субота, 29. јул 2017.

Venus in Cancer, Uranus turns retrograde - "I Belive in the Church of your heart" Published: July 29th, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Venus in Cancer, Uranus turns retrograde - "I Belive in the Church of your heart"
Published: July 29th, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

On 31 July, 2017 Venus will "touch" 0 Cancer with the Moon (ruler of Venus) at 19 Scorpio in 12th house (prayer)!Venus will be at the beginning of 8th house (deep transformation). Only 3 days later, Uranus will start its retrograde motion, from 28 Aries, and it will be retrograde until January 1st, 2018 (24 Aries).

Mars (ruler of Uranus, will be at 8 Leo, and the Moon is in strong conjunction with RSaturn at 21 Sagittarius). Mercury is in its "shadow", and it will start retrograde motion from 11 Virgo, on August 13, 2017.

Venus in Cancer (by dispositor-the Moon) "goes" in Scorpio and in squares with lunar nodes-are you ready for "opening karmic gates". The nature of square is - Mars, and here we will act, because we have to finish some stories from our past lives... Scorpio represents our "underground" where we are able to "hug" our fears and to transform energy....

The Moon/Saturn conjunciton for the moment when Uranus turns retrograde speaks also about karmic event and we will be on very big test - to accept, to wait, to allow someone from our past to enter in our life again... Do not speak, just listen, pray, belive..., even if you are not religious...Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 19Scorpio (in the book we read the meaning for 20 Scorpio) is: A woman in white drawing two dark curtains aside

Fast... really fast...

All the 20th degree Sabian symbols in some way harken to speed. The Taurus/Scorpio pair especially seem to about a 'quickening'. Scorpio 20, "A woman drawing two dark curtains aside" seems to suggest something of the occult or supernatural dimensions suddenly disclosed. 'Disclosure' is a very apt word here. 'Dis'-'closed' means literally something that is opened such as a door unlocked, a cover removed, curtains drawn back. Disclosure is an action taken that opens that which was once closed or hidden.The energy that tends to go with this symbol is quick in nature... really something beyond ordinary expectation.Therefore, be on your toes when these curtains are drawn open.

Things happen fast.

Let's take a look for the meaning for 8 Leo (where Mars will be as the ruler of Uranus, we read the meaning for 9 Leo in the book): Glass blowers

The glass blowers symbolizes this: we are a craft, a work of art fashioned and being fashioned. We are raw imperfections of material, deft and skillful as we breathe life into symbols we live by; resilient enough to start over when the brittle shards of failure shatter on realities far greater than our own; we are a fire of passion that heats cold realities into workable ways. Thus we journey.

For we are works of art: one part haunted hollow inwardness from which spirit breath is blown from cartoon clouds; one part flawed material fashioned and re-fashioned into the sense of our lives.

In other word-Let's make a miracle!


Nothing Fails

I'm in love with you, you silly thing
Anyone can see
What is it with you, you silly thing
Just take it from me
It was not a chance meeting
Feel my heart beating
You're the one
You could take all this, take it away
I'd still have it all
'Cause I've climbed the tree of life
And that is why, no longer scared if I fall
When I get lost in space
I can return to this place
'Cause, you're the one
Nothing fails
No more fears
Nothing fails
You washed away my tears
Nothing fails
No more fears
Nothing fails
Nothing fails
I'm not religious
But I feel so moved
Makes me wanna pray
Pray you'll always be here
I'm not religious
But I feel such love
Makes me want to pray
When I get lost in space
I can return to this place
'Cause you're the one
I'm not religious
But I feel so moved
I'm not…


понедељак, 24. јул 2017.

Venus/Saturn oppostion and Mercury starts its "shadow" - 24th July, 2017 "We Do Not Say Good Bye, Immortality, Eternity..." Published: 24th July, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Venus/Saturn oppostion and Mercury starts its "shadow" - 24th July, 2017
"We Do Not Say Good Bye, Immortality, Eternity..."
Published: 24th July, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

"A mermaid has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits a prince who will bring her immortality"

Venus is preparing to make oppositon with Saturn over 21-22 Gemini/Sagittarius (Monday, 24th July 2017) after New Moon at 0 Leo (Sunday, 23 July 2017) - We Do Not Say GoodBye, Immortality....I make my journey through eternity,I keep the memory of you and me inside...

