понедељак, 15. април 2024.

The Third Temple and Jupiter/Uranus great conjunction on 21st April 2024 Red heifers from Texas Published: 15th April, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


The Third Temple and Jupiter/Uranus great conjunction on 21st April 2024

Red heifers from Texas

Published: 15th April, 2024 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP


The Temple Mount and Israel Faithful Movement, more commonly known simply as the Temple Mount Faithful, is an extremist Orthodox Jewish movement, based in Jerusalem, whose goal is to rebuild the Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and re-institute the practice of ritual sacrifice. The movement was founded by former Israel Defense Forces officer and Middle Eastern studies lecturer Gershon Salomon.Members of the movement are referred to as the "Temple Mount Faithful". The group was established in 1967. On 8 October 1990, seventeen Palestinians were killed and over 100 others injured by Israeli Border Police in the 1990 Temple Mount riots triggered by an announcement by the Temple Mount Faithful that they were going to lay a cornerstone for a Third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem


If we cast the chart for 8th October 1990, 10h30min, Jerusalem (Israel), we can see MC at 29° Virgo. At 29° Virgo, there is going to be transit Moon on 21st April 2024 (5:08:44, Jerusalem) when we are going to have the great Jupiter/Uranus conjuction in Taurus. The last one in Taurus was in 1941, on 7th May, and it was at 25° Taurus (conjunct fixed star Algol) where during 2024 Iran Islamic Republic has its progressed Sun. Algol always bring blood, war, murders. Justice for one side-is not the justice for other side, that’s what Algol speaks about. During 1941, secondary progressed Venus (blood) of Franklin D Roosvelt (president of the US who took his 3rd term on 20th January 1941) was at 19 ° Aries too!





To show you how all what The Temple Mount Movement spreads – I will cast for you the chart of The Bibilical Creation of the World (source is The Book of World Horsocopes, Nicholas Campion)

In this chart, you can see the Sun (man) at 29 ° Virgo!!! When Jupiter and Uranus meet soon, on 21st April 2024, transit Moon is going to be where? I told you above-it will be at 29 ° Virgo!!! Let’s see more, in this chart you can see transit Moon at 19 ° Virgo!!! When first Covid-19 vaccine  (Pfzer) was given, in December 2020, in the UK, transit Moon was exactly at 19 ° Virgo too!!!  

 Interesting, but the current US President, Joe Biden, has his MC at 19 ° Virgo, and progressed Sun (President) of the US during 2024 is going to be at 19 ° Pisces, in the favour of Biden, and in the favour of The Bibilical Creation of the World horoscope. Like Biden’s administration, through the last global pandemic C-19, tried  to ’launched’ all what is now coming on the surface – ’the creation of new man’ through ’global immunisation’, and ofcourse, Isarel is involved...  

Also,it is important Biden's Solar Arc axis of lunar nodes is going to be hitted with Jupiter/Uranus conjunction too!  The big lesson is coming for his Soul!

Do you know figure the point? It was all planned in advance and it was all in the favour of creation of the ’new world order’, where one man is going to show up and to be present as new religous leader. We may now think even this-what was the plan behind lock down, global panic, vaccionation, etc? And Israel was one of the example where vaccination was very hign in percents, isn’t it?!




I must tell you that I’ve mapped modern Turkey at 29 ° Virgo too, so it will be interesting to see is Turkey going to join, for we are speaking about Muslim country. Probably, it will join too...Turkey has in its horoscope the Moon’s placement (nation) at 29 ° Virgo, which ’calling out’ 29 ° Virgo (with square), and its Solar Arc axis Asc/Desc is over 19 ° Libra/19 ° Aries, with its Solar Arc Mars at 19 ° Capricorn, squaring 19 ° Aries. 



Where 3rd Temple should be?

 It should be at the same place where is today Al-Aqsa Mosque.

  It was built during the reign of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan. He came on throne on 12th April 685. Tranist Moon was at 19 ° Aries, at Sun’s exaltation degree (which was the solar eclipse point on 8th April 2024), transit Sun  was at 22 Aries (where was the cazimi, inferior, conjunction of Rx Mercury  and the Sun on 11/12 th April 2024). At 19 ° Aries we have an image of the greatest one in the world, so, if Pope John Paul II died in April 2005 when we had the same solar eclipse, now we can expect that new ’Pope’ (be free to read it new Messiah) is going to come?! The influence of this eclipse is 4 and a half years, for eclipse lasted 4,5min.So in 4 and a half years ahead, we may expect the new Messiah is going to be launched. At 22 ° Aries, we have the star Baten Caitos (belly of the whale, Cetus constellation), which speaks about being trapped within big water (this star was activated when we had Titanic for example), being trapped in addictions , depression, migrations, as well as  spiritual growth after overcome trauma. Whenever RxMercury makes its inferior conjunction with the Sun we have an image of this – ’In the Heart of the King’, so, here we have the support of someone who is literally the king (the most important global leader, as well as the most important religious leader).Also, every inferior conjunction easy leads into death, ’cause the meeting of these two  planets always happens under the ecvator (read in the Underworld), so the death of someone very important may colour this period too. 



