среда, 12. јануар 2022.

29º Aquarius - the New Age (The Era Of Aquarius 2378) degree, a gluten-free diet and Novak Đoković Published: 12 January, 2022 | Author:Smiljana Gavrančić

29º Aquarius - the New Age (The Era Of Aquarius 2378) degree, a gluten-free diet and Novak Đoković

Published: 12 January, 2022 | Author:Smiljana Gavrančić 


This article was first time published in 2012 in Serbian language, and you can read it here 

When someone suffering from celiac disease, who uses only and exclusively a gluten-free (non-gluten) food, gets into your life, then such a person will quite surely make you start researching, particularly if you are an astrologer, as in my case…Celiac disease is a permanent, life-long gluten tolerance disorder, since gluten is a protein present in cereals: wheat, rye, barley and oats. The only possible medicine to provide health to the persons with celiac disease and enable them to lead a fulfilled, normal life is strict a gluten-free diet. The persons suffering from celiac disease should fully exclude these four cereals and all their products from their diet. However, gluten is present in almost all industrial products, even where we do not expect it: in medicines, toothpastes, cosmetic products, spices, drinks, coffee, chocolate, candies, etc.

 One can also be born with celiac disease; however, it can also be acquired during lifetime. Namely, there is a genetic predisposition and it is often a case that one family can have several members suffering from celiac disease. On the other side, stress is the main “trigger” of celiac disease and this is an illness not easily recognized, because its symptoms are usually hidden. The symptoms differ from one person another and the most frequent ones are: diarrhea, loss of weight, bodily weakening, abdominal pain, being swollen, vomiting and in children – slowing down of growth and development.


 Meeting Vesna - 29º Aquarius



I met Vesna on 14 July 2011. At the moment of our meeting, The Ascendant was at a very special degree. This degree is 29º Aquarius! I remember thinking at the time that this meeting was special (because of the very nature of 29º) and that it had something to do with my past life (since in my chart, it is precisely the South Node (the past) at 29º Aquarius). If we take into account that the very Venus (relations) was on the largest star at 13º Cancer (Sirius) in the sky that evening, this very fact supports the significance of our meeting. However, what drew me into this topic with Vesna was an unusual (Aquarius) diet, which was a very distant and unknown (29º); but even more than that, it was Vesna’s date of birth! Namely, Vesna was born at 21 December 1980! That evening of 14 July 2011, I said to myself: ”This year, on 21 December, the Regulus star will enter the sign of Virgo and Vesna was born on 21 December!!! This must be some sign!” I did not say anything to Vesna that evening, I was just listening to her, but I kept thinking about it…  

My first impression about Vesna was that she was lacking inner peace… During our conversation, I realized that she was disappointed with the society in our country, lacking sufficient consciousness about people like her, because she is “different” in a way… I understood her, because I am an astrologer (Uranus – being different), but I did not say anything to her and just kept listening to her… At the end of the evening, she told me: “You have given me some sort of peace…”

When I came home, I immediately checked Vesna’s chart. I found our meeting rather interesting, particularly because of her date of birth – because being born on the day of the month when the royal star Regulus, after 2160 years of being in the sign of Leo, was about to change the sigh and get into the human sigh of Virgo and redirect the humankind towards bigger care about health and healthier diets – I knew that this was not a small thing and that there was something significant hiding in Vesna’s chart, that I was maybe able to see…