The ruler of Venus is Mercury at 28 Leo 28' - already in its "shadow" (shadow starts from 28 Leo 26') - this may be very special moment, because Sabian Symbol for this place within Zodiac is - "A mermaid has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits a prince who will bring her immortality"

It is interesting that from the same place, 28 Leo, on August 21, 2017-we are going to have the solar eclipse!!!

Venus in opposition with Saturn could be an image of waiting for love too. Sometimes we are sad because we have to wait, aren't we?! This aspect knows to bring sadness and loneliness because of delays. And Sabian Symbol is fitting here perfectly - She waits a prince who will bring her immortality...

What I have found as interesting too? On December 14th, 2016, we had the Full Moon over 22 Gemini/22 Sagittarius! Over this axis Venus and Saturn now are making oppositon too! Mercury was also than in its shadow, at 12 Capricorn, preparing to turn retrograde soon (December 19th, 2016, from 15 Capricorn)! 

Sabian Symbol for that full Moon (22 Gemini-where is now transit Venus) is: "Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree"- Celebrate the stage of changing development like a fledgling just about ready to take first flight.Not every fledgling is ready for flight at the same time. One may be more developed than the others. One may be dauntless in character.

....flight' may be any new venture or activity...

Something is emerging in its own time, however this time you are more aware of the impending swell of significance. Say what needs to be said, but know the real action is yet to come.

However-We have to wait....


Celine Dion
So this is who I am
And this is all I know
And I must choose to live
For all that I can give
The spark that makes the power grow
And I will stand for my dream if I can
A symbol of my faith in who I am
But you are my only
And I will follow
On the road that lies ahead
And I won't let my heart control my head
But you are my only
We don't say goodbye
We don't say goodbye
And I know what I've got to be
I make my journey through eternity
I keep the memory of you and me inside
Fulfill your destiny
It's there within the child
My storm will never end
My fate is on the wind
The king of the hearts, the jokers wild
We don't say goodbye
We don't say goodbye
I make them all remember me
'Cause I have found a dream that must come tru


петак, 21. јул 2017.

What Brings August 2017? And Memory on August 1998... Published: July 21, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

What Brings August 2017? And Memory on August 1998...
Published: July 21, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

There will be 2 eclipses during august 2017. The first one will be the lunar eclipse, on 7th August 2017 , at 15 º Aquarius 25’. The second one will be the solar eclpse, on 21st August 2017, at 28 º Leo 53’. It is interesting that we have the same eclipses 19 years ago, in 1998: the lunar one at 15 º Aquarius 21’ on 8th August 1998, and the solar one at 28 º Leo 48’ on 22th August 1998. What happend than? I live in Serbia, very important country in the Balkans, and I just remember how in March 1999, NATO started to bomb my country – it’s interesting that in my astrological mundane work, I mapped Serbia at 15 º Leo, and Poland (very important NATO base), at 15 º Aquarius! Now I have in mind that axis IC/MC of US chart ( I use Asc 8 º Scorpio for US chart) is going over 16 º Aquarius/16 º Leo, and that US has the Moon (people) at 26 º Aquarius. So, we can say that 1998 was so important for US too, but for Poland and my country too. And now we are in 2017 and we can susspect that some very important events are in front of us..

Bill Clinton was the president of US in 1998. I found his solar arc axis Asc/Desc was going than over 26 º Scorpio /26 º Taurus. Aslo, at the same time, his solar arc axis IC/MC was going over 26 º Aquarius/26 º Leo! If you have read my blog you maybe noticed the importance of 26 º of every fixed sign! In other word, when we have some conflicts in the world – fixed star Algol (26 º Taurus) is somehow „called out“! As well as US chart has the Moon at 26 º Aquarius – Bill Clinton „put“ US people somehow in world conflict! Let me remind you that only several months after eclipses in august 1998 – USA did attack on Iraq against Sadam Hussein (operaton is well known as „The desert fox“). Iraq has in its chart Mercury at 14 º Leo and in that moment secondary progressed Mercury was retrograde and at 0 º Virgo, in conjuncition with natal Pluto of Iraq at 0 º Virgo! In chart of Iraq, Mercury carries the Moon (people)-so this was the clear image that people in Iraq somehow may be in dangerous (Pluto) situatiuon. What i noticed for this, 2017 is that secondary progressed Mars (conflict) of Iraq is right now at 26 º Taurus (Algol) and it moves grand fixed cross over 26 º (Trump has Mars at 26 º Leo and US had the Moon at 26 º Aquarius). Also, secondary progressed Moon of Iraq during august 2017 will be at 15 º Leo44’, very close to MC of US, and under influence of the lunar eclipse from 7th August 2017. And the most interesting thing is that secondary progressed Mercury of Iraq will be at 0 º Virgo, at the same place as in 1998, in conjunction with Pluto (war, dangerous situation) in the chart of Iraq.

