понедељак, 25. новембар 2013.

Annie Lennox – Miracle of Love Objavljen: 25. novembar, 2013. | Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić

Annie Lennox – Miracle of Love

Kada krećemo u analizu jednog horoskopa, sasvim je prirodno da pođemo od samog znaka na Ascendentu, jer u njemu je upravo sadržana glavna poruka za natusa... Poznavajući prirodu samog znaka na Ascendentu, prirodu planete koja je u datom znaku u sedištu i/ili egzaltirana, kao i prirodu planete koja je u datom znaku u izgonu i padu – mi već dobijamo jednu početnu sliku natusa čiji horoskop analiziramo.

Devica na Ascendentu

U ovom članku biće reči o ženi koja u svojoj karti ima konjunkciju Venere i Saturna u Škorpionu, a Ascendentalna je Devica, što nam već u startu puno govori o značaju upravo ove Venere u njenoj karti. Naime, Devica je znak gde je Merkur (um, intelekt) u sedištu i egzaltaran, dok je Venera (planeta zadužena za odnose, ljubav) u padu. Zadatak svake Ascendentalne Device jesu upravo odnosi, jer naspram Device je znak Riba gde je Venera ushićena (egzaltirana) i gde mesta rečima, analizi (sve ono što Devica prirodno radi) – nema! Takođe, Devica na Ascendentu treba da „radi“ i na Jupiteru (optimizmu) i Neptunu (lična vera) jer su ove dve planete u ovom znaku u oslabljenom dostojanstvu (izgon).
Annie Lennox, žena koja peva „Miracle of Love“ je na svojoj koži više puta osetila konjunkciju Venere i Saturna u Škorpionu. Naime, sva tri supruga su joj bila u simbolici ove konjunkcije. Znamo da je ovo najčešće slika karmičkih ljubavi, ljubavi gde se odrađuju neki dugovi, ljubavi sa starijim osobama, ljubavi koje su ograničene u vremenu, ali i ljubavi sa osoboma koja potiču iz različitih kulturnih sredina, imaju drugu boje kože i sl. Po meni, ovo su i ljubavi koje su odložene u vremenu, na koje se mora sačekati... , koje nam se dešavaju kasnije u životu, u nekim zrelijim godinama...

Annie se čak tri puta udavala, s’ tim da je tek ovim nedavnim, trećim brakom, ispunila u potpunosti simobliku svoje Venere na zvezdi Unukalhai iz konsteacije Serpens koja se vezuje za lekare, iscelitelje, jer joj je treći suprug, pored toga što je iz druge kulturne sredine (iz Južne Afrike), još i lekar, čime je ispunila i potrebu fiksne zvezde kao „nosača“ u ovoj priči. Konačno, Venera je u karti Annie i njen egzaltirani vladar 7. polja čiji je vrh u Ribama, te je svakako veoma važna u analizi ljubavnog života ove umetnice.

Prvi brak (1984-1985)

Ali, da krenemo od početka. Ako analiziramo njeno 7. polje, polje braka, onda nalazimo Ribe na vrhu 7, a Jupitera kao vladara vidimo retrogradnog, i u aplikacionoj konjunkciji sa Uranom, što često može da ukaže na nagle ulaske u brak ali i na razvode. Retrogradnost joj je donela više od jednog braka, a ni sama pozicija Jupitera u znaku svoje egzlatacije nije uspela da joj sačuva prvi brak. No, ovaj čovek joj je bio potreban, jer je jako uticao na njen život. Svog prvog supruga, Radha Ramana, monaha Hare Krishne, upoznaje 1984. godine na svom koncertu u Štutgartu. Samo tri sedmice nakon upoznavanja venčali su se i u braku ostali samo godinu dana. Ipak, ovaj čovek je uticao na to da Annie promeni način ishrane – prestala je da jede meso, pije kafu i alkohol. U to vreme, ona je na to gledala sa velikim entuzijazmom. „Promenio mi je život, naučio me je kako da budem sretna. Pre nego što smo se sreli bila sam užasno zbunjena i nisam znala šta želim.“ U njenoj karti Venera je i vladar 2 (ishrana) i kao što sam već rekla, prešla je preko Saturna (odricanje) te ovo jeste slika neke vrste posta, odricanja od hrane, odricanje od svega što je nekako „prljavo“ (Škorpion) za organizam. Naravno da sam retrogradni Jupiter u Raku može da donese partnera koji je neki vid njenog duhovnog Učitelja (Jupiter), koji se bavi ishranom (Rak). Uran je doprineo da se brak brzo sklopi, ali i da se prekine. Dispozitor njenog Jupitera je Mesec u Jarcu gde je Jupiter u padu, pa i te kako možemo da posumnjamo da joj brak nekako „pada“ u vremenu. Naravno da je trigon sa Saturnom doprineo da do braka dođe, jer Saturn voli formu, što brak jeste...

