уторак, 13. децембар 2016.

Uranus in Taurus 2018 – Where is this world going? Author: Smiljana Gavrančić I Published: December 13, 2016

Uranus in Taurus 2018 – Where is this world going?

Author: Smiljana Gavrančić I Published: December 13, 2016 
It was first published in Serbian: August 01st, 2016

This article was my topic at the 48th AA GB conference (September 11th,  2016) and in The Astrological Lodge of London (September 19th, 2016). The Astrological Journal UK will publish  an extract of  this article during 2018

On May 7, 2016 it was exactly 16 years since Vladimir Putin became the head of the world's largest state. That period coincides with the renewed rise of Russia, its influence in the world and its reputation that was not very good following the dissolution of USSR and the time of Yeltsin rule.

Few days before his official election as President on May 7, 2000, Vladimir Putin gave interview for BBC and appeared as a man who would, at least, be the partner of the West, open for any cooperation. He then stated that "Russia is part of the European culture", and even did not exclude the possibility of Russia entering NATO, which seems to be pure science fiction today.

"I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilized world" - said the then new President.

The Western press liked this fairly unknown official at first. They described him as a man who combined the liberal orientation with the hardness that "Russian people seem to like".

After Yeltsin's Russia, that was ruled by crime and lawlessness and whose reputation was at its lowest, Putin managed to completely overturn the situation. You may love him or not, but the fact is that he is one of the most influential politicians of XXI century, and a very important figure on the chessboard of the world's political scene.

From year to year of his rule, Vladimir Putin kept increasing his power. It started in 2004, after he signed the law that enables the President to appoint regional governors. A kind of "political partnership" that he has with Dmitry Medvedev enabled him to get the Presidency in 2012 after spending four years as the Prime minister. In the meantime, Russian Duma adopted the amendment to the law that extends the term from 4 to 6 years. If he decides to run again in 2018, and he wins that election, Vladimir Putin will become the man who had been the head of Russia for the longest time. He will defeat Leonid Brezhnev who spent 18 years in that position, and even Joseph Stalin.

Fixed star Algol & 19º Libra (the fall of the Sun)

From the point of view of Bolshevik Russia (which still vibrates in the consciousness of Russian people) for May 2018 (when the new/old President starts his new mandate of 6 years, until 2024), there is the Sun (President, ruler) in secondary progressions at 26º Aquarius, while Saturn in Solar Arc directions is at the very Ascendant of Bolshevik Russia, at 26º Scorpio! Saturn is always about assuming huge responsibility, and the position at the Ascendant of Bolshevik Russia is depiction of assuming responsibility by the official Moscow as the capital of Russia. All this will activate 26º Taurus, i.e. fixed star Algol, which is related to the Moscow itself! More specifically, 26º of fixed signs are related to Russia (take a look at my article "Russia and 26 º of fixed signs – Presidential elections 2012", which I wrote in 2011) and they have been always active through the history when it is about the most important events for this country, because they activate the malefic star Algol. When talking about Algol, there is always some "head falling", as well as with 19º Libra (degree of Sun's fall) there is the "fall", i.e. "losing of head" literally of some important figure, some important ruler. This is also the degree that Russia as the country is "sensitive to" (take a look at my article "Russiaand 19º Libra“ written in October 2014). From the point of view of fixed stars, the Russian capital -- Moscow has the story of Algol accented, since the first Russian imperator, Ivan the Terrible, installed the guillotine in front of Kremlin, which corresponds also to the degree of Sun's fall, 19º Libra! Stalin's postwar "purges" are also in accordance with this degree. In this country, human heads (the Sun) were often "falling“, as was the case with the last royal family -- the Romanovs, so it is not coincidental to relate this degree of 19º Libra (Sun's fall) to this country…

The chart of USSR is also interesting. The Moon is almost at Algol, while Saturn (the ruler of 10 – country's reputation, Soviet leaders) occupies the degree of Sun's fall – 19º Libra! Although Saturn is in exaltation in Libra, it is still the degree of the Sun's fall!

