недеља, 18. март 2018.

Impeachment in American History & Fixed Star Algol The Ladies & The Trump Published: 18th March, 2018 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Impeachment in American History & Fixed Star Algol
Originally Published: 18th  March, 2018 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
This article was published in the Geocosmic Journal by NCGR - spring 2018 issue

Impeachment is the process against government official – a formal statement of charges that does not necessarily mean removal from the office, but it is a serious situation for the president or any other high official or representative and the first step towards moving out of the White House. 
Technically, impeachment is the formal charge against the official passed by the Congress and it does not have to be related to “trial” or “criminal act uncovering”.
After debate in the House of Representatives, the legislative body votes on the document of Judiciary Committee, and if got majority of votes the president is considered impeached.
After that, the document of Judiciary Committee is sent to Senate for consideration and “trial”.
The defendant presents his defense, and if two-thirds majority in Senate votes against the president – the president is removed from the office.
Trump’s administration is full of scandals, from sexual affairs to his “suspicious” ties to Russia. FBI and CIA are also involved in all that.
So far, three American presidents were faced with impeachment proceedings: Andrew Johnson, who offered amnesty to Confederation officials and vetoed protection of human rights of former slaves, Richard Nixon for "Watergate" affair and Bill Clinton, for "Lewinski" affair.
None of them, however, was officially impeached – Johnson and Clinton were acquitted by the Senate, while Nixon resigned before the end of impeachment proceedings.
When somebody is faced with the threat of losing the position, the malefic fixed star Algol at 26° Taurus is to be suspected, as well as the degree of Sun’s fall - 19º Libra. In my long research work I have discovered that the degree of Sun’s fall (life, head) is related to Russia itself, while Moscow (the capital of Russia) is tightly related to Algol. There, life is somehow always jeopardized, here important heads (rulers) “fall”. Through all historically relevant events related to Russia, this malefic star and/or the degree of Sun’s fall (19º Libra) were always active.You can read here: Russia and 19° Libra
United States has in its chart the Moon (the ruler of the Sun – the president, at 13° Cancer) at  26º Aquarius, calling out 26º Taurus (i.e. Algol).