Drugi brak (1988-2000)

Drugi suprug Annie Lennox bio je čuveni izraelski reditelj i producent, Uri Frutchmann, sa kojim je provela zajedno 12 godina (tačniije od 1988. do 2000.). Sa njim ima i dve kćerke, Tali i Lolu, kao i sina Daniela. I ovog supruga možemo posmatrati kroz Jupitera u Raku (Izrael), ali i kroz kvadrat sa Neptunom – filmski producent. Ovaj aspekt joj sasvim sigurno početno donosi ushićenje, potrebu da idelazuje odnos, nakon čega obično sledi i razočaranost. Venera, kao esencijalni signifikator za odnose, brak, je postavljena već onako kako je postavljena – u Škorpionu i u konjnkciiji sa Saturnom (brak sa osobom iz druge kulturne sredine ograničen u vremenu, ako odnos nije čist, iskren, veza teško da opsataje, a ako jeste ona se tada dodatno učvršćuje)... Dispozitor Jupitera je Mesec u Jarcu, čime i ovde realno postoje šanse da i ovaj brak „pada“ u vremenu. Nakon drugog razovda, Annie je izjavila da se nikad više neće udavati... A kako nas upravo ono od čega „bežimo“ baš i „stiže“, tako je bilo i u njenom slučaju...

Priča Saturna

Inače, Saturn je jako bitna planeta u karti Annie Lennox i to iz više razloga. Kao prvo, dispozitor je njenog vladara Ascendenta, Merkura iz Jarca, te tako predstavlja nju kroz vreme. Drugo, kako je sama Annie rođena na dan solarne eklipse (Pomračenje Sunca) na 2º Jarca 59’ (gotovo 3º Jarca) onda je Saturn vladar i njene prenatalne eklipse koja je za osobu uvek neki vid nepoznanice, mraka, tame, jer se desila pre rođenja i definiše njeno stanje svesti kroz stepen poverenja ili straha. Konačno, Saturn joj je i vladar 5 (kreacija, ljubav...). Stoga, kako Saturn „boji“ njenu Veneru iz Škorpiona, a ona kao Devica na Ascendentu i te kako treba da u životu „radi“ na odnosima, onda je upravo njen glavni zadatak da se u vremenu što više oslobodi straha u odnosima, jer je sklona dubokom, možda bolje rečeno predubokom (Škorpion) vezivanju. Ovde je potrebno da prođe dosta vremena, da se ovaj Saturn „iskristalizuje“, da postane skroz „čist“ i iskren, jer samo tako Annie može ostvariti čarobnu ljubavnu priču, ako se u nekoj dubokoj ljubavnoj priči preda bez straha, tj. ako u nju uđe iskreno i bez sumnji... Tada joj dispozitor (Mars u Ribama) zaista vodi Veneru u znak njene egzaltacije, u znak Riba, u trigon (lakoća) sa Saturnom, i na zvezdu Ahernar (Jupiterovske prirode), iz konstelacije Eridanus i koja govori o jednom dugom putovanju kroz podzemnu reku, ukazuje na neki vid „čistilišta“, ali na kraju i na svetlo na kraju tunela...

Treći brak – 15.12.2012.