When Vladimir Putin first came into power on May 7, 2000, the Moon (people, electorate) of Bolshevik Russia in secondary progressions was at 26º Leo. The ruler of the 10th house of Bolshevik Russia (country's reputation, President), the Venus, was retrograde in secondary progressions and at 27º Aquarius 01’, i.e. going towards 26º Aquarius. Retrograde Venus in secondary progressions was a sign that the same man might come to power several times, and that it might be the man with the Sun in Venus' sign, the Libra, which is the case with Vladimir Putin, who has the Sun at 13º Libra! I wish to add that tertiary progressions of Bolshevik Russia for May 2000 "called upon" fixed star Algol, since Mercury was at 26º Scorpio and it was retrograde, and it carries Jupiter at 9º Gemini (one of 4 royal stars in the skies -- Aldebaran, "The Keeper of the East“) and Mars (disputes, wars) in Virgo in 9th house (abroad). Russia as a country has the strong, deeply unconscious (the nature of the square) need to go to actions (square has the nature of Mars – action) led by its own justice (nature of the star Algol). Being retrograde here implies this is about negotiations that will unfold in two rounds at least, that negotiations related to the world's conflicts will not succeed in the first try.

On that May 7, 2000 secondary Venus from the chart of New Russia was at 26º Taurus, exactly at the fixed star Algol, which announced the man coming to power would be mythological Perseus and will administer the justice in his country but also abroad, since the Venus in the chart of the New Russia rules 9th house (laws, abroad). I want to add that the secondary cusp of the 9th house was also at 26º Taurus, which additionally colors the picture! Vladimir Putin strives to "keep the Russian culture, moral and traditional values", and in accordance with that he changed some laws. Gay parades are forbidden in the next 100 years, and homosexuality is perceived as a disorder. Traditional heterosexual family is being respected, as well as the values of the Russian Orthodox Church. The law forbidding homosexuality for the next 100 years corresponds good with the fixed star Algol, telling the story of Gorgon Medusa and the "blocked sexual energy".

But, we must not forget Boris Yeltsin, the first President of Russian Federation (New Russia). On the day he took the office (July 10, 1991) his tertiary Moon (moves the fastest and "lowers" events to the level of 2 days) was at 24º Aquarius 16’, getting ready to cross over 26º Aquarius and activate Algol!
When he won the second mandate on Presidential elections in May 2004, Putin had in his secondary progressions the Moon (people, electorate) at 19º Aries (the degree of Sun's exaltation), which automatically activated 19º Libra (the degree of Sun's fall) that is related to Russia! During that same year Putin signed the law enabling the President to appoint regional governors. By this act Russia went back towards centralized power, which was strongly criticized by democratically oriented line.
Putin ruled during two mandates, until 2008, when he was succeeded by Dmitri Medvedev, and Putin went for Prime Minister position. In the meantime, the Constitution was changed so one may announce his candidacy multiple times. In 2012 Presidential elections Putin appeared as presidential candidate and became the President again. The elections were held on March 4, 2012.  Solar Arc Mars (conflicts, wars) was at 26º Aquarius, which automatically activated the fixed star Algol (26º Taurus). The position of Solar Arc Moon (electorate, people) in the chart of Bolshevik Russia for 2012 is also interesting -- it is at 26º Scorpio, which is also the Ascendant of Bolshevik Russia, and that also activates 26º Taurus (Algol). Finally, is we take a look at Solar Arc Moon (electorate, people) in the chart of New Russia, we find it at 26º of a fixed sign, Aquarius this time, at the same spot as Solar Arc Mars of Putin in that moment. All that strongly activates Algol (26º Taurus)!

Since every ruler is the long arm of the nation, even when he no longer lives, we can follow events in a country through predictive techniques of his horoscope, even after his death. So, let us take a look at horoscopes of some of the most important leaders of Russia:

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin has 26º Taurus, i.e. the fixed star Algol accented in his horoscope -- his Jupiter is there. Jupiter carries over the Venus from 16º Pisces, the ruler of 7th house (relations with other countries, everybody that stands across from Moscow). In 2012, when Putin became the President again, that Venus (diplomatic relations) in secondary progressions of Lenin was at 26º Leo and activated Algol (26º Taurus)! On the other hand, when Bolshevik Russia was created (and its horoscope still works fine, for the consciousness of Russian people still remained at the same level) -- in October Revolution on November 7, 1917, Lenin had the Moon (Russian people) in secondary progressions at 19º Libra, the degree of Sun's fall...  All this was a clear picture of Russian people, whose faith was not at all easy in USSR. Secondary Moon of Lenin was moving across Saturn at the degree of Sun's fall (fall of life) in USSR horoscope..., so, as is well known, Bolshevik Russia was created by the royal family paying for it with their lives…

Joseph Stalin also had 26º of fixed signs in his horoscope accented. It was his Mars (conflicts, wars) at 25º Scorpio 51’, very close to 26º Scorpio! When Putin became President for a second time (March 2012), Stalin's Solar Arc directions provided the sign along the road. Solar Arc Moon (electorate, people) was at 26º Aquarius, which was activated in Putin's chart through Solar Arc Mars, and in Solar Arc directions of New Russia's horoscope through the Moon. I must also add that when Stalin became the Prime Minister of USSR (May 6, 1941), his Solar Arc Asc was at the fixed star Alogl, i.e. at 26º Taurus!!! He remained at this position until his death on March 5, 1953.

After Stalin's death, Nikita Khrushchev became the leader of USSR. He took the office on September 14, 1953, when his progressive Sun was at 25º Taurus 00’, so during the following year it came closer to the important 26º Taurus (Algol)!

Leonid Brezhnev became the General Secretary of Communist Party Central Committee on October 16, 1964. His Solar Arc directions clearly "call out" Algol, for his IC/MC axis goes across 26º Leo/26º Aquarius, and the progressive Sun is at 25ºAquarius 24’, nearing 26º Aquarius!

The last USSR President

It all started with Vladimir Lenin, and ended with Mikhail Gorbachev. The last President of USSR was Mikhail Gorbachev, a man due credit for the end of cold war. When he became the USSR President, on March 15, 1990, his secondary Moon (Russian people) was exactly at 19º Libra! Secondary Moon moves 1º for 1 month.

Uranus in Taurus – then and now (1934 and 2018)

On May 15, 2018 Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus. If we do calculations for Greenwich time, which is the picture for the whole world, the Moon will be at 26º Taurus, in close conjunction with the fixed star Algol (from the constellation of Perseus), which always implies a kind of struggle, where the person in question is guided by his own, self-proclaimed sense of  justice. Asc will be at 8º Libra, Saturn at 8º Capricorn! Eighth degrees have Scorpio nature (wars, transformation). Mars from the horoscope of New Russia at 8º Aries, in 7th house (relationships with others), ruling 8th house (conflicts) will be activated. Also, Uranus at 8º Capricorn in 4th house (territory) in the horoscope of New Russia will be activated as well. Now I must go back to when the series of Uranus/Pluto squares started. The first square happened in June 2012, immediately after Putin took the Presidency again (May 2012), and it happened across 8º Aries/8º Capricorn. At that moment, Moon was at 27º Leo, and it activated 26º of the fixed signs! Then followed the Uranus/Pluto square across 13º, the so-called Grand Easter Cardinal Cross from April 2014, and in March 2014 Russia annexed Crimea. It seems that the Uranus entering Taurus will somehow seal the deal, finally defining (Saturn) issues related to the territory (Uranus in 4 - territory) with countries with which Russia is in a kind of diplomatic dispute (Mars from Russia's horoscope at 8º Aries in 7 – diplomatic relations, ruler of 8 – conflict) will be activated.