Vesna’s Asc is in Scorpio at 24º, which incorporates the potential of deep transformation (Scorpio), which should be followed by some form of silence, peace, mediation (24º - this degree is related to the sign of Pisces). In her chart, the Sun (life) is precisely in the 2nd house – the house of food/diet and it is at the degree saying that her very life (Sun) can somehow be endangered (29º - the end) because of food. Another thing that I saw was that Vesna was born just before the Full Moon – Sun at 29º Sagittarius, with the Moon at 21º Gemini. The Moon also represents light (in addition to the Sun – daily light) which presents life, and this is a night light which is rather prominent in her chart, because this is about her night birth (the Sun is under the horizon). Since in her chart the Moon (food) is the ruler of an intercepted (problems) sign of Cancer (food) in the 8th house (danger) and it makes an opposition with the Sun (life) in the 2nd (food) – Vesna is somebody whose “life” literally depends on her diet. And this is what happened. In July 2009, she was diagnosed with celiac disease. She was released from hospital in September 2009 and she has been on a strict gluten-free diet ever since – her Sun is the home to 29º Sagittarius, where the North Node “lives”, which paints a picture of an unknown (29º) and a “new trend” in food, which after years and years of waiting (29º - waiting) can become something really special (29º)! It was then that I though again of the date 21 December 2010…

As we know, a large lunar eclipse happened on 21 December 2010, when the Earth, Moon, Sun and the Galactic Center aligned. This alignment opened up a cosmic portal, announcing the beginning of a New Age, which starts one year later by Regulus getting into the sign Virgo on 21 December 2011. “This eclipse must have affected Vesna” – I said to myself… I was more and more certain that Vesna’s chart can give me a lot of information, because she was born on 21 December and that a gluten-free diet was somehow closely related to the New Age, starting with the entry of Regulus into the sign of Virgo! At that moment I stopped thinking of our meeting at 29º Aquarius as “strange”…

During April 2012 (that is, after the great lunar eclipse and after the entry of Regulus into the sign of Virgo), Vesna started her engagement within the Association of Celiac Disease Patients. She has been working on raising awareness about this disease and she has been advocating for the rights of the persons with this condition. What I found particularly interesting was that Vesna started doing yoga, so as to find the inner peace which in her case, since she was born just before the Full Moon (the Moon and the Sun in opposition) and has an inner discord between her emotions (the Moon) and her consciousness (the Sun) – which is what greatly affects her health. This aspect has contributed quite a lot to jeopardizing her vitality and since her Sun (vitality) is in 2 (food), the emotions (…  in opposition with the Moon) were good grounds for her illness, so she had to change her diet regime, i.e. move to a gluten-free diet. It was stress that caused the illness in Vesna’s case…

Doctor Wiliam Karel Dicke – the pioneer of a gluten-free diet   


The celiac disease, as an illness, was first noted by a Greek doctor Aretaeus from Cappadocia almost 2000 years ago and it was described in detail by an English doctor Samuel Gee in 1888. However, it was only in 1950 that a Dutch doctor William Karel Dicke proved that basically it was intolerance, indigestibility of various cereals flour and it is him who is considered to be the pioneer of a gluten-free diet. William Karel Dick prescribed the first gluten-free diet and actually, when it comes to a gluten-free diet, it has all started with him. He is the one who has provided something tangible for the first time…


The time of birth of this Dutch doctor is unknown, which is why we shall use the Sun chart/horoscope (putting the Sun exactly at Asc). In this chart, William has Mars (the ruler of 2 – food) in 8 (research) and additionally in Scorpio, which emphasizes the need for research. If we do directions for 1950, when a gluten-free diet appeared first (I prepared Solar Arc directions for the day of his solar return – 15 February 1950, because in the Solar Arc directions everything moves about 1º for 1 year) and we can find precisely the directive Mars (food, research) at 29º Sagittarius – which is where the Sun was going to be on the date of entry of Regulus into the sign of Virgo on 21 December 2011 and also the Sun (vitality, life) in the 2nd house (food), as the ruler of 9th house (purpose) in the chart of Vesna – the girl who was my motive to do this research!



However, what is interesting is this – on 21 December 2011, the date of entry of Regulus in Virgo, the directive Mars (food, research) of William came precisely at 29º Aquarius, at Asc of the first meeting between Vesna and myself!

