уторак, 21. мај 2024.

23 May 2024 – The Full Moon at 2° Sagittarius 55’ and time for Revenge Venus/Jupiter meeting at 29° Taurus – 7 Sisters and Deep Tragedy Published: 21st May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP

23 May 2024 – The Full Moon at 2°  Sagittarius 55’ and time for Revenge

Venus/Jupiter meeting at 29°  Taurus – 7 Sisters and Deep Tragedy

Published: 21st May 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


 The Full Moon at 2 Sagittarius 55’ is happening on 23 May 2024 (GMT 14:52:54). It is going to be OOB (’out-of-bounds’) Full Moon, which means we can expect that some events may explode, and be somehow ’out of limits’.

As I’ve wrote on my Facebook page last week, I’ve said that Sun/Jupiter  conjunction around Algol, on 18th May 22024, is bringing the death of some big world leader, specially because in early June we have the New Moon at Rigel star (Orion constellation), at 16 Gemini, in square with Saturn, which is the clear image of some big furneal of some big powerful leader who looks into the direction of East! And, it happened, on 19th May 2024, the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, lost his life in helicopter crash. Jupiter at Algol is very malefic at it spreads easy death, for Algol means ’the head must be cut off’. I would say it is not over, yet! Why?

Because, with Jupiter, we always have more then one, moreover, we have huge spreading of bad things. And, as Algol is involved, the malefic star from Perseus constellation (Mars-Saturn-Pluto nature) – there must be some death!

Interesting, progressed Sun of Iran-Islamic republic, is at Algol during 2024.


Before this, I would say – murder,we had on 15th May 2024 in Slovakia almost death of its Prime Minister Robert Fico. They say he is fine, but I would watch over him, after all, he was shot just around Sun/Jupiter conjunction around Algol, conjunct his natal Jupiter at Algol. Also, he was born with Sun around the degree which is going to be ’hitted’ with the upcoming lunar eclipses at 24 Pisces/24 Virgo (mid September 2024 and mid March 2025). This axis was very active when the King of Yugoslavia, Aleksandar I Karađorđević, was killed on 9th October 1934, in France. Interesting, this year, on 9th October 2024, Jupiter turns retro, at 21 Gemini. Axis 21 Gemini/21 Sagittarius ’hits’ fixed star Atria (Souther Triangle constellation) at 21 Sagittarius, which is always linked with secret services. Moreover, one of the US President, who was the director of CIA, George Bush senior, has in his chart this axis too. Donald Trump has it too, and everyone who enters the White House-has this axis. When I see this axis activated, I use to say always – there is secret service involved.

I would add that the president of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, has also axis MC/IC over 24 Pisces/24 Virgo.

Prime Minister of Hungary, the man who has strong ties with East, Victor Orban, has natal Moon at 24 Virgo. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić has his natal Venus at 24 Pisces. Robert Fico has his natal Sun around 24 Virgo. But, there is one more powerful leader on the East, who has Rx Mercury-Sun-Saturn conjunction around 24 Virgo-that’s Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, the powerful member of BRICS.

 The PM Modi was born with the Moon (OOB) at 1-2 Sagittarius, which means that the upcoming Full Moon at 2-3 Sagittarius is going to ’call out’ Modi’s natal Moon. His natal Moon is part of T square with Rx Jupiter at 29 Aquarius, as well as with weak Venus at 8 Virgo (Venus falls in Virgo). The upcoming Full Moon has its dispositor, Jupiter, at the very end of Taurus, at 29 Taurus, in conjuntion with Venus at 29 Taurus. At 29 Taurus, there are nebula stars Pleiades- well-known as 7 sisters. They are all in the arm of Taurus contellation. Pleaides are linked with deep and big tragedies, as well as tears. Long time ago, in 2012, I was writtting for my blog one article on India, and I found 29 Taurus as place within the Zodiac where India vibes. Later, I gave this degree to North Macedonia too (ex Yugoslavia republic). 



