, maybe as VP running mate option. It is good he is somehow open for east, as well as for being in some kind of balance with republicans (debate on Fox news...).

There is Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvanian governor, well-known as pro Israel politican, which may be some ticket for getting in. For example, his Saturn is at 24 Gemini, conjunct Kamala’s natal Asc as well as her natal North Node. Interesting his progressed Mercury is right now at 29 Cancer, just opposite the last Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, so maybe he can be the one too, as VP running mate. His time   of birth is unknown, so we can discuss deeper, but his Mars at 29 Pisces could also be a sign that he has some chance for getting in.

There is one more woman there, Gretchen Whitmer from Michigen, interesting, her Mercury is retro at 5 Virgo, and  you know that Mercury will start retro n 4-5 August 2024 at 4 Virgo. I don’t think so that the US is going to go with two women in charge, if Kamala is running for President, as woman, it would be too much we have as VP other woman too, I guess VP is going to be male, and white skin, just because of some balance, to respect both sides of the US-black and white.

I would also put some ticket on J.B. Pritzker, from Illinois, for he was born with Sun at 29 Capricorn-that was Full Moon spot when Biden gave up on race, with Mars at 27 Virgo-which hits 27 Pisces, across.His axis of lunar nodes is axis for entering the White House-22 Gemini (North Node)-22 Sagittarius (South Node) – more about this you can read in my article The White House and 22 Gemini.

If elections happen, they will be coloured with Mars 0 Leo opposite Pluto, which means there is no chance all goes softly, there must be some agression, chaos...

And finally, to show you one more link between Kamala Harris and Abraham Lincoln-her draco axis IC/MC goes over 7 Gemini/7 Sagittarius, which is Lincoln’s natal axis IC/MC. On August 1st, transit Mars will touch 7 Gemini, which could be also the starting point for some ’civil war’ period...

Like in order to stop Trump to win, even launching ’civil war’ is an option... Just to finish this article with the fact that Trump’s draco Uranus (revolution) is at 27 Pisces! The same Uranus is in his natal chart placed at Rigel star, at 17 Gemini, in his 10th, and links his life with death on the similar way like JFK lost his life...

If there will be elections, what ever are results-there is going to be mess, a lot of signs in the favour of Democrats (which is also a ’civil war’ option).

The cause of every signle war through history was only –the woman, females energy, so as soon as the US gets its first female (plus black) president-it will be closer to war... As Pluto enters finally in Aquarius on 19th November 2024 (rembember on 19th November 2021 Kamala made a history, took a office for a while, during Biden’s surgery) – we are starting the period of civil revolutions all over the world. The US needs great ReSet, and there is no ReSet without blood, that’s Pluto, I understand that the US nation got used to live in comfor zone, but there is no chance for any change if you keep walking in old shose. Both, Republicans, as well as Deomcrats – are old system, are 29 Capricorn, and they all must be replaced with totally new system (0 Aquarius)

In September 2019, I’ve published an article on Kamala Harris, in that moment, she was running for nomination within her party. In Decemeber 2019 she gave up, saying she does not have enough money to continue race. When August 2020 comes-Joe Biden choosed her for his runnin mate. Immidiatelly I knew it Biden will win, for Kamala had a chart for entering the White House. This woman, love it or not, has the chart for being important, and yes, she may be the first woman (black one)  President of the US. My article on this topic you can read here: Kamala Harris For The People

 Here you can read my article on Operation Barbarossa which can lead us to conclude that some bigger world conflict is coming, and that the US may be involved, which could postpone the US November 2024 elections.


Good Luck!

P.S. I may update this article, depends on events during August/September 2024

On 25th August 2024, I've wrote an article on Robert F Kennedy Jr and MAHA 2024, after he gave his support to Donald Trump. You can read that article if you click here 

 On 1st September 2024, in my article on the New Moon at 11 Virgo, I am speaking about the role of famous journalist, Tucker Carlson. You can read that article if you click here 

 On 17th September 2024, I published article on Jupiter's retro journey and Donald Trump, you can read it here


~ You can book your personal reding with me in advance, for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English as well as in Serbian. Contact for booking via email: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com


Here you can read my Facebook posts on this topics too: https://www.facebook.com/smiljana.gavrancic




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