Svog trećeg, sadašnjeg supruga, upoznala je još 2009. Doktor Mitchell Besser je poreklom iz Južne Afrike (opet simbolika Venera-Saturn konjunkcija), ginekolog je (Škorion), i radi na projektu pomaganja onima koji su HIV pozitivni. U čitav taj projekat, poznatiji kao „mothers2mothers“ pomažući deci i samohranim majkama koji u sebi nose ovaj virus, uključila se i Annie Lennox, i ljubav se dogodila. Iako je rekla da se nakon drugog razvoda nikad više neće udavati, u godini kada je njen direktivni Ascendent nakon 58 godina (kreće se 1º za 1 godinu) došao upravo na 21º Škorpiona, na njenu natalnu Veneru, ona se udala po treći put! Takođe, baš tog 15. decembra 2012., na dan venčanja, njena sekundarna Venera (kreće se inače 1º za 1 godinu) bila na 17º Jarca, praveći egzaktan sekstil (lakoća) sa natalnim Saturnom na 17º Škorpiona, dok je sekundarni Saturn već duže na 21º Škorpiona, na natalnoj Veneri.
Ovde je posebno bitno to što je Annie konačno ispunila potrebu svoje Venere na zvezdi Unukalhai iz Serpensa – partner lekar, iscelitelj... Sada ta ista Venera, iako „zagrljena“ od Saturna (neko druge boje kože), preko dispozicije ide u 6 (potreba da služimo drugima), u sam znak svoje egzaltacije, i na zvezdu Ahernar, pa je odnos sa ovim čovekom zaista može „očistiti“, a ona ugledati svetlo na kraju tunela. Saturn sobom nosi i Hirona sa 27º Jarca te kroz ovaj odnos ona isceljuje kako sebe, tako i sve oko sebe. Konačno, Venera je kod Annie i vladar njene 9 (svrha, budući život) te je ova žena zaista na pravom putu...

Dakle, mi sve partnere i sve brakove možemo primarno gledati kroz seriju 7, budući da je tu primarno sav naš potencijal za brakove, ali na kraju i kroz Veneru kao prirodnog prestavnika serije 7. U karti Annie Lennox Venera je bitna, jer je ona Devica na Ascendentu i odnosi su upravo ono na čemu ona treba da „radi“ tokom života. Venera joj jeste u konjunkciji sa Saturnom, i to na prvi pogled može da deluje „mučno“, ali ta ista Venera je na jednoj zvezdi koja ukazuje na lekare, pa tek kada je u njen život ušla osoba koja se uklapa u opis lekara, Saturn joj je doneo samo ljubav na koju je dugo čekala. Ali, da bi došla do ovog odnosa, naravno da su joj bili potrebni i svi oni partneri od pre, jer svaki od njih ju je sve više i više približavao njenoj pravoj prirodi.

Elem, brak se dogodio 15. decmebra 2012, neposredno nakon solarne eklipse od 13. novembra iste godine koja je tačno „pala“ na njenu natalnu Veneru na 21º Škoripona. Budući da je eklipsa bila solarna (novi lični početak), ona je otvorila neka nova vrata na polju odnosa ovoj izuzetnoj ženi... Ova eklipsa je preko Marsa (dispozitora Venere sa 21º Škorpiona) otišla u znak Riba (egzatlacija Venere) i u trigon sa Saturnom, te je sve ovo slika mogućeg dolaska do braka...

Samo ljubav koja je „očišćenja“ od strahova, sumnji (Saturn) može da odoli vremenu i kroz vreme postane sve čvršća i stabilnija. Naravno, potrebno je vreme (Saturn) da bi se strah pretvorio u ljubav, i to onu čistu, božansku, bezuslovnu, kojoj je najlepše u znaku Riba...

 U tradicionalnoj astrologiji Saturn se raduje u 12, dok je to danas (u modernoj, zapadnoj astrlogiji) kuća radovanja Venere, pa vam na kraju postavljam pitanje – Da li tamo gde ima ljubavi – mesta strahu ima? Živeti magiju i strpljenje, to je ono što od nas traži 12, znak Riba i Venera koja je tu egzaltirana...

уторак, 5. новембар 2013.

USA and Russia: 11º Taurus – 11º Scorpio Published: 4th November 2013 | Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

USA and Russia: 11º Taurus – 11º Scorpio
Published: 4th November 2013 | Author:Smiljana Gavrančić

On Sunday, 3rd November 2013 (after the fourth Uranus-Pluto square of 1st November), the last eclipse of this year has occurred and this time it is a Solar eclipse (New Moon, i.e. the Sun-Moon conjunction near the North Lunar Node) at the degree of Uranus’ exaltation, at 11° Scorpio! The Solar eclipse is always a picture of a new beginning and, as it has included this time the North Node (the future), which makes the picture of a new beginning more complete. 