Seven sisters are: 


-          Electra - you can’t see her, she usually hides. Zeus seduced her, and she gave him the son Dardanus who later founded the Troy

-          Celaeno – thunderstorm killed her (which is Zeus’ nature)

-          Taygeta – Zeus seduced her too, their son was the founder of Sparta

-          Maia, the most beautiful sister, seduced by Zeus too, their son was Hermes

-          Meropa, the only one whose husband was mortal man, Sisyphus – the founder of city Corinth

-          Steropa – she was raped by Aries, their son was the king of Pisa

-          Alcyone – the central star among sisters, seduces by Poseidon, well-known as chicken


-   All 7 stars are Moon-Mars nature, and all are places within the Taurus constellation. All are at 29 Taurus, only Alcyone is placed at 0 Gemini

So, as the upcoming Full Moon has its dispositor (the final outcome) at 29 Taurus, and it is in conjunction with Venus (in myth, she was born from Uranus’ blood, so she is the symbol of civil war, revolution, blood, protesting) a 29 Taurus – we may expect some deep tragedy, tears. Indeed, I would watch so much over India, as well as North Macedonia

Let’s say something about the Full Moon degree. It is around few stars from constellations Scorpio as well as from constellation Ophiuchus. They are:

-          YED PRIOR at 2 Sagittarus 18’ (Ophiuchus – snake literally), which is always linked with murders, revenge

-          ISIDIS (Dshubba) from Scorpio constellation, at 2 Sagittarius 34’, linked with Egypt goddess Isis, linked with secret agents, criminal, well-known as ’crown of Scorpio’

-          ACRAB at 3 Sagittarius 11’ – in the forehead of Scorpio, linked with murders, revenge

-          YED POSTERIOR well known as THE MAN OF DEATH (Ophichus – snake)

As you can see, as the upcoming Full Moon happens around those stars, and it is OOB Full Moon, and it is around Asc and opposite Uranus at 2 Sagittarius of Joe Biden (the president of the US), as well as it is around Modi’s natal OOB Moon (which is part of T square) – I would watch over those too, specially because Venus/Jupiter from 29 Taurus hits Modi’s natal RxJupiter at 29 Aquarius (part of T square). As Modi has in his chart Chiron (wound) at 16 Sagittarius-the spot opposite of the upcoming New Moon in early June at 16 Gemini (JFK natal Venus, ruler of his Libra Asc), around Rigel (Orion), I would indeed watch over India and PM Modi. He is in sensitive time, as well as Joe Biden

Donald Trump has his natal Mars at 26 Leo and Asc 29 Leo, Mc around Algol ,so, he is sensitive too, as well as his natal Fortuna at 28-29 Aquarius. I am repeating, Venus/Jupiter conjunction at 29 Taurus, in the moment of the Full Moon on 23 May 2024, is calling out 29 of every fixed signs. I am reminding you that Victor Orban has his natal Mars at 28 Leo (as well as Israel too). Joe Biden has his natal Venus at 28 Scorpio in square with his natal Chiron at 28 Leo. The Serbian President Vučić has his natal Mercury (decisions) at 29 Aquarius, and 12th house (secret enemies) at 21 Gemini – he is traveling to New York, the UN, where on 23 May 2024 UN members are going to vote on Srebrenica resolution. He is in sensitive time for Serbia tries to keep neutral foreign policy, not choosing sides in Russia-Ukrania conflict. Victor Orban, PM of Hungary, has also strong bond with Putin, east. Robert Fico too, so, they are all in sensitive time.

I would add that the secondary progressed Sun of Serbia during 2024 is at 2-3 Sagittarius – the spot of the upcoming Full Moon, so, one more sign.

 On 1 April 2024, Israel conducted an airstrike on the Iranian embassy complex in Damascus, Syria, destroying the building housing its consular section. Sixteen people were killed in the strike, including eight officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and two Syrian civilians. Transit Mars was at 7 Pisces, calling out 7 of mutable signs. Very soon, transit Jupiter will cross over 7 Gemini (conjunct the Moon of Iran Islamic Republic) – end of June. Transit Mars will come at 7 Gemini on 1st August 2024.