It is well known that Uranus spends about 7 years in each sign, and that its cycle lasts for 84 years  (7 x 12 ) – or more correctly, it takes 84 years for Uranus to circle the Zodiac. Last time Uranus was in Taurus, there was WW II (June 6, 1934). The man who started this war, Adolf Hitler, had Sun at 0° Taurus in his horoscope. It is interesting that in March 2018, when Russia will be having Presidential elections, immediately before Uranus entering Taurus (May 2018 – when new/old President officially takes the office) – secondary Asc of Hitler will be at 26º Aquarius, which will activate Algol (26º Taurus), the star related to Moscow. I have to add, when Hitler started WW II, his solar Arc Moon/Jupiter conjunciton was at 25/26 Aquarius – square with Algol! In his natal chart, he has Moon/Jupiter close to the nebula Facies (sickness,deaths), which is the picture of people who will die (both planets, the Moon and Jupiter –are weak in Capricorn).

When the Third Reich was founded (January 30, 1933), the Ascendant was exactly at Algol - 26º Taurus! Solar Arc IC/MC axis of the Third Reich for the moment of Uranus entering Taurus (May 2018) will be at 19º Libra/19º Aries! As I have already said, this axis is very important for Russia, for it is the axis of Sun's (head) fall and exaltation. But, more important here is the position of Venus (as the ruler of Asc of the Third Reich). The Venus will be at 26º Aquarius and will activate Algol (26º Taurus)! This is also the place where in antiscia (the mirror) Putin has his Asc (this will be discussed further in the text). Uranus was at 19º Aries, which activates 19º Libra (the degree related to Russia)!

WW II started on September 1, 1939 by the attack on Poland. In Poland's horoscope from 966 there is the Sun at 0º Taurus! In that moment Solar Arc directions positioned Chiron (the wound) at 25º Taurus 46’ (which is very close conjunction with Algol – 26º Taurus). But, the interesting thing is the following – when Uranus will be entering Taurus in May 2018, solar Arc Mars (conflicts) from the Poland's horoscope 966 will be exactly at Alogl (26º Taurus). I want to ask if the Uranus entering Taurus in 2018 means there will be a memory of WW II?

Finally, the horoscope antiscia of Vladimir Putin is also interesting, for all the cusps of houses are at 26º, and angular houses start at 26º of fixed signs (Asc 26º Aquarius, Desc 26º Leo, IC 26º Taurus, MC 26º Scorpio), to which the Russia is "sensitive“.

Prenatal eclipse is always a kind of unknown for us, because it happened immediately before one's birth and there is a sort of dark there, but also there is a strong memory as well. Putin's prenatal eclipse was a solar one, on August 20, 1952 at 27º Leo, which strongly activates 26º of fixed signs and clearly implies the very important role of this man for Russia and the world in the time to come, when Uranus (the change) will enter Taurus, with the Moon at 26º Taurus (Algol)!

Eclipses during Uranus stay in Taurus that will activate Algol!

During the pre-election year in Russia, on August 21, 2017 there will be a solar eclipse at 28º Leo 53’, activating 26º of fixed signs. Another solar eclipse will follow less than a month before elections (February 15, 2018 -- elections are usually held in March). This eclipse will be at 27º Aquarius 08’, activating the Grand Fixed Cross at 26º!

On November 19, 2021 there will be lunar eclipse close to Algol, at 27º Taurus 14’, which might be of crucial importance for Russia. Finally, on May 16, 2022 there will be lunar eclipse at 25º Scorpio 18’.

