Operation Barbarossa, 22 June 1941 – the day when Hitler started his invasion of the Soviet Union
Is NATO going to start its invasion of the Russian Federation today?
Published: 16th June, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP
Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and many of its Axis allies, starting on Sunday, 22 June 1941, during World War II. It was the largest and costliest land offensive in human history, with around 10 million combatants taking part, and over 8 million casualties by the end of the operation.
The operation, code-named after Frederick Barbarossa ("red beard"), a 12th-century Holy Roman Emperor and Crusader, put into action Nazi Germany's ideological goals of eradicating communism, and conquering the western Soviet Union to repopulate it with Germans. The German Generalplan Ost (Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was Nazi Germany's blueprint for the genocide, extermination and large-scale ethnic cleansing of Slavs, Eastern European Jews, and other indigenous peoples of Eastern Europe categorized as "Untermenschen" in Nazi ideology. The German Generaplan Ost aimed to use some of the conquered people as forced labour for the Axis war effort while acquiring the oil reserves of the Caucasus as well as the agricultural resources of various Soviet territories, including Ukraine and Byelorussia. Their ultimate goal was to create more Lebensraum (living space) for Germany, and the eventual extermination of the native Slavic peoples by mass deportation to Siberia, Germanisation, enslavement, and genocide.
If we take a look on the horoscope of Operation Barbarossa, we can see the Moon/Uranus conjunction at 28 Taurus (very close with the malefic star Algol from Perseus constellation-as you know, the main event in mundane sense we can expect around mid July 2024 when Mars and Uranus meet at Algol-which is going to be very bloody energy-both planets have low dignity in Taurus, plus – they are around Algol – here you just can’t avoid death, blood etc), Saturn was at 23 Tarusus 26’, approaching to Algol too (26-27 Taurus), Jupiter was at 6 Gemini 12’ (Jupiter is right now in Gemini, at 5-6 Gemini in the moment when I am publishing this article – 16th June 2024). If we observe more, it is very significant Mars/Neptune opposition over 24 Pisces/24 Virgo – in mid September 2024 we are going to have the lunar eclipse at 24 Pisces, and in mid March 2025 we are going to have the lunar eclipse at 24 Virgo. In the horoscope of NATO we can see its Mercury (decision) at 24 Virgo! What I want to say is that there is a ’carpet’ for repeating here and now.
Look just at Venus' in the horoscope of NATO? She is sitting almost at the cusp of 12th (secret agenda), almost at 5 Libra (was hitted with the lunar eclipse on 25th March 2024 at 5 Libra, opposite the Moon's placement of Third Reich at 5 Aries), in square with Uranus at 4 Cancer in 9th ( somewhere abroad).
During Operation Barbarossa, Venus (blood, for she was made from Uranus’ blood, and she represents revolution, war, protesting) was OOB (’out-of-bounds’), and her dispositor was Moon at 28 Taurus conjunct Uranus at 28 Taurus-so, the main aim was to ’cut off the head’ of people, i.e. to kill, literally.
Third Reich was made with Algol at Asc, at 25 Taurus 35’, with Chiron (wounds) at 23 Taurus 34’. The midpoint is around 24 Taurus, and today’s EU has at 24 Taurus its Moon (woman) in its 10th house (the reputation of EU, the most important leadear within EU-probably some woman). The same Mn is part of T-square (fixed one) with Mars/Pluto at 24 Scorpio, and Saturn at 23 Aquarius in 7th (public enermy, which is litarally Russian Federation today). There is more connection between the EU chart and Third Reich and Hitler: Hitler’s Uranus is at 19 Libra (conjunct Venus’ of EU, and Venus is ruler of EU’s 10th house, as well as ruler of EU’s Moon (woman) at Algol- Ursula von der Leyen), Third Reich had its Uranus at 19 Aries. On 8th April 2024, there was the solar eclipse at 19 Aries, so, there is the call! The Moon in the horoscope of Third Reich is at 5 Aries, and on 25th March 2024 we had the lunar eclipse at 5 Libra, which ’hitted’ the spot across, i.e. the Moon’s placement in the chart of Third Reich. So, now, we are in the period of time between eclipses seasons, spring/fall time, and in the middle is mid July when Mars and Uranus are going to meet at 26 Taurus (Algol).
Ursula von der Leyen, right now the most important woman in the EU was born with Venus (blood) at 5 Libra, conjunct NATO' s Venus, and the same Venus was hitted with the lunar eclipse on 25th March 2024 at 5 Libra, opposite the Moon at 5 Aries in the chart of Operation Barbarossa. Her secondary progressed Sun is at 20-21 Sagittarius, just opposite 21 Gemini (spot I've mention in this article as very important from September-October 2024). At 21 Sagittarius, there is draconic (past life) Venus of Putin (ruler of his natal Sun in Libra). So, definately, there is some big karmic spot which is going to be open this fall. After all, her natal Mars at 2 Gemini is at Putin's natal Moon-she has a need to hurt him, and Russian people as well.
Let’s now check Hitler’s secondary progressions and Solar Arc for 22 June 1941. His Solar Arc axis IC/MC was over, you won’t believe it – 24 Pisces 26’/24 Virgo 26’!!! As I’ve said, we are going to have even two eclipses (mid September 2024 and mid March 2025) which are going to ’call out’ axis 24 Pisces/24 Virgo. If you remember, when Hitler attacked Soviet Union, there was Mars/Neptune opposition over 24 Pisces/24 Virgo.
The United States are going to have its secondary progressed Moon (the US nation, as well as the US president, ’cause the Moon carries within itself the Sun at 13 Cancer) exactly at 24 Pisces – the spot of eclipses, the spot of Mars’ placement in the moment of Operation of Barbarossa, the spot which hits NATO’s Mercury at 24 Virgo.
Does it all mean we can expect NATO, EU, and the rest of western NATO world are going maybe to attack Russia today? The answer is: yes, it may happen..., for, the pattern is there!