The dispositor of the eclipse is Mars, positioned at 11º Virgo from where it makes an exact sextile with the very eclipse at 11º Scorpio, but also an applicative sextile with Saturn at 13º Scorpio, meaning here that in time (Saturn) things may become quite stable (Saturn). 

Prenatal (Lunar) eclipse of Barack Obama at 11º Virgo

All this becomes much more interesting if I tell you that, at 11º Virgo, there is a prenatal eclipse of the American President Barack Obama, which was at that time a Lunar one and thus speaks about the person here (i.e. Barack Obama) having to finish some things from before, but which also defines his state of consciousness through the degree of trust or fear. 

Edward Snowden – Moon at 13º Scorpio

On the other side, precisely at 13º Scorpio is the Moon (the ruler of 3 – information) of Edward Snowden, a runaway former official of the American National Security Agency (NSA), to whom Russia has recently offered an asylum and which makes a beautiful sextile – trine to 13º Virgo -13º Pisces axis (the axis which is rather significant for the United States, as I have written some time ago in my Article “USA and 13º Virgo -13º Pisces axis”), but also a great trine to the Sun itself (the President, the rulers) of the United States at 13º Cancer!
I would like to add that Edward has the midpoint of Mercury (the ruler of 1 – himself) and Venus (the ruler of 12 – secret, his personal Neptune) at 12º Cancer 30’ (almost 13º Cancer), thus we can suspect that this young man really knows a secret, related to the rulers in his country… However, no bigger problems should be here, as all aspects there are harmonic aspects, which are also “lazy”, thus often do not mean any action. Also, this is an opportunity to easily resolve the “problems” here… 

Should President Obama work on faith and whether, related to the “Edward Snowden case” somehow get relaxed more, analyze less and have more faith above all (as Virgo, where his prenatal eclipse is, is the sign of the seat and exaltation of Mercury, which is why he likes to analyze and is not infrequently untrusting, as, at the same time, this is the place of Jupiter’s exile – optimism and Neptune – personal faith)? I would say that the answer is – yes… However, this prenatal eclipse of Barack Obama from 11º Virgo would not be so important here if it was not for its making a beautiful trine – sextile at 11º Taurus -11º Scorpio, which is the axis of joint chart of the United States and Russia! Also, we cannot neglect that the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has in its chart Venus (an essential significator of diplomacy) also at 11º Scorpio..., as well as that the current State Secretary of the USA, John Kerry, in charge precisely for international relations at the Obama’s Administration, has the midpoint of the Sun (the rulers, reputation) and Neptune (secret) also at 11º Scorpio!

Davison’s Chart of the USA and Russia

Precisely, as there is a joint chart between any two persons that realize some form of a relationship, there is also a joint chart of two countries. In this text, I believe you already suspect, I will talk about the joint horoscope (the so-called Davison’s chart) of the two most important (both politically and economically) countries in the world. Of course, these are the United States of America and Russia. Why am I dealing, precisely at this moment, with relationship between these two countries? Because the axis of 1 (the United States) – 7 (Russia) of this Davison’s chart goes precisely over 11º Taurus -11º Scorpio, meaning that this axis has “awoken” by the eclipse of 3rd November 2013.
However, if we do a chart for the moment when Jupiter entered the sign of Cancer (26th June 2013), we can also see in this chart the Moon at 11º Aquarius making a square towards the axis 11º Taurus – 11º Scorpio, which is already implying a possibility that there could be a problem in diplomatic relations between these two countries. Precisely at the end of June, immediately after Jupiter entered the sign of Cancer, a diplomatic “incident” occurred between the United States and Russia, as the runaway Snowden (who left the territory of the USA on 20th May 2013, on the date of the third Uranus-Pluto square) landed on the territory of Russia, coming from Hong Kong. 

The United States are, of course, looked at (as the older country between the two) through the 1st field, which is at the degree of Uranus’s fall, whereas Russia would then be presented by the degree of Uranus’s exaltation - 11º Scorpio. Namely, from the nature of all the degrees, we may recognize the affection of Moscow towards the official Beijing, as the very Beijing was related, in one of my texts, to 11º Scorpio („Beijing and 11º Scorpio), while, on the other side, the official Washington is here presented with 11º Taurus, which is the degree I “connected” to Tokyo („Tokyo and 11º Taurus“). It seems that the relationship between Beijing – Tokyo is being reflected through the relationship between Moscow – Washington, which also, observed through the eyes of an ordinary observer, who is not an astrologer, makes sense. 