And ofcourse, Bill Clinton was dealing with impeachment (case Monica Lewinsky) on December 19th, 1998. Maybe this is some sign that Trump may be in the same problem?! With Algol's energy, we always have some "angry woman" with blocked sexual energy, aren't we?! And, she wants to "cut heads", in other word-she wants to ruin reputataion of some ruler... 

If we now take a look in Trump’s chart, we can find his progressed Sun right now at 0 º Virgo 58’, in conjunction with Pluto of Iraq and progressed Mercury of Iraq. His solar arc Asc is right now at 8 º Scorpio 00’, in conjunciton with Asc of US, with the Sun of EU, but in conjunction with the progressed Sun of NATO too!. His secondaryprogressed MC is preaparing to touch 0 º Leo soon, in august 2017 it will be at 29 º Cancer 57’ – this is all very big sign that some change is going to come, and that somehow Trump may bring in connection US with Iraq again, in a time ahead.

I have to mention Trump’s Ceres (the goddess of nature) at 13 º Aquarius, in his 6th house and the lunar eclipse on 7th August 2017 – recently US left Paris agreement about climate change, and it will be intersting to see what the upcoming eclipse is bringing to US regarding this topic.

Now again about Poland. Secondary progressed Asc in August 2017, of Poland chart will be at 29 º Libra 37’, preaparing to touch 0 º Scorpio soon. This all may be a sign that change is coming soon and that change may be so big and in the symbol of Scorpio (wars, conflicts...). I have to add that secondary progressed Moon of Poland in August 2017 will be at 16 º Aquarius, in conjunction with Mars in 8th in the horoscope of Aleksander Kwasniewski (Polish president who „put“ Poland in NATO). Isn’t it so strong sign?! Also, solar arc Asc of Poland will be in august 2017 at 8 º Scorpio 50’, in conjunction with Asc of US, the Sun of EU, progressed Sun of NATO, and solar arc Asc of Trump. NATO will have progressed MC in august 2017 at 19 º Libra (the Sun falls degree). At 19 º Libra I have mapped Russia .

On July 20th, 2017, Poland made steps which may distance this country from EU... This week, the European Commission met to discuss the rule of law in Poland. The EU warned Poland that if it passed these laws, the commission would consider triggering Article 7, a never-before-used sanction of an EU member that would result in Poland having its voting rights suspended

The difference between 1998 and 2017 is this: 1998 was the time when Saturn from Taurus  and Uranus and Neptune from Aquarius made squares, and Saturn from Taurus made inconjunction with Pluto in Sagittarius. Today, in 2017, Saturn and Uranus make trine. Now we have some opportunity to make balance between old and new. But, it’s interesting how progressed Asc of Trump is close to 26 º Libra, where was Hitler’s rising too, and from 26 ºLibra we have inconjunction with 26 º Taurus (Algol).

My country, Serbia, has Uranus at 27 º  Leo, Pluto (the ruler of Asc in Scorpio) at 26 º Taurus (Algol) and axis of lunar nodes of 13 º  Aquarius /13 º  Leo, plus Mars at 12 º Leo! When NATO bombed Serbia, in 1999, after eclipses in 1998, I was not astrologer, yet, now I understand all. The last news in medias is this: NATO is about to get sued by Serbia for using depleted uranium when it illegally bombed the crap out of Yugoslavia (my country) in 1999. During 2017 solar arc Moon of Serbia is at 26 º Taurus (Algol) at Pluto in chart of Serbia, and secondary progressed Moon of Serbia during august 2017 is going to cross over 14 º - 15 º Aquarius, which moves 15 º Leo (degree which I link with Serbia). Right now, Serbia is on its way to be part of Europen Union in the time ahead, and one of plan maybe that Serbia becomes member of NATO too, but it may be so big challenge for my country if we take on mind that NATO is about to get sued by Serbia. Time ahead, will show us... 
  Serbia Gets Its First Female, and First Openly Gay, Premier

In the mean time (June 2017), Serbia got for the first time in history woman as Primer (Ana Brnabić), and she does not hide-she is a lesbian, this is so radical for the  Balkans and Serbia, but in the other hand, it is so fitting in the picture of Algol -woman with transformed sexual energy. Her main aim is to make Serbia part of EU. In the other hand, having Solar Arc Moon at Algol, conjunction Pluton, may speak about some murder too, just like in myth...