Algol is very prominent in charts of Johnson, Nixon, Clinton and finally Trump. How? Johnson has the Moon at 26º Taurus (the present position of this star).Nixon has Saturn at 27º Taurus, and Saturn is the ruler of the Mercury (which is the ruler of Asc and MC) and the Sun (essential signifier of the rule) in Capricorn. Clinton has the Moon (ruler of MC - reputation) at 20º Taurus, which is also a close conjunction with Algol, since the Moon moves fast. Trump has MC at Algol!
On February 24, 1868 the US Congress started impeachment proceedings for the first time in American history against the President of United States. Then President was Andrew Johnson. In his chart, Johnson has the Moon (ruler of MC – his reputation) exactly at the star Algol, at 26° Taurus, opposing Saturn (system, rules) at 29º Scorpio. In Solar Arc directions of USA for that moment I found the Moon at 24º Taurus, which was then position of Algol (because fixed stars move 1° in 72 years), but I thought immediately – this is Trump’s MC?! Exactly at 24° Taurus, the present President of USA has his MC (his reputation).
Saturn came to the Sun of US, at 13° Cancer on August 8, 1974, and only one day later, on August 9, 1974 – Richard Nixon resigned and avoided the official impeachment. United States has in its chart the Sun (president) in square with Saturn in 12th house (secret services) in Libra, so transit of Saturn in August 1974 across the Sun of US marked the end of Nixon’s rule. I have to emphasize that I use Asc of US at 8º Scorpio (the source is Mark Penfield “Horoscope of America and Canada”) and according to that the Saturn is in 12th house. That chart has worked for me for all those years and I believe it is a good channel for me. But, the interesting detail here is the following: in Solar Arc directions, Asc of US was at 24º Taurus (Trump’s MC), while IC/MC axis was across 2º Virgo/2º Pisces. Why is this axis important? Because in this year, 2018, Trump has his progressed Sun at 2° Virgo and Trump shares that with Nixon! Due to this shared characteristic with Nixon (2º Virgo) it may be concluded that Trump might be the second President in US history to be retiring from the office? Trump and Nixon share one more characteristic: they are both Republicans! Johnson and Clinton were Democrats!
During his impeachment proceedings (February 1999), Bill Clinton had progressed MC (reputation) at 26º Leo (the position of Trump’s Mars), which also “calls out” Algol at 26° Taurus and the Moon of US at 26° Aquarius! At the same time, in Solar Arc directions Clinton had Asc/Desc axis across 26º Scorpio/26º Taurus. Do I have to say that the progressed Sun of US (the President) then was at 24º Aquarius, in square with 24º Taurus (Trump’s MC)? But, the progressed Sun of Clinton was at 17° Libra in that 1999, the position of Trump’s natal Jupiter (affairs, laws), but also of Trump’s secondary progressed Venus that represents his reputation since it rules his MC – at 24° Taurus (Algol). Trump’s progressed Venus reaching natal Jupiter in 2nd house may bring him some financial scandals. But, at that time Saturn did not attack the Sun of US, just like in Andrew Johnson’s case. In both Johnson and Clinton cases Jupiter was at 16º Pisces. Now, Jupiter is in Scorpio.
So, the only US President who resigned the office and avoided impeachment was Richard Nixon, and that happened at the time when transit Saturn (the check) came to the Sun (president) of USA!
Soon, on January 16, 2019, Saturn shall make the first opposition with the Sun (president) in US chart. In that chart transit Moon is at 24º Taurus (Trump’s MC)! Also, secondary progressed axis IC/MC of the US is going over 19 º Libra/19 º Aries – The Sun’s fall and the Sun’s exaltation degree! This is a huge sign! It may be the moment of bringing the verdict in the case of US President, for Saturn is the one to control and judge if not in accordance with rules. Also, Saturn will turn direct on 18th September 2019 from 13º Capricorn, making the last opposition with the Sun in US chart! That moment might be very important!
On 25th September 2019, the House launches formal impeachment inquiry into Trump! Nancy Pelosy (26th March, 1940, 14h30min, Baltimore, Maryland, Asc 20 º Leo) has Mars (fighting) at 26 º Taurus (Algol). With Algol,we always seek for some justice, but also, what is justice for one side, it is not for the other side...
As we all know, in November 2018, there were midterm elections in US, and Trump’s Republicans lost the majority in Congress.  Trump’s Republicans kept the majority in Senate. Now, Democracy Party has some “tools” against Trump. It is interesting that during January/February 2019 Richard Nixon’s secondary progressed Moon is crossing over 13º  Capricorn, “moving” the Sun in US chart at 13º  Cancer! By the way, Nixon’s draconic Sun is at 13º  Capricorn too! Of course, do no forget Vladimir Putin’s natal Sun at 13 º Libra – transit Saturn over 13 º  Capricorn will open the grand cardinal cross over 13º in January 2019 and on 18th September 2019 when it turns direct exactly at 13º  Capricorn!

Before that, on October 12, 2018, the Jupiter (law, affairs, scandals)  touched Trump’s IC, and through that his MC at 24° Taurus as well, and that may be the “trigger” for impeachment. It was  the time of retrograde Venus in Scorpio, so the reason may be equally sexual scandals, “dirty money” and secret services. It is interesting that in the chart for that moment (placed in Washington D.C.), the Sun (president) is in 8th house, which is not good for the president, but even more interesting is its position at 19º Libra (the degree of Sun’s fall, the degree I associate with Russia, as I have already mentioned).
In order to have Trump impeached, his 10th house must imply such a thing. First, MC on Algol is one sign in favor of impeachment. The position of MC on the star that was active in all previous cases of impeachment is the starting point to make us suspicious of that. Further on, the ruler of his 10th house is the Venus in Cancer in conjunction with “bad” Saturn in Cancer, so system and rules might pull him down under, for Saturn is in exile in Cancer. His Venus is at 25 º  Cancer, in conjunction with Saturn 23 º  Cancer! In Cancer Jupiter (law) exalts, but Saturn (justice) falls. Jupiter (law) from 17 º  Libra (Saturn, i.e. justice, exalts in Libra) is squaring his planets in Cancer.
On 18th December 2019 Trump has been impeached!
US President Donald Trump has been impeached and now faces the next stage of a process that could, with enough support in Congress, see him removed from office.It all centres on whether or not he improperly sought help from Ukraine to boost his chances of re-election in 2020. We can see the US progressed Sun (President) just crosses over 15 º Pisces, and that degree within the Zodiac I linked (in my mundane work mapping Zodiac) with Ukraine! You can read my article on Ukraine here