For example, the founder of DAVOS, Klaus Schwab (chart set up without time, so we put 12pm), was born with Uranus in Taurus also, it was placed at 11 ° Taurus, with Mars at 12 ° Taurus and he alread got his ’wound’ around end of December 2021, after there was the 3rd Saturn/Uranus square over 11 ° Aquarius/11 ° Taurus. Moreover, he was born with weak Venus (blood) in Aries (head) at 22 ° Aries, where the inferior conjunction of Rx Mercury and the Sun was happend on 11/12 April 2024, so, we may dare to say that rumors about his health – may be true. This man may be in challening life time. Moreover, his South Node is at 27 ° Taurus, very close with Algol, both, Jupiter as well as Uranus will cross over that spot. But, the most important thing is his Neptune at 19° Virgo, conjunct Biden’s MC, and the Moon in the moment when first Pfzer was given and the Moon from the chart of The Bibilical Creation of the world. His Solar Arc Chiron just came at 19 ° Virgo too, so indeed, he may live challening time right  now. 



Let’s see more, he was born with Mercury 27 ° Aries, in square with Pluto at 27 ° Cancer, and Mercury started its retro journey recently at 27 ° Aries. Pluto turns direct at 27 ° Capricorn last fall (October 2023), so all fits. His Mercury is arond nebula star Vertex (Andromeda, chained princess, constellation) whcih speaks about man who will ’kill’ a lot of people. This nebula star is very prominent in the horoscope of people who were part of some war execution, also, it brings problem with eyes (person may be literally blind).

On 12th April 685 transit Uranus was at 25 ° Taurus!!! At 25 ° Taurus, I’ve told you above, there is progressed Sun of Iran Islamic Republic in 2024. At 25 ° Taurus, there was Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on 7th May 1941 – later, during year, the US joined WW2, after Pearl Harbour was attacked.

As you can notice, 19 ° Aries is in the air, regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is fitting so much within all what 19° Aries (Sun exaltation degree) brings within itself. Here we have the most important one, who is aware who is he, who stands up for his own ’’inner Sun’’ (identity), who uses mantra – ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE! Here very often we have some country who stands alone, against everyone else on its way. In the moment of Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on 21st April 2024, Venus, dispositor of Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus, is going to be placed exactly at 19 ° Aries!!! Venus is symbol for blood, for she was made from Uranu’s blood, after Saturn killed Uranus, so she is all what war brings, as well as she is love (love and war are the same). 

 Jupiter and Uranus will meet around star RANA (interesting in Serbian, this word literally means – chiron), from Eridanus constellation. Here we have the story of Phaeton who drives his golden car so fast and there is a dangerous he may burnt the whole world. Zeus (which is literally the United States) is sending strong thunderstorms in order to stop Phaeton. Phaeton falls in river Eridanus (underground river). Here the main pattern is that we are having the child who grows up without father, father is maybe absent, literally, or not, but the child (Phaeton) has strong need to show his father that he is exactly the same as he is. What do you think, who is here that child and who is his father? Isarel may be that child, and of course, father is the United States. If Israel decides to go deeper into war, in one moment, there is even a chance it may be stopped by the one who gave them the birth...

If we progress the horoscope of 12th April 685, we get progressed Moon for April 2024 beliver or not at 19° Aries!!!

Yaser Arrafat, the most important leader of Palestine, had his natal Moon (nation) at 22 ° Taurus-where the great Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening on 21st April 2024.Palestine’s secondary progressed Moon in April is at 23 ° Taurus, conjunct the Sun of Isarel at 23° Taurus. Secondary progressed Sun of Palestine is across, at 22 ° Scorpio. 

Even in the horoscope of Palestine Autonomy we can see axis of lunar nodes over 23 ° Scorpio (North Node)/23 ° Taurus (South Node). In this horosccope, Mars (agression, war) is placed at 15 ° Aries and Mercury is going to turn direct on 25/26 April 2024, few days after the great Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. So, Palestine may increase its actions against Isarel very soon too.


Palestine, in its chart, has the ruler of her Asc, Venus, at 19 ° Libra, opposite 19 ° Aries. At 19 ° Aries, you can find the Moon (nation) of Isarel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Red heifers from Texas

These red heifers and the archaic ritual they were brought to Israel for stand at the heart of a convoluted effort by a segment of ultranationalist Jews to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam that has stood on a hill in the Old City of Jerusalem for more than 1,000 years, and replace it with a “Third Temple”.

This minority ultranationalist push flies in the face of Jewish scholarship, which rules that a “Third Temple” can only be constructed after the coming of the awaited Messiah to usher in the “Kingdom of God” – not to bring about the return of the Messiah to Earth.