"Avatar degree"

At the end, we should add that each 15º of any fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) is known in astrology as the so-called "Avatar degree", as it forms 45º (semi-square) with 0º of each cardinal sign (0º Aries, 0º Cancer, 0º Libra, 0º Capricorn). These are very challenging and "sensitive" degrees in the Zodiac (15º of fixed signs), which is why it is no wonder that Poland is precisely located at 15º Aquarius, having in mind that it has always been some sort of a “buffer zone” between Russia and the West...     

About Poland and 15 Aquarius, you can read more if you click on this link - Poland and 15 Aquarius


Note added on 3rd February 2018- On 16th January 2018, just before New Moon in Capricorn, after crossing over Pluto - there was a murder in Kosovo, the most important Serbian leader in Kosovo, Oliver Ivanović, was killed (Solar Arc Moon of Serbia at Algol, conjunction Pluto). At the same time, we have to notice that Pluto is going to make soon first oppostion with the Sun a 20º Cancer 58' in the horoscope of Serbia.  That will be the big challenge for Serbia...

"My Cold Little Heart; Bleeding, I'm bleeding..." Mars in Leo (20th July 2017 - 5th Sept 2017) Published: July 21, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

"My Cold Little Heart; Bleeding, I'm bleeding..." 
Mars in Leo (20th July 2017 - 5th Sept 2017)
Published: July 21, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

Today, July 20th 2017, Mars has entered Leo (GMT13:19:23). New energy is around Us, but, the dispositor of Mars from 0° Leo - is the Sun at 27° Cancer 58' in strong appliction square with Uranus at 28 °Aries27'. This is some kind of explosion within Us, because, around 27° Cancer - Mars is very "weak" (Mars falls degree). Here We are not able to control ourselves. But, as the Sun (the dispositor of Mars) is making also applying trine with retrograde Chiron in 5th house (love) - We have an opportunity to heal our hearts, with Love, ofcourse. If we take a look for the Moon, we can see that the Moon just finished crossing over Venus at 17° Gemini,leaving behind the trine with Jupiter at 15° Libra too, and the first aspect which it will make will be opposition with retrograde Saturn at 22 °Sagittarius and that may be an image of "cold" heart...

Angel Oracle Card message is: CHANGE IN DIRECTION



Cold Little Heart
Michael Kiwanuka
Ooh, ah
Ooh ah
Did you ever want it?
Did you want it bad?
Oh, my
It tears me apart
Did you ever fight it?
All of the pain, so much power
Running through my veins
Bleeding, I'm bleeding
My cold little heart
Oh I, I can't stand myself
And I know
In my heart, in this cold heart
I can live or I can die
I believe if I just try
You believe in you and I
In you and I
In you and I
In you and I
Did you ever notice
I've been ashamed
All my life
I've been playing games
We can try to hide it
It's all the same
I've been losing you
One day at a time
Bleeding, I'm bleeding
My cold little heart
Oh I, I can't stand myself
And I know
In my heart, in this cold heart
I can live or I can die
I believe if I just try
You believe in you and I

уторак, 18. јул 2017.

I AM Leaving My Heart In the Palm Of His Hand; The New Moon at 0° Leo on July 23, 2017 - SEE ME... Published: July 18, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

I AM Leaving My Heart In the Palm Of His Hand

The New Moon at 0°  Leo on July 23, 2017 - SEE ME...

Published: July 18, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

The upcoming New Moon on 23 July, 2017 at 0° Leo brings to Us a lot of fresh energy, yellow + red = orange, and suddenly, good change - SEE ME...