In the mean time, in July, we are going to have Mars/Uranus conjuntion at Algol, around 15-16 July, just between the New Moon at 14 Cancer (conjnction the US Sun at 13 Cancer) on 5th July an the Full Moon at 29 Capricorn on 21st July – this spot I link with Istanbul and Ottoman Empire, as well as with Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where in 1914 Gavrilo Princip killed the Austrain Hungarian czar Franc Ferdinand, which was the cause of WW1. Bosnia and Hercegovina was always some kind of buffer zone in Balkan, the resolution on Srebrenica I’ve mentioned is linked with 24 Pisces, for in July 1995 when Srebrenica happened, Saturn was at 24 Pisces – next year, in March 2024, there is going to be Saturn return of Srebrenica, plus, the lunar eclipse around 24 Virgo.

What I want to say you regarding 7 of mutable signs is this:

-          Modi has his secondar progressed Sun at 7 Sagittarius in 2024 (as well as his Solar Arc Mercury)

-          Ex Yugoslavia has its Sun at 7 Sagittarius

-          When Putin started his special operation in Ukraine, in February 2022, transit Moon was at 7 Sagittarius, secondary progressed Sun of the EU was at 7 Sagittarius, and secondary progressed Moon of the EU was at 7 Gemini

-          The North Stream and all about GAZPROM, was launched over 7 of mutable signs (Gemini-Virgo-Sagittarius-Pisces)

-          Iran Islamic Republic has its Moon at 7 Gemini

-          Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has his natal Chiron (wound) at 7 Sagittarius






-  In one of my upcoming article, which I will post soon, I will introduce you 7 of mutable signs as Armageddon battle Grand Cross, and here we go, like the main battle is going to happen during summer 2024, like we are going to see the main buttle between good and bad.

-          Also, I would add that around 19th August, we are going to have the Full Moon at 27-28 Aquarius, which is going to be the first quarter of the Sun/Jupiter conjuction which happend on 18th May 2024, just one day before Ebrahim Raisi lost his life in ’accident’.That was not an accident, ’cause in myth, the Apolo, the god of the Sun, was the one who sends too much sunshine, too much light, and his twin sister, goddess Artemisa, can’t see well, so she kills her  big love, Orion. As Apolo in mythology is placed at 3 Taurus, very wealthy person vibes at 3 Taurus, a person with a plenty of everything, we can say that the person who is behind helicopter crash – lives at 3 Taurus, and loves Sun, Light, as well as Gold. Also, we can say this person sends ’fake light’. Here we have someone who is a rich man in financial field, banks sector..

Also, I would mention India’s axis of lunar nodes, as it goes over 28 Taurus (North Node)/28 Scorpio (South Node), and it is places of India’s axis Asc/Desc over 0 Gemini/0 Sagittarius. India is, indeed, in very sensitive time. Specially, as it has the Sun (Prime Minister, the head in the state) at 21 Leo – that spot was activated when Rx Venus and the Sun made its inferior conjunction on 13 August 2023, which means that the gate for journey to the Hades’ (death) world were oppened then. Prime Minister Modi was born with strong Mars at 24 Scorpio, in his 1st house, in square with Rx Jupiter at 29 Aquarius, which means that the transit Jupiter, as well as Uranus, from Taurus, can bring him challenges for his life.

And, around the New Moon in early June 2024, there can be the big furneal of some big powerful world leader, who comes from East, or who is orriented to the East. Why?For Rigel star at 16 Gemini is always an image of big furneal of big man who fits into the archetype of Orion (Big Hunter), the one who wakes up one morning, and gets his eyes back (he was blind in myth in one moment of his life) when he just looked into the direction of East. It would be interesting to make some kind of review regarding JFK death, for, when he finally maybe stopped to be ’blind’, and some changed within him happened, regarding East – he was killed.

One is sure, there is a hot summer in front of us, and I would expect some ’main battle’...