The secret of success of Novak Đoković - 29º Aquarius

Our famous tennis player, Novak Đoković, started with a gluten-free diet for health reasons back in 2011. A gluten-free diet has largely affected his results, because, above all, a gluten-free diet affects mental energy. He says that the secret of his success is not just in a different diet, but also in his starting to practice mediation, even having his own meditation teacher and mediating prior to every match. “I used to be quite nervous and my emotions did not allow me to think clearly, whereas now I am more emotionally stable, thanks both to a gluten-free diet and meditation” – stated Novak Đoković

In his chart, Novak has the Moon (food, emotions) at the end (later in life) in the 2nd house (diet) and in conjunction with the North Node (the future), which is certainly a picture of a “new trend” in diet, which Novak Đoković will later own promote. Let us remind ourselves of Vesna’s chart – her Sun (vitality, life) in the 2 (diet) also “bears within” the North Node (the future) from Leo, so I said the same thing about her that she was somebody who also promoted a “new trend” of diet. Since Mars (energy) “lives” in Novak’s Moon, which is in the sign of his fall, in Cancer in the 6th house (physiology) – it is somewhat “weakened”, it is rather certain that diet affects the energy of this famous tennis player and that a proper, balanced diet can largely decrease the problems that Mars in the 6th house (physiology) in Cancer (stomach) causes him.

Furthermore, if we do secondary progression and Solar Arc directions of Novak Đoković for the date when Regulus enters Virgo, we can see that it is precisely on that date that the secondary Moon (food) from Novak Đoković chart came at 29º Aquarius, whereas the directive Moon (food) came at 29º Aries. All this leads us to a conclusion that the key to all this is 29º Aquarius, because it is precisely this degree that makes a strong lotus constellation with 29º Sagittarius on one side and 29º Aries on the other side. As we can see, these are fire (energy) and air (mental) elements and the conclusion is that all this is a matter of mental energy… It is all in our heads, in our thoughts…


29º Aquarius – the New Age degree

Going through all this, it became quite clear to me why my meeting Vesna happened precisely at 29º Aquarius and why she told me that I have given her peace (29º) in some unusual (Aquarius) way. Couple of months later after meeting me, during the fall of 2011, Vesna started practicing yoga and, as we have seen, Novak Đoković attributes his success precisely to meditation and a gluten-free diet.


The key of success is precisely in the mental (Aquarius) silence (29º). This degree holds the healing of problems for the people with celiac disease. If you are suffering from celiac disease, first you have to move to a strict gluten-free diet and only after some time, when this becomes your life style, you could include meditation as something that could additionally help you here…

 Entry of Regulus into the sign of Virgo has opened up the doors of the New Ago, which will last for another 2160 years and in 2378 the Era of Aquarius that we have already started talking about will start. It is interesting that the Era of Aquarius will start precisely from 29º Aquarius 59’59’’, through the degree that has proven to be something important for the people using a gluten-free diet. No doubt, the time of a gluten-free diet is yet to come, and Vesna and Novak are only the pioneers of this new age, just like this was the doctor William back in 1950, when he made the first gluten-free diet. 


The upcoming text was original published on my Fb page on  8th January 2022


Novak Djokovic and 'My Way'