~With the Moon and the Sun in his eyes
He's arriving
And I don't know what I'd do without him
I got life suddenly
See, see me~

Very interesting New Moon at 0° Leo 44' is in front of Us. It will occur on 23 July, 2017 (GMT 10:45:31) and it will have so strong applying conjunction with Mars at 1° Leo 52' - I would say a lot of energy is coming to Us!!! Mars in Leo is - double fire! This could be an image of life within Us, because - energy is life. And as it is all at the beginning of Leo (love, joy, creativity), this is very nice sign.

What is here also important? Mars carries within Uranus from Aries in strong applying trine with Mercury at 26° Leo 56'-I would say something suddenly may happen-some trip even if you did not plan to travel, or sudenly some message will come to you. Just to remember you, only two days after, around 25July, 2017 - Mercury starts its "shadow period" (secrets, time for finding out something from before, "hiden" words, etc).

Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: "A case of apoplexy"

0° Leo is very much a degree that starts things. It may be, in its own Leonine way, the first of the first degree positions. The Sabian symbol "A case of apoplexy" may seem obscure to some. 'Apoplexy' is a term formerly used for a stroke, but really is an image of a sudden rush of energy to the head and face. Individuals with placements here often easily flush with embarrassment, for example, or burn easily in sunlight. The metaphor is one os enthusiasm, excitement... a heady beginning of a new mission. It brings the energy of a child to the project of a king... the boy-King; the girl-Queen.

Let's take a look for Sabian Symbol for Mars 1° Leo, too - "An epidemic of mumps". The epidemic of mumps symbol does manifest as sudden onsets of various sorts… the way something could be called viral, or contagious or a sneeze or the "Gosh!" effect. Be alert for a shiver up and down the spine, for some high energy that lightly, but excitedly, stirs the sense that things are moving.A surprising message… possibly someone getting back to you… can be a part of the 'Gosh' story.

Also, as within the Zodiac from 29° Cancer to 0° Leo we have very special place, where two ligths (the Moon, and the Sun) are touchng each other, where our 3rd Eye "works" for Us (our 6th chakra, Jupiter chakra), the main message for this lunation can be also - "I See You" or "See Me". This lunation is bringing great opportunity to break patterns within Us and after that-all and everything around Us will change, too. It is interesting how our 1st chakra here is playing the role too, it is Mars(red ) at 1 °Leo,so we can touch the ground and live this life without fears too. A lot of energy is coming to us with this New Moon, as I have said at the beginning and we can finaly start to create!

For sure, the New Moon at 0 °Leo 44' on 23 July, 2017 is bringing to Us "red faces", good intuition, possibility to create with a lot of red and yellow(Sun chakra-I know who and what I am) colour within Us, which is after all - orange (Venus charka-2nd energetic center, 2nd chakra, which speaks about joy, pleasure, and the main "homework" for Venus chakra is to stop to feel guilty!And Venus, together with Jupiter -makes the ring around the Moon (Anahata-our 4th charka, our central energetic center) where we are learning to be gentle...


~"See Me"

Ooh, ooh
With the moon and the sun in his eyes
He's arriving
And I don't know what I'd do without him
I got life suddenly

See, see me
I've got nothing to hide
See me
I've got nothing to hide
See me

I'm leaving my heart in the palm of his hand
So gently
I know he knows that I love him
Though I've never said, is there an easy way?

See, see me
I've got nothing to hide
See me
I've got nothing to hide
See me

Coming home
I'm coming home
It feels like I'm coming home
Coming home
I'm coming home

See, see me
I've got nothing to hide
See me
I've got nothing to hide
See, see me


And here is the message from Angels Oracle Cards for the upcoming New Moon - PERFECT TIMING

недеља, 16. јул 2017.

„Destiny’s Gate“; Electric Axis IN ATHENS I Published: July 16h, 2017 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

„Destiny’s Gate“; Electric Axis IN ATHENS
Smiljana GavranČIĆ

Three primary (and familiar) incarnational axes are the:

• Ascendant/Descendant axis - magnetic axis
• the Midheaven/IC axis - gravity axis
• and the Lunar Node axis - karmic (or fate) axis

But, there is one more axis... We can call it Electric Axis! The Vertex/ Anti-Vertex axis is also nicknamed the Electric Axis.

The astrological Vertex is a sensitive point on the chart (any chart) that during unusual, extraordinary times feels like an electric, fortunate turning point or a meeting with Destiny's Gate“. So anyway, based on the astrological Vertex being located on a "turning point" in your sky chart, it then probably has something to do with "turning points" in your life. It does. Based on it being located in the 5th through 8th houses, then you can also bet it quite often has something to do with meetings of people“. 