Natal charts of the USA and Russia 

Also, the position of the ruler of Ascendant (Venus) at 8º Gemini clearly points out towards the United States, having in mind that precisely at this degree is Uranus in the chart of this country (according to some authors the very Ascendant of the United States), whereas the ruler of the 7th house (Pluto), which presents here Russia, is precisely at 0º Gemini – precisely at the place where in the natal chart of Russia is the ruler of their Ascendant – Mercury! 


However, what after Syria still remains to be is the “case of Edward Snowden”, who was “hosted” by Russia, hence seriously “offending” the United States. There are even some hints that the American sportsmen will boycott the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, on 7th February 2014, precisely because of the “Snowden case”. However, I would say that the things do not have to move in this direction, as precisely on the day of opening the Olympics, the transit (retrograde) Jupiter will be at 11º Cancer (where it is also placed in the Davison’s chart of these two countries) and it will support both the axis 1-7 of Davison’s as well as the very prenatal eclipse of the American President Obama from 11º Virgo with a sextile.

The fifth Uranus-Pluto square - April 2014

However, a much more interesting moment will occur at the time of the fifth Uranus-Pluto square of 21st April 2014, which will be happening over 13º degree of cardinal signs, more precisely speaking, a Great Easter Cardinal Cross will be formed in the sky over 13º degrees of cardinal signs, which will activate 13º Cancer (the Sun of the United States), but also the aforementioned midpoint of Mercury and Venus of Snowden (him and the secret), as well as the Sun at 13º Pluto of Vladimir Putin! 

The midpoint in Davison’s chart at 13º Aries

Also, at 13º Aries in the Davison’s chart is the midpoint of the Moon (the ruler of 3 – information) and Mercury (the ruler of 6 – employee, official), thus all those information that Edward Snowden has, as a former NSA employee could somehow be activated with this square. Namely, precisely then will the tertiary Mercury (which is the ruler of Ascendant) of Edward Snowden be at 10º Virgo 36’ (within the permitted orb of +/- 30’), that is, almost at 11º Virgo, at the place of the very prenatal eclipse of Barack Obama, which could “activate” to the American President some past-life memory related to these relations, as well as to “wake” trust, rather than fear… However, as the dispositor of his eclipse is Mercury, which is going towards the opposition of Jupiter – Saturn by conjunction and to the square with Neptune, which is at the center of this T-square, I would say that Obama will need a lot of personal silence and inner faith to set himself free from fears and suspicions… Still, it forms from 11º Virgo a beautiful trine-sextile at 11º Taurus (the United States) – 11º Scorpio (Russia), thus somehow making this “Edward Snowden case” an opportunity for these two countries to reconcile…

On the other side, Mars in the directions (transiting 1° in about a year) of Obama (the ruler of his 10 – him as President) will be at 13°Scorpio (which is the place of Edward’s Moon – the ruler of 3 – information), which is the picture of President Obama with the information of Edward Snowden… Isn’t all this still an opportunity to overcome this “problem” with ease!? At the same time, the tertiary Ascendant (transiting about 1° in about a month) of Edward will come at 24° of Cancer, where the Moon (nation) in the directions of Obama will be and also at the same place where Mercury of the United States is (the essential significator for information) which carries Neptune here (secret) from the 11th house (the Internet). It is well known that the United States are being “referred to” about the so-called “internet espionage”… Also, an interesting fact is that at 23° Cancer (namely, quite close to 24° Cancer) there is the postnatal eclipse (the purpose, the mission…) of the United States, which was a Solar one at the time… 

21º Gemini

At this degree, the United States have the ruler of Ascendant, which, in other words, present Washington D.C. itself, and circumstances in the country. At this very degree is the Sun in Russia’s chart (President) in conjunction with the very degree of 10 (the power, President). It is important here that this degree will be activated on the date of the fifth Uranus-Pluto square (21st April 2014), through the Moon in the directions of the Davison’s chart, which still leads to a conclusion that these two countries are somehow – one! Also, I would like to add that Russia’s Sun in the progressions (President) is at 13° Cancer, in conjunction wit the Sun (President) of the United States, as well as that, at the time of the fifth Uranus-Pluto square, the progressive Sun of Russia will still be at 13° Cancer. Isn’t all this, still, a picture of the two Presidents who will, as I have already explained before, be – one, and that these two countries will not jeopardize each other? 