European Union

All this implies some pretty challenging time for Russia, but the world as well, since the Moon in the chart of EU is at 24º Taurus 20’, very close to Algol, and on the day of Uranus entering Taurus (May 15, 2018) the transit Sun will be exactly at 24º Taurus 44’. The Moon in EU chart is the part of the fixed T-square with Mars/Pluto in Scorpio and retrograde Mercury at 19º Scorpio (which carries over Chiron – the wound, injury), while Saturn at 23º Aquarius in 7th house (diplomatic relations) represents the focal planet of the T-square and the Russia itself (country traditionally related to the sign of Aquarius, where the Sun is in detriment). Saturn has a strong applicative trine with Venus at 19º Libra from the 3rd house (neighbors), so this is depiction of Russia in EU chart. The degree of Sun's fall where the Venus is situated is depiction of Vladimir Putin himself, who is Libra and who is also former (Sun's fall – ex) KGB officer.

Let us look now through prognostic techniques how Putin's rise to power was reflected through EU chart.

On May 7, 2000 when Putin became the President of New Russia for the first time, Solar Arc Mercury of EU was at 26º Scorpio 22’, which activated fixed star Algol, while the tertiary axis Asc/Desc (moves about 1º for 1 month) was at 19º Libra/19º Aries! This is the axis of Sun's fall and exaltation, and it is very important for Russia! Also, in the chart of EU there is the Venus in 3rd house (EU neighbors) at 19º Libra (the degree of Sun's fall). Venus carries the Moon on Algol, so this is the clear depiction of Moscow in EU chart! 

Moving along, when Putin was elected President for the second time on March 4, 2012 Solar Arc Sun of EU was at 26º Scorpio 58’, clearly calling out Algol! Sun in EU's chart is the ruler of Asc at 18º Leo, and it represents the official Brussels. Activation of Algol through that opposition tells that Brussels and Moscow will have disputes during Putin's present mandate.

When Putin annexed Crimea on March 16, 2014, his secondary Moon (people) was at 25º Leo 34’ (very close to 26º Leo), which was enough to activate 26º of fixed signs and Algol as well, and Algol fights for its own justice. Here we have deeply unconscious contents that are present both within the mind and actions of the leading EU woman, Angela Merkel, represented by the Moon in 10th house in EU chart, and in the official Moscow, given by the symbolism of Algol. Grand Fixed Cross forming across 26º tells that they confront each other on the matter of personal view of justice! Finally, in the chart of Ukraine, Mercury (as the ruler of Mars from Virgo – conflicts) is at 26º Leo and it is retrograde, clearly showing that Uranus entering Taurus might continue the conflict, because the Moon at 26º Taurus from the chart of Uranus entering Taurus will call out Ukraine as well! 

In March 2018, when Russia will be having elections, secondary MC of EU will be at the beginning of 27º Taurus, just having crossed 26º Taurus (Algol), while secondary Moon will be at 19º Aries, again activating 19º Libra (Russia)! 

Angela Merkel in 2017

One year before Uranus enter Taurus, Germany will be having federal elections, and Angela Merkel will likely announce her candidature again. But, if we take a look back to the moment when Putin was first elected President of Russia, we can see that Merkel's Solar Arc Jupiter (natal ruler of Asc – herself) was at 26° Leo 11’, which automatically "turned on" Grand Fixed Cross and Algol (Moscow)!. In 2018 when Russia will be having elections and Uranus will be entering Taurus (on May 15), her tertiary Mercury (the ruler of natal 7th -- anybody across from her) will be at 26° Scorpio, and her tertiary Venus at 19° Libra (degree where Russia also vibrates)! It is very probable for this woman to still be in power then and to be involved in important events for the world, together with Russia.