July 10th, 2017, „Folli Follie“, Athens, Greece, 7:37pm, the Moon was at 2° Capricorn 29’, Mars was at 3° Cancer 59’. My Vertex is at 3° Cancer 26’ (so my Anti-Vertex is at 3°  Capricorn 26’). In the chart of Greece Democracy from 1974, you can find Venus (jewelry – necklace, etc.) at 3° Cancer 29’. So, at 7:37 pm on July 10th, in Athens – I got my „blue stone“ in the famous „Folli Follie“. If I add now that at 2° Capricorn 13’ I have midpoint of my Sun and Uranus and at 4° Capricorn 19’ I have midpoint of my Venus and Pluto – you will understand why this moment was „speaking“ for me so much!

I knew it that my trip in Athens had a purpose, as everything in life, but than, I fugured  that I went to Athens only  to get this „blue stone“. I opened the „Destiny’s Gate“ within me...After shopping,  my friend Virna took me to the beautiful restaurant „The Black Duck Garden“, and we were sitting in the beautiful garden, eating tomato cherry’s salat. Soon after that, I have decided to transform „working title“ for this issue from #TheFingerInTomatoSoupIssue into #TheSecretGardenIssue. After all, in every secret garden – there is some tomato... Also, my trip was „colored“ by one cat. I have to admit you, I do not hide, I am not a „cat person“, I am a „dog person“ and I love my dog Lolla... In other words, I do not like cats!

The ruler of my Vertex is the Moon, at 15° Cancer 43’, in my 8th, in applying square with Pluto (ruler of my Asc) at 21° Libra, but also in strong applying trine with my Venus at 16° Pisces 52’, so, I have the „exit“ and I can always transform myself. It is a sudden turn of fate, a radical awakening of perception.

Can mythology reveal anything about the Vertex? Yes. The Roman god Vertumnus has roots in the Latin word vertere, to change, turn or spin. Vertumnus was a lesser god of gardens, fruit trees and seasons. Youthful and alluring, he had the power to change himself into various forms, just as the seed changes from root, to branch to leaf to fruit. Vertumnus used this ability in his avid pursuit of the goddess Pomona.

As the myth goes, Vertumnus fell in love with a strikingly beautiful goddess (in some versions nymph) named Pomona. Although she rejected all suitors, he fed his passion with the sight of her by changing his form and passing her gardens daily as a soldier, a harvester, a fisherman, etc. Ignoring him, Pomona remained devoted only to the cultivation of fruit trees. Vertumnus persisted and one day he altered his form to that of an old woman, greeted her with a passionate kiss, and proceeded to enter her gardens.

Vertumnus, (as the matron), talked to the goddess, attempting to convince her of the rewards of relationship and the dangers of rejecting love. The qualities and integrity of the youthful god Vertumnus were discussed. Finally, "she" told Pomona the story of a young man who cruelly took his own life after being spurned by his hard hearted love. He told of how the gods turned the rejecting woman into stone, but still Pomona was not persuaded.

Finally in exasperation, Vertumnus dropped his disguise and stood naked before Pomona in his true form. She thought she was seeing the sun immerge from behind the clouds and in the glorious light of Vertumnus, she opened her heart and reciprocated his love. Together still, they attend the gardens and fruit tress of the countryside.

The theme of this myth centers on a seemingly chance moment where an outstanding event occurs. To Pomona, it was like an epiphany, a sudden turn of fate, a radical awakening of perception. To Vertumnus, it was at first a well planned strategy, then finally an act of spontaneous desperation. Imagine his surprise when Pomona finally received him!

Love, relationship and union are highlighted here, not just in the desire of Vertumnus, but also in the story he told of the young man's rejection and the tragic consequences that followed. The imagery of the gardens, fruit and vine add to the feeling of ripeness, an event finally ready to happen, a fruitful experience.

„Making“ this issue, for me, was very „sensitive“(intuitive). „Folli Follie“ means – „crazy craziest“
A CAT ARGUING WITH A MOUSESabian Symbol for my Vertex – interesting, isn’t it?!

With Love,

You can take pdf of this issue if you visit my website  IAM Infinity and Login
#The Secret Garden Issue #IAM14 #July/August2017

Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić Profesionalni Astrolog ISAR CAP

  Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavran...