уторак, 22. децембар 2015.

Christmas Full Moon – I believe in Miracles Published: December 22, 2015 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

     Christmas Full Moon – I believe in Miracles
         Published: December 22, 2015 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Every year, when Sun comes to 0°  Capricorn, it's the beggining of the New year. It will happen next time on December 22nd, at 4:47:53 GMT. Therefore, that moment represents the first step into 2016 (the winter solstice).

The first lunation in the year ahead of  us will be a Full Moon on 3°  Cancer, on Christmas day, December 25th, 2015. The Moon rules Cancer, and it makes us focus on our familiy, home, memories. It's located in the 4th house, where it feels great, since according to modern astrology, the 4th house is analogue to the 4th sign – Cancer, making the 4th house – the house of the Moon.

Of course, I will also mention traditional astrology, in which the Sun is the natural ruler of the 4th house. In any case, the focus point of this lunation (Full Moon – Sun/Moon opposition) are the Sun and the Moon. The first aspect the Moon will make is a trine with Neptune (personal faith, silence, prayer, secret, magic) empowered by being in the sign it rules, Pisces. Therefore, this Christmas Full Moon carries a message: Search for your personal faith inside your heart, say a prayer in your mind, communicate with angels, believe in miracles and miracles will happen.

The lunation will happen in Venus decan (from 0°  – 10°  Cancer) and the Moon pentade (from 0° – 5°  Cancer), so this is also related to the emotional aspects of life, considering the fact that the Moon is applying towards the asteroid Juno, which is associated with relationships, marriages, relationships. Venus will be in Scorpio (the 8th sign of the Zodiac) in the moment of the lunation, and in the 8th house (transformation, and the house of Saturn according to traditional astrology).

The Moon and Venus are in a wider applying aspect, so this Full Moon will also bring emotional fulfillment, after relationships go through a deep transformation, after we „buried“ something (the 8th house is the house of Saturn). Saturn is in Saggitarius in the 9th house, the house of religion and the Moon will be making an inconjuction (inner adjustment) with Saturn – we need to let go of some kind of collective belief inside our hearts, it will be painful and hard, but it is the only way to be completely transformed and ready for emotional fulfillment (trine with Venus in Scorpio).

Many will refuse to let go of their memory and continue to live in the past because of their fear, because the sign of Cancer – remembers... It's interesting that Saturn is the ruler of the second pentade (from 5°  – 10°  Cancer) inside this Venus decan (from 0°  – 10°  Cancer).

The Sabian symbol for this lunation (3° Cancer) is: A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSE. ... – dialogue, removing the unnecessary. The degree across the Zodiac speaks about the final state of things. It is 3° Capricorn, and the symbol is: A group of merry-makers are embarking in a large canoe on the magic little lantern-lit lake at the resort. ... – unity.

Therefore, Sabian symbols also asks us to see the opportunity for emotional transformation during this lunation – talk to your partner, say everything you have to say to each other, transform your relationship, let go of the old beliefs that were forced on you by the collective, and it's the only way you can continue your journey together, vibrating on the new grounds – completely in harmony.

This Full Moon will affect: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Saggitariusif you have any placements around the 3rd degree of mentioned signs, with an allowed orb of 3° degrees. If we take a look at the Antiscia (shadow, mirror) of this Full Moon, we will find the Ascendant on 19° Libra – the degree of the Sun's fall, so this lunation is also a call to never forget who and what you are, don't lose your auntheticity in order to balance a relationship and achieve „peace in your home“. You are a being of creativity, and the meaning of everything is to create, so our third energetic center (the Solar Plexus, 3rd chakra) can be balanced. By the way, the mirror of this lunation is on 26° Gemini, so we can also expect „hidden“ influences on: Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn, with an allowed orb of 3° degrees. The Moon is void of course in the Antscia chart, which calls us to a state of tranquility. In any case, the void course of Moon is good for prayer.  

The Sabian symbol for 26° Gemini -A YOUNG GYPSY, EMERGING FROM THE WOODS, GAZES AT FAR CITIES ... – individuality, independence, liberation from limits. The Sabian symbol for 26° Saggitarius –The sculptor's vision is taking form.  - a vision coming to life.

It's clear that this is the right time to step out of ourselves, because it will bring us materialization and form.

Remember, prayer is the key, so have strong inner beliefs, and miracles will happen this Christmas, the symbol of a New beginning.

With Love,

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