The upcoming Full Moon has its draconic placement at 18 Scorpio, across 18 Taurus where was Mars/Uranus meeting on 1st August 2022 when Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan which made a huge diplomatic ’mess’. In Antisica chart, the upcoming Full Moon is placed at 27 Capricorn – the spot where Pluto turns direct on 10th October 2023, just after Israel was attacked on 7th October 2023...

What I can say you, as advice, if you have any of those degrees in your natal chart (plus if those degrees are activated in your progressions, Solar Arc, as well as in Solar Return) – stay away from airports, airplanes. Have on mind, that you have to have more then one sign for event, so, don’t panic if there is no place for panic. We need at least 3 signs through more predictions tools, in order to say –the event is going to ’hit’ you. In the mean time, if you are ’hitted’ by those degrees, use this time to grow in spiritual sense. It will pass, and you will be different, because, the New World is coming. Jupiter in Gemini is not going to be nice, because it is its sign of exile, so, do not expect too much.


~ You can book your personal reading in advance, for there is a waiting list, readings are available in English, as well as in Serbian. Contact for booking: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com




Here you can read my post which I've posted on my facebook, on Sun/Jupiter meeting at Algol





Sun/Jupiter conjunction at 28 Taurus, the Full Moon at 2 Sagittarius, the New Moon at 16 Gemini (Rigel) – SOME WORLD LEADER (WITH STRONG BOND WITH EAST) IS IN DANGEROUS
Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is stable but his condition remains ’’very serious’’, his deputy has said, after an assassination attempt that shocked the country and drew global condemnation.
Fico was shot five times in the central town of Handlova on Wednesday 15th May 2024 after he left a government meeting.
Fico was born on 15th September 1964 (time: unknown) with Rx Jupiter around malefic star Algol, at 26 Taurus 08’. What is for me interesting in his chart is his Venus (ruler of his Jupiter, as well as symbol of blood) is placed at 7 Leo (conj. Victor Orban’s progressed Sun) - in early December 2024 Mars is going to start its retro journey at 6-7 Leo. Also, Fico has his natal Mars at 0 Leo, the very important spot from the point of view of Pluto’s transit around 0 Aquarius. His natal Sun is almost at 23 Virgo, and the upcoming eclipse in mid September at 24 Pisces, and mid March 2025 at 23 Virgo – are going to hit his natal Sun. Interesting, two more leaders have this axis 24 Virgo/24 Pisces in their chart. One is Prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orban with his Moon at 24 Virgo, and the other is the president of my country, Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić (his Venus’ placement is at 24 Pisces). When the kingdom of Yugoslavia lost its king, Aleksandar I Karađorđević, on 9th October 1934 in France, Asc was at 24 Pisces. He was shot. I would just add Mc/IC axis of president of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, becuse it goes over 24 Pisces/24 Virgo
Victor Orban was born with his Sun at Aldebaran star (Watcher of East), which literally describes that he has strong tie with all what comes from East – his relationship with Russia etc. Soon, transit Jupiter is goint to cross over Orban’s natal Sun 9 Gemini, which is by the way in square with his Pluto at 9 Virgo – this may be a challenge and it happens in July 2024
If we now observe the moment when Sun and Jupiter are going to meet, and it happens on Saturday 18th May 204, at 28 Taurus 18’ (GMT 19:38:07), we can see that dispositor, Venus at 23 Taurus 45’, is just crossed over Uranus at 23 Taurus 25’. Sun/Jupiter meeting is around Algol of course, and Algol always means some ’head must be cut off’, brings murders, blood, head as head is in dangerous. Jupiter by it self represents death, so definatelly, some head is in dangerous, some leader may start his journey to heaven, there may be new assassinations etc. Beside Algol, this conjunction is around nebula star Pleiades,well known as the Seven Sisters. They are crying. I link this nebula star with India, as well as with ex Yugoslavia republic Macedonia
The Moon’s placement in the moment of Sun/Jupiter conjunction is going to be at 4-5 Libar, and we had the lunar eclipse at 5 Libra on 25th March 2024.