Donald Trump became only the third president in US history to be impeached after two votes in the Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives. Trump denies using US military aid as a bargaining chip with Mr Zelensky and has repeatedly insisted his call with Ukraine's leader was "perfect".He has called the impeachment inquiry a "witch hunt" by Democrats and elements of the media.He also says it was appropriate to ask Ukraine to investigate "corruption", referring to the energy firm where Hunter Biden worked.The Republican defence comes in three parts: 1. Ukraine's president said he felt no pressure, 2.The Ukrainians were unaware the aid was held back, 3.The US military aid was eventually released.
January 2020
Next the process heads to the Senate where a trial will be held in January. But here, a two-thirds vote is necessary for a president's removal - and this milestone has never been reached in US history. The Senate is currently controlled by the Republican Party so conviction is considered unlikely in Trump's case.
On 21st January 2020,  transit Saturn 23 º  Capricorn 49’ is going to make exact opposition to Trump’s natal Saturn 23 º  Cancer 49’, and very soon after, there will be exact oppositon of transit Saturn 25 º  Capricorn 44’ to his natal Venus 25 º  Cancer 44’!Saturn always asks for truth, justice, and put  us on some kind of test! If we did our work in past well, respecting rules (Saturn), we will pass the test!If we didn’t, we won’t...  As his natal Saturn is in its exile (in Cancer) I can’t say it is going to be easy for Trump, not at all (even his party holds majority within the US Senate), and we have to add that Pluto from Capricorn is also involved, as well as later, Jupiter too (in February and early March 2020). Pluto „attacks“ and makes us stronger after the storm, as well as it transforms us. Jupiter is making affairs, specially because right now it is in Capricorn (in its fall).
Who would replace Trump? The line of succession for the US government, as established by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, would mean Vice-President Mike Pence moving into the Oval Office.
In the chart for Nixon’s resignation, we can see angular axis IC/MC over 22 º Capricorn/22 º Cancer, and the great Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 22 º Capricorn is happening on 11th January 2020, just after the lunar eclipse at 20 º Cancer 00’ on 10th January 2020. We can also notice when Nixon resigned that Asc/Desc axis was over 19 º Libra/19 º Aries, i.e. axis of the Sun’s fall and exaltation (that axis I ’ve mentioned in my article as very important too, linking it with Russia most of all). And, after all, do you notice Venus, as ruler of Asc 19 º Libra, in the chart of Nixon’s resignation, at 23 º Cancer 30’, in strong conjunction with Trump’s natal Saturn 23 º Cancer 49’?!
However, it would be ’hard’ to remove Trump from the Oval Office, having on mind The Senate is currently controlled by his Republicans, but let’s wait and see what is going to happen in January and February 2020 when Trump is passing his big test! He has big and ’heavy’ transits...
 This article should help us in the future, to recognize what is the pattern for impeachment in the US.


In my research work I have found that all members of secret services and organizations (FBI, CIA, KGB, etc.), as well as masons, have active fixed star Atria (constellation of Southern Triangle) that is positioned at 21º Sagittarius. Interestingly, the axis 22º Gemini/22º Sagittarius is the axis across which one becomes the President of the US, which would imply the involvement of those services and organizations in the election of US President! Just remember the Georg Bush senior, he has the Sun at 21º-22º Gemini, and he was the Director of CIA! Trump became president because that axis was active in his chart, and Mike Pence has his Mercury at 21º Gemini. Bill Clinton became president because in progressions that degree was activated, which was also the case with JFK and with all other presidents in the history of America, from George Washington, through the first one who lived in the White House (John Adams), up to the present one (Trump). This topic I covered in my article The White House and 22 Gemini

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