четвртак, 31. децембар 2015.

Secret of New Year's Gifting Published: December 31, 2015 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Secret of New Year's Gifting
Published: December 31, 2015 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

(This article I wrote in Serbian, 3 years ago, for my blog)

There is holiday atmosphere all around, New year's trees are being decorated, presents are being bought, and children are the most joyful because the Santa Claus is going to visit them and leave the presents under the tree. However, the magic of New Year's gifting is appealing to the adults as well. The very act of gifting is full of beauty, love and something special, for how would one learn to accept without giving? The fact is that giving brings much more happiness than accepting, for we cannot accept things from anybody… The same goes for love, we cannot accept anybody's love, can we? But to give love (which is the kind of gift, giving) - that is the art indeed, the skill…

When I was a kid I believed that Angels were involved in the whole story of New Year, Santa Clause and New Year's gifts. I do not know how or why, but I simply believed… Today I know that the faith is the key, and what I also learnt (as astrologist) about faith is that the faith has to be "colored" by the silence. Yes, Angels really have the "secret" role in New Year's gifting, and I shall tell you about it a bit later… First, we shall deal with the very phenomenon of Santa Claus…

Santa Claus

Santa Claus (or Father Christmas) is invented person who brings gifts to children on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or St. Nicholas Day (in western culture) or on New Year's Day (in Eastern European countries). Versions and the name of this mysterious person varies between different cultures, religions and nations… The usual depiction of Santa Claus in the West is the old bearded man dressed in the red coat, flying on the sleigh pulled by reindeers, with the bag full of gifts for good children. His home is at the North Pole or in Lapland…

In astrology, Santa Claus is related to the planet of Saturn, sign of Capricorn, 10th house, since the Christmas and New Year come while the Sun crosses the sign of Capricorn, and Saturn is, among other things, the main signifier for grandfather, and also frost, cold, winter…

Saturn in Roman mythology

The whole story of Santa Claus has its roots in mythology, and Roman one this time. Roman mythology is related to the basis of the Western culture, to the conscious level inside each one of us (opposed to the Greek model that is subconscious, and Babylonian that is unconscious). The idea of Cronus (Greece) and Saturn (Rome) is very different, for Saturn has unusually positive connotation in Rome -- he is the God of agriculture, he gives the structure, the Saturnalia is celebrated, he gives the fin al justice and finally, he creates the whole Western civilization. In Greece, Saturn has more difficult connotation - he is the primary sign of the family karma that is passed from father to son, most often the sign of the tragedy, problem, debt…

Saturn in Rome is quite a different story than in Greece. Here he is respected, represents the order, system, civilization -- the best of its nature. So, archetypical astrological symbolism of Saturn myth is the position of Saturn in the sign of its exaltation, in Libra (justice). But, Roman Saturn may also be related to Sagittarius (position, disposition, aspect with the planet in Sagittarius), which is also the sign of the law and justice.


As I have already mentioned, today's modern Santa Claus has his deepest roots in the time of the ancient Rome, in the celebration known as Saturnalia. Saturnalia was the ancient Roman festival in the name of the God Saturn, and at first they were celebrated on December 17, and later the celebration was expanded with festivities through to December 23. The festivities included bringing of sacrifices in the Temple of Saturn, in Roman Forum and public banquet, followed by gift-giving, continual partying, carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms. During those days gambling was permitted, and masters served their slaves. Saturnalias are also famous for its orgies, and are often called "the best of days". Saturnalias are also festivals of light, including the winter solstice (the shortest day on December 21). The re-emerging of light, i.e. the longer daytime and coming of New Year were celebrated later in the Roman Empire on December 25 (modern Christmas) as the "birthday of invincible Sun"! Saturnalia popularity continued in III and IV century, at the time when Roman Empire was under Christian domination, and it is believed that some of its traditions influenced Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Finally, if we take a look at the chart of the Ancient Rome, that was established on April 21, 753 BCE ("The Book of World Horoscopes", Nicholas Campion), we find Saturn at the cusp of 5th house (celebration), at the very important degree. It is 15° Scorpio, and 15° of every sign is the royal degree (being the center of each sign), and it gives some special story, so this is really the depiction of celebration that is somehow "royal". It is very interesting that we are now in the time of Saturn in Scorpio (from October 2012 until September 2015), and in the chart of the Ancient Rome Saturn is also in Scorpio, all this implying the importance of the phenomenon of Santa Claus, Christmas and New Year - in this very moment!

Saturn at the cusp of 5th, at 15° Scorpio in the chart of the Ancient Rome is depiction of Saturnalia, that were important since Saturn is the central planet of the fixed T-square in this chart. The sign of Scorpio is depiction of the mentioned orgies (Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio) that characterized Saturnalias, but also of gambling, since Uranus (risk, gambling, casino) is exalted in Scorpio. When we take a look at the disposition of this Saturn -- Mars at 20° Pisces, we see it goes to the 9th house, the house of the law, justice, the house related to the sign of Sagittarius. So, this Saturn fulfills everything asked from it, in terms of Roman mythology… Certainly, this is the Roman model of Saturn! Also, in favor of "invincible Sun", the fact is that in the chart of the Ancient Rome, the Sun is positioned in the 10th house, in the sign of its exaltation‼!