If we check draconic chart for the moment when Sun/Jupiter meet, we can see the Moon’s placement at 19 Virgo, which is exactly the position of Biden’s natal MC, and opposite secondary progressed Sun (President) of the United States. Yes, we can say that Joe Biden is somehow in challenging time too. But, I would keep eye on 19 Virgo in sense of December 2020, when the first P-fz-er was given (the Moon’s placement was at 19 Virgo, and all regarding immunization was going over 19 of mutable signs). Algol represents courts, as well as lawyers, law as law, so it would be interesting to follow what is going to happen. I would mention Donald Trump too, for his Asc is 29 Leo, and Mars at 28 Leo (the same as Orban’s Mars), and it will be touched with Sun/Jupiter at 28 Taurus.
If we check Antiscia chart for the Sun/Jupiter meeting, we can see there Venus/Uranus conj.at 6 Leo-at 6 Leo in early December 2024 Mars is going to start its retro journey, as I’ve mentioned already. That spot is spot of Fico’s natal Venus (blood). Also, let me remind you that at 7 Leo Victor Orban has his progressed Sun this year. The Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Antiscia is at 1 Leo-conjunct Fico’s natal Mars. So, there are some signs which may lead us we conclude that Fico, even he is now stable, he is still in dangerous.
And, the Full Moon is coming, on 23 May 2024, at 2 Sagittarius 55’, conjunct Joe Biden’s natal Asc, opposite Vladimir Putin’s natal Moon at 3 Gemini. In draconic chart, the Full Moon is going to have its placement at 18 Scorpio, and if you remember, we had the New Moon at 18 Taurus recently, in early May. That spot, 18 Taurus, was activated in August 2022 when Mars and Uranus met there (I posted about that topic recently-Nancy P.visited Taiwan then and made a huge diplomatic chaos)
And, what is coming in early June, and it ’scares’ me is the New Moon at Rigel star (Orion constellation), at 16 Gemini, which is going to be in square with Saturn at 17 Pisces-very challenging New Moon, for all about Rigel is about a very powerful male figure, leader of some powerful country (like JFK was for example with his Venus at 16 Gemini in square with Moon 17 Virgo-across 17 Pisces). This male figure represents Orion from mythology, and if you know myth, in myth, one morning, Orion woke up, and as blind man he just take a look into the Sun-and Sun comes from the East, isn’t it? In that moment, he was not anymore blind, he could see again. This means that in the moment when someone starts to look into the direction of East, eastern civilizations,cultures, making strong bond with Russia,China, etc –the turning point happens. The problem is here that with Rigel we can get some big furneal of some big leader, for in myth Orion was killed by Artemisa, and after that she put him in her silver chariot and took him on heaven, giving him special place among stars. She killed him by mistake, for her twin brother Apolo (the God of the Sun) sends too much light into her eyes, so she could not see clearly,and she just shot him. Let’s hope there won’t be some big furneal of some world leader. This man is someone who has strong tie with the East, just like in myth.
And guess where JFK had his natal Mars? At 18 Taurus!!! His Mercury/Jupiter conj was at 20-23 Taurus where now is Uranus around, as well as Venus. Also, we must mention JFK natal Sun at 7 (almost 8 Gemini) very close with Victor Orban’s natal Sun!
The upcoming weekend may be full of challenges, energies are very heavy, there is a dangerous around us, specially ’big heads’ are in dangerous.
I would mention the president of Turkey, Erdogan, who has his natal Jupiter (the ruler of his Moon/Mars conj at 8 Sagittarius) at 16 Gemini! So, Rigel in him lives too, as archetype, and he should also may have troubles. His natal IC/MC axis goes over 13 Taurus/13 Scorpio, and draco Sun/Jupiter meeting on 18th May happens at 13 Taurus, conj.Erdogan’s natal IC!
You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list. Readings are available in English as well as in Serbian. Contact for booking: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com

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Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić Profesionalni Astrolog ISAR CAP

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