As this square will activate the fifth, throat, chakra, the chakra of Mercury, it is very desirable here to change the positions and convictions, as that is the only way for the circumstances to change as well. This creates an opportunity for “awakening” to happen… Edward Snowden is not here just a passer-by, as nothing in our lives happens by accident, he is someone who can help Barack Obama to resolve some of his past-life experience in a different way now, above all, led by faith instead of doubts and fears, which could, of course, as a result have improvement of the relationship between Washington – Moscow… Finally, the very President Putin has stated on several occasions that he will not allow Edward Snowden (as long as he resides on the territory of Russia) to make any “secret data” public, which could jeopardize the United States… 

USA and 13º Virgo - 13º Pisces Axis Published: 9th September 2013 | Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

USA and 13º Virgo - 13º Pisces Axis
Published: 9th September 2013 | Author:Smiljana Gavrančić 

One of the most powerful countries in the world, both economically and politically, the United States of America (which is primary related to the sign of Gemini) was created out of 13 British colonies. Its independence began by signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain on 4th July 1776. Even though this country has Ascendant in Scorpio, the ruler of Ascendant (Mars) is placed precisely in the sign of Gemini, in the first human sign, the sign of Mercury’s seat, thus making us think that it is precisely the axis of exaltation on Mercury (going precisely over 13°) that could be very significant for this country. At 13° Virgo (the exaltation of Mercury) we have a picture of a very intelligent man, the man who speaks and thinks, while for the degree of 13° Pisces (the fall of Mercury) we could say that this is the degree that knows “the biggest of secrets”. Isn’t it true that this country was created by the smart minds, which were members of the secret (masons’) organizations – the Sun (the essential significator for the rulers and here also the ruler of 10 – the rulers) at 13° Cancer in sextile/trine from 13° Virgo/13° Pisces!?

Chronology of the events and “awakening” of the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis

If we start from the very beginning, i.e. from the moment when the American Independence War started (18th April 1775), we see that in the secondary progressions, the cusp of the 10th house of George Washington (who fought for liberation from Great Britain and who was later to become the first President of the USA) was precisely at 12° Pisces 57’ (almost at 13° Pisces), which activateed the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis!

The Americans had won the War for Independence with the help of France. The Constitution of the United States of America (as the oldest one in the world) was adopted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, on 17th September 1789, by which the first modern democracy of the world was established. It was rather simple and one of the fundamental rights and freedoms, guaranteed by this legal act, was precisely the right and freedom of speech and expression (in the symbolism of Mercury).

The United States of America had, since then, started slowly to expand… However, on 12th April 1861, the American Civil War between the North and the South started, and this was the only war on the territory of this country ever since it was founded. At the time, the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis was activated and the directions (in which everything transits about 1° in 1 year). Namely, Mars in the directions (the ruler of Ascendant – circumstances in the country) was precisely then transiting the 13° Virgo axis! Also, the secondary progressions of George Washington carry a sign within, having in mind that the secondary 1/7 axis was precisely at that moment transiting the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis!

After the First World War and just before the Second World War broke out, the United States had a large-scale economic crises known as the “Great Depression”. The very day of the beginning of this crisis is taken to be 29th October 1929. This day is known as the “Black Tuesday”. The Sun in the progressions of this country was then at 13° Sagittarius, which made a square with the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis. All this was a picture of the problem (square) in which this country ended in! 

After the North-South war, which ended by the abolition of slavery, the next time when the United States got exposed to war dangers was on 7th December 1941, when the Pearl Harbor attack happened in Hawaii, meaning that the United States were to enter the Second World War. The secondary Moon (transiting about 1° in 1 month and always presenting the nation of one country) of the United States was then at 13° Pisces, while the tertiary Moon (transiting 1° in 2 days) of George Washington transited precisely 13° Virgo. Namely, this was another “awakening” of the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis! George Washington, as the first USA President, was an “extended hand” of the American nation, the man who lives in the collective consciousness and his progressions can still give us indicators even after his death…

In the latest history, the United States of America, under the rule of George Bush, Jr., were exposed to a terrorist attack, on 11th September 2001, when the World Trade Center in New York was attacked, when the famous “Twin Towers” (in the symbolism of Mercury) were destroyed. After this, President Bush declared the War against Terrorism (on 20th March 2003), which has directly put the American nation in danger. Precisely in the chart of this man, the midpoint between the Moon (nation) and Pluto (war, danger) is at 13° Virgo, being again an “awakening” of the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis.