29° Pisces - 36th decan, 72nd pentad and the story of Angels

The important thing here is that Saturn, through its disposition, comes at the very beginning of the last, 36th decan (from 20° to 30° Pisces inside Zodiac of 360°), where we realize the first contact with our etheric world when we dive into ourselves. This decan represents the first thing we touch when we close our eyes and it goes to applicative conjunction with retrograde ("secret") Venus (gift, present, love…) which is at the very special degree, at 29° ("secret") Pisces ("secret"), so all this might be depiction of Santa Claus bringing gifts to children, to us all, in a very secretive and special way… Without doubt, retrograde Venus at 29° Pisces is the one "coloring" the whole story, and since Venus is in the last, 72nd pentad, ruled by the Sun (light), in the center of which, at 27° Pisces, Venus naturally exalts and which is related to the story of Angels (number 72 is the number of Angels), then without doubt, as I already said, the New Year's gifting "secretly" involves Angels, those lovely creatures…
This last, 72nd pentad represents the part of the Earth's etheric world in which we are almost waking up (because soon we shall reach 0° Aries, the beginning of the new cycle and new life). In this part it is very cozy and comfortable, because there is the degree of Venus' exaltation (love, beauty, "secret"…), and we feel beauty, imagination, but we also realize the vision, since there is the light in this pentad, for the Sun is the ruler of this pentad. The very combination of the Sun and Venus means love, as we know… and since it is the last 5° of Zodiac and the last, 72nd pentad, here we have the sum of everything, i.e. the fact that only love remains in the end, and that love is pure and divine…

At the crossing between worlds

It is very important here that 29° Pisces closes the full circle of 36 decans of Zodiac, which goes its way of cause and consequence, describing the strong energy fields, but the very crossing from the last into the first decan of Zodiac is of key importance. It is the crossing from the sleep into alertness, from one life into another… So, in order to become a good conductor for Angels, one's energy in the last, 36th decan (which is ruled by Mars) must be very pure, not conducting dissatisfaction, the feeling of injustice, struggle, unfulfilled aspiration… In other words, in this part of Zodiac we are required to let the Light (the Sun) shine through us…

Isn't all this telling that New Year's gifts come in a special (29°) way?! Without any doubt, all that is necessary is to close one's eyes, make good pictures, imagine, be very quiet (29°), forget how world is full of injustice, not get the life as the continuous struggle, but the beauty of creation, and when the time comes to wake up, to open one's eyes -- the wish will be granted… In this way the Light is awaken, Angels in us as well, and "Santa Claus" will somehow "secretly" deliver the New Year's gift that shall be special (29°) and magic (Pisces)…

New Age and Santa Claus

The fact that New Age, also called the age of love, harmonization and compatibility with the planet by Maya people, which I wrote about recently in my article     "Mayas,21st December and 29° Scorpio" - comes from 29° Scorpio, which is now the trine to 29° Pisces, implies that the ritual of New Year's gifting and celebration of "invincible Sun" will have importance as well. If you remember, I wrote that 29° Scorpio require that we be "emotionally light", because the decision on what we shall get through our partner depends on it, for 29° Scorpio belongs to Venus decan, and Saturn's pentad. In this story of gifting, we have Saturn that through disposition goes to conjunction with the retrograde Venus in 72nd pentad, the pentad of Angels, the Sun pentad that requires us to cleanse our hearts from dissatisfaction and fill them with light in order to wake up the angel within… Only that way Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas (whatever the name of that mysterious person) will bring everything we wish for…

Also, when Saturn recently entered Scorpio, Mars was at 29° Scorpio and carried Mercury/Saturn conjunction at 0° Scorpio, so it is easy to conclude that the time of Saturn in Scorpio (from October 2012 to September 2015) is very important for Santa Claus story, for deciphering the chart of the Ancient Rome now (since in that chart Saturn is in Scorpio), because this is indication of revealing the story (Mercury) about an old man (Saturn), which contains the "secret" (29°)…

Finally, if we take a look at the chart for the Regulus' entering the sign of Virgo, which cannot be avoided if we talk about New Age, and when we look at the nature of the Ascendant degree (1° Gemini) from the perspective of Sabian symbols, we have the following message: "Saint Nicolas secretly stuffs Christmas socks". Since the chart for Regulus entering Virgo was made for Greenwich time, than it is collective, wider picture of time to come, and having in mind Sabian symbols, one collective, universal Santa Claus will secretly make this planet happy…

It seems that Santa Claus shall keep coming in New Age as well, and the chances are good that he will become even more important than before, since the gates to granted wishes are opening easily… Of course, do not forget to be quiet and to have faith… and since words - I believe - are not spoken aloud (Mercury - word, is in fall and exile in Pisces - silence), restrain from vocalizing your faith in Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Angels… Keep it a "secret" …

Happy New Year! I wish you a lot of Light!

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