Novak Djokovic, the No1 tennis player,was born with Asc 16°04'♑ (Jupiter's fall degree)which may bring him problems with law.RxSaturn at 19° ♐ the ruler of his Asc, by dispositor (Jupiter)goes at 18°57'♈ (at 19°♈ the Sun exalts- that's why Novak is the best,at 19°♈ only Gold shines), and it's well-known that Saturn falls in ♈. Jupiter is law, lawyer,and Saturn is Justice,Judge.And at the same time Jupiter (dispositor of Saturn-him)is squaring (problems) his Asc.At the same time he is the No1, but law and Justice don't support him.
Why now he has problems?
Because on 9th January 2022,Rx ♀️ /Sun will make so called inferior conjunction at 18°53'♑(GMT 00:47), conjunct Novak's Asc, calling out his Jupiter at 18°57'♈, and that's why now, during retro motion of ♀️, Novak is dealing with law issue.Probably,law and Justice won't be on his side, and I am sure as astrologer that he needed this journey to Australia during retro♀️ time,for whenever she is retro, she goes under ecvator (south in geography sense) in order to meet the Sun (Light) within the Dark (Underworld).Novak needs this journey now in order he gets some deep insights regarding his Soul.
He has strong karmic relationship with Australia for his natal Sun (status, reputation)is at 1°15' ♊ and Australia has at 1°19'♊ it's South Node! South Node always 'eats' other planet and brings lessons which aren't so welcome for being 'digest'. At 1°♊09' we find the star Atkis, from Perseus constellation, and Perseus is well-known as someone who is a Hero, who kills Gorgon Meduza, which always has something with unjustice and discrimination (what is justice for one side is not for other side). This star is linked with the right arm of Perseus, and right means always action,it is our ♂️ (left is Saturn, consequences).
Novak's draco Sun is at 20°♉ where Australia has its natal Moon.This is powerful conjunction which tells us that Novak and Australia were somehow in some previous lives some kind of family definitely.But, at 20°♉ there is the fixed star RANA (in Serbian word Rana means wound) from Eridanus constellation, and here we have the story how someone wants to show to the whole world (and to his father) how he worths.Very often person goes over his own limits which may not be good and which may lead him into self-destruction.So,definitely,Novak has heavy karma with Australia.The ruler of his MC (status) is ♂️ in ♋, where ♂️ falls,but it is out of bounds ♂️,and by dispositor (Moon) it goes at 5°♈,where ♂️ is in its domocile-that's why he has extraordinary strength during a game. When we think he is going to lose, his ♂️ OOB shows it's hidden potential and he becomes the winner 🏆.
His Moon at 5°♈ is the focal planet in his cardinal T square with Neptune at 7° ♑ and ♂️ at 1°♋, and in the moment of Rx ♀️/Sun conjunction at 18°♑, Novak will have his Lunar Return Day too, moreover, transit Moon will be exactly at his natal North Node at 10° ♈, opposite his South Node at 10° ♎, which is again a sign that this what is happening to him now it's a good regarding his Soul's Evolution, as he has to see something which was somehow hidden from him. I found very accurate the Sabian Symbol for 10°♎ (read the meaning for 11°♈):'The President of the Republic or the ruler of one's country'. Here we may find dictatorship and authority, which is fitting with his current situation.
Spending time alone, his Serbian orthodox Christmas, in hotel for migrants,so far away from his home land , reminds me on constellation Cetus which is also activated in his chart as he has midpoint of Moon/♀️ at 21°♈ and midpoint of ♀️/North Node at 22° ♈ (together with Australian Asc 21°♈) where we find Baten Kaitos star from Cetus constellation. When Cetus is activated, very often we see someone is somehow in some kind of 'prison' in order to have some spiritual insights and to make even closer connection with the God. It's well known that Novak is very spiritual and very religious person, prayer for him is some kind of meditation. Even his Asc at Jupiter's fall degree speaks that he has a need for a philosopher stone 🪨 in order he gets some wisdom ( he is big fun of piramides in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he says fot that place that it is for him a real paradise in this Earth). After this event, he is going to be even much more open for his spiritual life, for his Soul needed this karmic journey. Even chart when Rx ♀️ and the Sun are making inferior conjunction has Asc/Desc axis over 21° ♎/21° ♈ which is axis of Australia (Desc/Asc) and Mc at 28° ♋, where ♂️ falls, and where is going to be the Full Moon on 18th January, and Australia Open 2022 should start on 17th January.