Members of these “Temple Movement” groups are also pushing to perform Jewish rites in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, in violation of the chief rabbinate’s longstanding prohibition of the presence of Jews at Al-Aqsa due to the holiness of the site.

Heifer prophecy

According to the Old Testament, the two Jewish temples that stood where the Al-Aqsa compound stands today were ritually pure as were all instruments, garments and people who served in them.

The first temple stood from 1000 to 586 BCE and the second from 515 BCE to 70 AD and the third temple is what ultranationalist organisations have been working towards for decades.

Palestinians have for decades feared Israeli attempts to take over Al-Aqsa, which is the direction Muslims used to pray towards before the Kaaba in Mecca.

These fears have been particularly acute since 1967 when Israel illegally occupied East Jerusalem along with the West Bank and Gaza in the wake of the 1967 War.

According to the reasoning of ultranationalist Jewish organisations like the Temple Institute, a “Third Temple” cannot be built until Al-Aqsa is destroyed and the compound is purified, along with garments, utensils and hundreds of men of a particular lineage who have been trained for the priesthood who all stand ready to serve in this temple.

The purification is through a mixture of ashes – of a sacrificed red heifer, red yarn, cedar wood and hyssop – with fresh spring water collected by ritually pure children who were born and raised under certain conditions. This ash mixture is believed to remain effective for up to 100 years and can be mixed with spring water as needed.

Until 2022, when five red yearlings were donated by an evangelical farmer from Texas, United States, and flown to Israel as “pets” to get around restrictions on importing live animals as livestock at the time.

There have also been efforts to secure and prepare a plot of land on the Mount of Olives, which overlooks the Al-Aqsa compound and would enable the priest overseeing the killing of the heifer to sprinkle her blood towards Al-Aqsa as detailed in the Bible.

Sacrifice imminent?

There are indications that the Temple Movement is preparing to sacrifice a red heifer with the support of the Israeli government, according to the Israeli NGO Ir Amim.

The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development circumvented protocols when initially seeking permission to import red heifers, Ir Amim noted in a report in August, an example of increasing government involvement as the US was not a country approved for the import of live animals from at the time.

Netanel Isaac, the director general of the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage, delivered a speech in honour of the heifers’ arrival at Ben Gurion airport in September 2022 and admitted that the ministry has been funding the development of the Mount of Olives area where the ceremony is planned.

This is the first time in nearly 2,000 years a successful red heifer has come about,red heifer sacrifice will take place in the spring of 2024 around the Passover to Pentecost timeframe.

“We believe God is going to reveal himself through the efforts of this future event. It is truly a sign of the times, most especially for Jews in Israel.”

Passover will be towards the end of April while Pentecost is in mid-May.

What is this ceremonial burning? What exactly is a red heifer? This is not at all clear or known because the last time this was done, it was done when there was a Jewish temple 2,000 years ago.

Let’s finish this article with focus on 19 ° Aries (Al-Aqsa Mosque). In the moment of the solar eclipse at 19 Aries recently, Mars, the same eclipse had Chiron within which definately brings wounds. The solar eclipse also coumbusted Mercury (mind), which means someone is going to put too much sunshine in our eyes, in order we do not see the truth. The good thing here is this – dispositor of eclipse, was Mars at 13° Pisces (Mercury’s fall degree), so all what was planned – may fall apart, for at 13 ° Pisces you lie, but you can’s hide lies. Interesting, I’ve mapped over 13 ° of mutable signs the US, as well as Australia (during C-19 time, this country was so strict with rules).  

Also, if we observe Al-Aqsa Mosque through 19 ° Aries and its dispositor at 13 ° Pisces –there is a dangerous that this Temple indeed may fall apart...


On November 23, 2022, Gershon Salomon, founder of the Temple Mount Faithful, died. Secondary progressed Moon of Isarel was at 22°  Aries (the point of inferior Rx Mercury conjunction and the Sun from 11/12 April 2024, as well as the Venus’ placement of Klaus Schwab). Secondary progressed Fortuna (the most important spot in Zodiac, as it comes as the result of relation between Asc-Sun-Moon) was at 19°  Virgo – MC of Biden, Solar Arc Chiron of Schwab in 2024, Moon’s placement of first C-19 Pfzer vaccine, and finally Moon’s placement in the horsocope of The Biblical Creation of the world

Texas has in its chart Pluto at 22°  Aries (Rx Mercury/Sun cazimi inferior conjunction on 11/12 April 2024), and its progressed Venus (blood, civil war, protesting) is at 22°  Taurus – where the great Jupiter/Uranus is happening. A lot of things coming, definatelly!


You can conclude alone what kind of energy if around us...

Think about it, stay in silence, but be aware...


~ You can book your personal reading with me in advance, for there is a waiting list, readigns are availbe in English, as well as in Serbian

Contact for booking: smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com

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