Jupiter/Saturn Grand Conjunction - December 21, 2020

During Uranus' time in Taurus (from May 15, 2018 until July 7, 2025), year 2020 is very important for there will be grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0º Aquarius! Secondary Moon of Gavrilo Princip was at this same spot when he assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914, which was the start of the WW I. It is interesting that Gavrilo also had his Saturn at 19º Libra (Sun's fall, degree at which Moscow vibrates), at the same place as Saturn in the horoscope of USSR. His secondary Ascendant for that moment was at 8º Capricorn, the spot that will be occupied by Saturn when Uranus will be entering Taurus in May 2018. All this activates Mars at 8º Capricorn in the horoscope of New Russia. During cycles of Uranus/Pluto squares -- from June 2012 until March 2015, there was the 100th anniversary of WW I (on June 28, 2014).

In 2020, Angela Merkel will have Solar Arc Moon at 19º Aries, activating 19 º Libra (Venus from the chart of EU – Russia), degree important for Russia, while Solar Arc MC of EU will be at 0º Gemini, supported by Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0º Aquarius. This might present the opportunity for EU to easily relate to some new laws and values. This is the big change for EU! Russia has its Ascendant (Moscow) ruler and ruler of 10th house (President) at 0º Gemini, so Russia and EU Government are connected at the same spot, and it is supported by the trine with Jupiter/Saturn conjunction!  Asteroid Hermes was at 0° Gemini when discovered, so this clearly implies the change of rhetoric that will follow Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, since it is leaving Pleiades, so-called Seven Sisters (29º Taurus).
This conjunction cycle is one of the most important in mundane astrology, and it deserves our attention. It is very important for determining the phase human kind is in, and it clearly demonstrates social structures, conditions and changes in it.

This cycle repeats every 20 years, being in each element about 240 years. If the conjunction was in Taurus for example, it takes 240 years to move to Gemini. During those 240 years there is 12 conjunctions in earth element, 4 in each earth sign.

Jupiter/Saturn 20-year cycle - Minima or Specialis - cycle with period between two consequent conjunctions.

240-year cycle in the same element - Media or Trigonalis – from the first conjunction in one element until the first conjunction in the next element.

Complete 960-year cycle - Maxima or Climacteria - going through all elements of Zodiac.  

The moment of Jupiter/Saturn conjunction going from one element to another is considered to be very important period, when the focus of the human kind is being changed. This change is called "Grand Mutation".

The last "Grand Mutation" was on January 26, 1842, when Jupiter/Saturn conjunction entered earth sign (this is regarded as the beginning of materialism).

The change to air element will happen on December 21, 2020, when Grand Mutation will happen at 0° Aquarius, which tells a lot about the coming change.

This cycle mostly affects events in Europe, but it is very much related to deaths of American presidents. 

United States – Secondary Moon at 0º Aquarius on December 21, 2020 and some new woman!

We must address the country with Sirius symbolism, and Sirius being the brightest star in the skies is also known as the Guardian of Europe. It is well known that this great world's power has the Moon at 25º Aquarius 28’(close to 26º), which nicely fits in the Grand Fixed Cross, that relates it, whether it likes it or not, with Russia and EU. The moment of Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 is especially important -- secondary Moon in USA chart will be also at 0º Aquarius. I see it as an appearance of a very important woman that will bring big changes to USA and the whole world. In that same year in November there will be elections in USA, and this will be very important! The first woman that comes to my mind is the wife of the President Obama, who will be leaving White House soon after 8 years. In his chart, Obama has Jupiter at 0º Aquarius, while on December 21, 2020 his Solar Arc Moon (woman) will be at 0º Leo, activating 0º Aquarius! Is this maybe a sign that USA will have a female president in 2020, and a female with the colored skin, who will show USA and the world some new values and a new road… Remains to be seen... Obama has Moon trine Jupiter in his chart, so Solar Arc Moon opposing his natal Jupiter would here mean action with positive outcome.

At the end, I must add this – 26º Sagittarius (Galactic Center) is  something what i found in the charts of leaders who ruled so long  - Stalin and Brezhnev had Sun at 26º Sagittarius and MC, Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel have there Mars. Galactic Center makes inconjunction with 26 º Taurus (Algol), as well as Hitler’s Asc from 26º Libra. 

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