The Storming of the Bastille 1789 – Pluto in Aquarius & Saturn in Pisces
„Long Live The Nation“ instead of „Long Live The King“
Published: 4th March, 2023 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić ISAR CAP Professional Astrologer
@copyright VesperAstrologySmiljanaGavrančić March2023
The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, France, on 14 July 1789, when revolutionary insurgents stormed and seized control of the medieval armoury, fortress, and political prison known as the Bastille. At the time, the Bastille represented royal authority in the centre of Paris. The prison contained only seven inmates at the time of its storming, but was seen by the revolutionaries as a symbol of the monarchy's abuse of power; its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution.
The execution of Louis XVI, a major event of the French Revolution, took place publicly on 21 January 1793. Louis XVI died at the guillotine. He was the last king to live at the Palace of Versailles, and the revolutionaries duly gave him the nickname “Louis the Last“.
Pluto was in Aquarius, and Saturn was in Pisces, and the same is happening in 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius on 23 March 2023, Saturn will enter Pisces on 7th March 2023. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius from 1777-1797, and within that period Saturn entered Pisces on 9th February 1788 (with Chiron (wounds) at 8° Gemini)– one year before the beginning of the French Revolution.
The French Revolution brought "Long live the Nation" instead of "Long live the King". This is a typically for Pluto in Aquarius, when people are going to figure they don’t need anymore their governments, leaders,kings, queens, they are building new world order, old system must die. They are the one who have all power!
In the horoscope of Storming of the Bastille we can see Mars placement (ruler of Sco Asc) in 8th house, house of war, dangerous, death, at 8 ° Gemini (again same degree). At 8 ° Gemini this year, on 12/13 January 2023, Mars turned direct. MC of this event was at 12 ° Leo and Venus is going to turn direct at 12 ° Leo on 4th September 2023, ’hitting’ Emmanuel Macron’s Mars at 11 ° Leo (which is part of his T square with Moon 14 ° Taurus and Uranus ° 14 Scorpio).
On 5th May 2023, there is the lunar eclipse at 14 ° -15 ° Scorpio, conjunct Macron’s Uranus at 14 ° Scorpio, opposite his Moon 14 ° Taurus, better say – this lunar eclipse is going to activate his natal T square, and whenever you see Moon/Uranus in intense aspect in the chart of leaders, together with Mars – we may expect revolutionary vibe in country, protesting, fire etc.
Even before that, on 20th April 2023, when we have the solar eclipse at 29 ° Aries, which is squaring Macron’s natal axis Asc/Desc over 28 ° Capricorn/28 ° Cancer – Macron’s chart is ’called out’. And ofcourse, transit Pluto is around his natal Asc for awhile, and it will be there during 2023 bringing him a lot of dramatical events, as natally he has Pluto in Libra in wide square with his Asc/Desc axis.
If we progress the chart of French Revolution for now, for 2023, we can see secondary progressed axis of Asc/Desc (28 ° Cancer/28 ° Capricorn) over Macron’s natal axis of Desc/Asc, and even over Macron’s draco Mars at 28 ° Capricorn, which is also a sign that during 2023 Macron should be in touch with the memory of Storming of the Bastille. Pluto will several times, in its retro and direct motion, during 2023, again cross over 28 Capricorn-end of July,whole August, big part of September,and for the last time during whole November and until Christmas in December, bringing him a lot of transformation, and facing with not such a nice events.
I would mention the placement of secondary progressed Moon (of the French Revolution) too, as it is at 11 ° Scorpio, which ’calls out’ the memory of 3rd Saturn/Uranus square over 11 ° Aquarius/11 ° Taurus from late December 2021, which was very important for Macron (i.e. France)because his natal Mars (as the focal planet in his T square) has placement at 11 ° Leo. Axis 2/8 in the horoscope of the current 5th French Republic is over 11 ° Leo/11 ° Aquarius, it represents axis of money, investements, as well as death, dangerous situations. The reason of today’s revolution may be economy issue! During the reign of Louis XVI France faced a major economic crisis. This crisis was caused in part by the cost of intervening in the American Revolution and exacerbated by a regressive system of taxation, as well as poor harvests in the late 1780s. That was the background of the French Revolution in 1789. Today, the background may be very similar – spending money on war in Ukraine, for example...
If we check Solar Arc of the French Revolution for this year, we see Mars (which I’ve mentioned at the beginning because it had a placement at 8° Gemini) at 0° Aquarius!!! This means that when Pluto enters Aquarius in late March 2023, it will touch Solar Arc Mars of the French Revolution and here we go, there is a lot of material for some ’ Bastile 2023’ again.
Also, Macron’s secondary progressed Mercury, ruler of his 8th (dangerous situations, death) just entered 0° Aquarius too, so it will be ’hitted’ by Pluto several times during 2023. Mercury is dispositor of his natal Saturn at 0° Virgo, and Saturn rules his natal Asc, which means that Mercury is his final dispositor, describes his outcome, his final destiny in time.
Asc of the French Revolution is at 2° Scorpio, i.e. axis Asc/Desc is over 2° Scorpio/2° Taurus, and it was already activated in late October 2022 when we had the solar eclipse at 2° Scorpio. The same axis is axis of draconic Uranus/Moon of Macron. This is a big sign that Macron’s past life is very linked with the French Revolution.
There is even more, Macron’s natal South Node (the spot of loss in everyone’s chart) is at 12° Aries, conjuction the Moon (people) in the horoscope of the French Revolution. The horoscope of the death of King Louis XVI (21 January 1793, 10:20 am, Paris, France) had Asc at 13° Aries. This all shows us that there is a strong karmic bond between Macron, today’s French President, King Louis’ XVI death and the event which the history called - Storming of the Bastille.
During 2023, secondary progressed MC, as well as Solar Arc MC of the horoscope of Death of Louis XVI is going to be at 20°