His mind is very strong, as his Mercury is in domicile, at 18° ♊, together with Chiron at 20°♊. Very probably this aspect gives him ability to heal himself with his own thoughts which are somehow coloured with healing vibe. He may challenge good with any stress and sadness as his Mercury makes strong applying sextile with Jupiter (and that solves the opposition between his Mercury and Saturn and Uranus in ♐). His mind is very in sense ' It's My Way' as Mercury has applying opposition with Uranus and he is Free with his decision, although the ordinary world may see in his radical decision - craziness.No, he is not crazy, he is just his own, and very Free! 
His Jupiter Return chart on 31 March 2023 is also very accurate, as transit Moon is going to be then exactly at 10° ♈ where was transit Moon in the moment when Rx ♀️ and the Sun making inferior conjunction on 9th January 2022, and where is his natal North Node as well as the Sabian symbol which says 'The President of the Republic...' (dictatorship, authority). In that moment transit Jupiter will repaet his natal square with his Asc and I must say his fighting regarding law may last during 2023 too. One thing is good that Solar Arc ♂️ in 2023 is coming first time in Novak's life at 5° Leo ♌, in exact trine with his natal Moon 5°♈, and this may help him as natally he has Moon square ♂️. In Solar Arc direction everything is moving 1° per year, that's why this may be big for Novak, although some law troubles may be still there in 2023. I love that on 5 th May 2023 he will have the lunar eclipse at his natal MC 14° ♏ which may be possitive for him and bring him some kind of professional culmination and some kind of comeback
And a few words on the upcoming Australian Open 2022
It should start on 17 the January 2022, just before the Full Moon on 18th January at 27°-28° ♋ (where ♂️ falls), so this may be a sign that some sportsman is going literally to fall on the ground during AO, or event as event is going to have bad reputation. On 19th January 2022 Uranus will turn direct which is also a sign that someone may go in totally other direction. But, the most important thing is that Mercury turns retro on 14th January, at 10° Aquarius ♒, squaring RxUranus at 10° Taurus ♉, so I really wonder as astrologer are there going to be some delays of AO, something is going to be changed for sure, decisions are going to be different. Solar Arc ♂️ (sport) of Australia is at 12° ♑ where was the last NewMoon on 2nd of January which definitely means that Australia, regarding sport's life, may be under very important Universe's influence. Novak has in his Dwadasamsa chart (past life chart) angular houses over 12°50' ♋ (Asc)/12°50' ♑ (Desc), Ic 12° 50'Libra ♎/Mc 12°50' ♈. Moreover,his Dwadasamsa ♂️ (sport) is at 13°♋, conjunction the brightest star Sirius, which means Novak may be 'eaten by dogs' and here we always have someone who is the first one next to the first one. So, it seams that his karma in Australia is very linked with the fact that he may lose the No1 position after this, for 'some dog may eat him'.
In 12th Harmonic char (chart of our future life) Novak has also all angular houses over 12° of Cardinal signs, ♈♋♎♑ which also emphasizes the importance of the brightest star, Sirius, which brings big honor, bit unfortunately there is a dangerous to be ' eaten by dogs' and to be just the first one next to the first one, i.e.to take the second place, silver 🥈. Australia has in its Antiscia,Pluto (ruler of its 8th-money power) at 13°♋, at Sirius, and now we can make a puzzle 🧩.
Anyway, astrology clearly shows how there are karmic debts between Australia and Novak and Novak is the one who went there subconsciously during retro ♀️ journey because he needs to digest some painful lesson there. Unfortunately,his chart also shows that he hasn't luck with law and Justice, and that's why he has to learn
Also, we must all as humanity see in him planetary man who is fighting for collective, as he is the shadow of current world which is divided. Like every President's chart speaks on the destiny of his county, the same with Novak's chart- it speaks on destiny of this world regarding the free will of choice
Novak Djokovic wins court against the Australian Government on 10th January 2022!
But, Australian Government may still cancel Djokovic's visa again even he won court! Let's see what next happens. On 14th January, 2022 Mercury (decisions) turns retro and they may send him home, again. But, he may go again on court against the Australian Government, over and over. I repeat, I also wonder will AO 2022 will happen at all, as there is going to be some shocking event around the Full Moon Day 18th January 2022 which happens at the degree where Mars (sport) falls, around 27-28 Cancer!

~ You can book your personal reading with me in advance for there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English and Serbian. Please contact me via email smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com if you want to book your reading




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