New Moon at 13° Virgo – 5th September 2013

These are the days during which the United States have been deciding on the attack on Syria (which, amongst other things in its chart has the Moon – nation at 14° Pisces, while the secondary Mercury (carrying along the Mars-Uranus conjunction from 8 – war) is precisely at 13° Pisces. Mars is the ruler of 7 (international relations) in the chart of Syria, thus presenting here the very United States, whereas Uranus can be a picture of an attack from the air, an airplane… It is interesting that the decision will be made in the next few days, under the influence of the New Moon of 5th September 2013, which happened, accidentally, at 13° Virgo!!! To all of this I would add that the secondary axis 3/9 of the United States goes precisely over the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis, which is a picture of determination of this country to make a decision (3) related to abroad/foreign countries (9), while the very position of the Ascendant at 28° Cancer (the fall of Mars) can precisely be determination of the United States to start a war, at any and all costs, even unconsciously… It is even more interesting that during these days, the tertiary Moon (transiting 1° in 2 days) of the United States will be transiting over 13° Pisces! 

G20 Summit – the meeting of Obame and Putina

In the last few days in Russia, more precisely in Sankt Petersburg, a Summit is being held of the most developed countries and economies of the world – G20, to be attended by the most significant international leaders and where the question of an attack on Syria will be an important point on the Agenda. It is well known that Russia and its President Vladimir Putin do not support the position of the American President Barack Obama, who believes that an attack on Syria should take place, as there is evidence that the regime of Bashar-al-Assad has used chemical weapons. However, as I have said already, the Russian President is strongly opposed to this and he believes that the attack on Syria without the green light of the UN Security Council would be an act of aggression against the given country. 

Also, I would say that the two Presidents can still somehow agree about this issue, having in mind that this year the Sun in the progressions (President) of Russia is at 13° Cancer, which is the degree of the natal Sun (President) in the United States’ chart, which will be making a sextile/trine to the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis – which is the axis significant for the United States. As this is also about the largest star in the sky, Sirius (at 13° Cancer), all this confirms the significance and greatness of their meeting at G20 Summit to the international security. This meeting of the two most significant leaders in the world could mean the beginning of “melting” of relations after the recent “Edward Snowden case”, as in the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis we can also see an axis telling the story about information (13° Virgo) related to secret services (13° Pisces).

I have already written that Russia could really balance the relations between the United States and its allies on one side and the Syria’s regime on the other, in my article of January this year – The East and the West = Aldebaran and Antares.

The fifth Uranus-Pluto square and activation of the Mercury chakra

In the spring of 2014, more precisely, on 21st April, the fifth (out of the total of 7) squares of Uranus and Pluto will occur, which will activate the fifth throat (Mercury) chakra. At the planet Earth level, this energy center is precisely on the territory of the United States, which can really then be “called upon” as a Great Cardinal Cross will be formed in the sky over 13° and the Sun (President) of the USA chart will be “attacked”. Also, this Great Cardinal Cross will activate the cardinal houses of the natal chart of Syria!

However, as the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis is significant in this story, we may conclude that this axis will, at that moment, be supported by Jupiter from 13° Cancer, as well as Pluto from 13° Capricorn, by harmonic aspects. We know that Jupiter and Pluto are the planets that are related to the areas of finances, thus this can be the picture of good opportunities in this area. 

On the other side, it is precisely then when the tertiary Mercury of the United States (transiting about 1° in 1 month) will be at 13° Pisces, which again confirms the activation of the 13º Virgo/13º Pisces axis, and as Mercury is the natal ruler of 8 (wars, conflicts, dangers) – we may, once more, conclude that the fifth Uranus-Pluto square could really get this country into a challenging period… 

It is well known that the fifth chakra is in the throat area, thus it is here where “awakening” is to happen, first of ourselves and, then, of the others. It is here that we acknowledge, that we change… It remains to be seen in which direction will the events go… and whether somebody will change their positions and their opinions…

Chart source:  "Horoscopes of the USA and Canada", Marc H. Penfield 

Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavrančić Profesionalni Astrolog ISAR CAP

  Susret Venere i Saturna na 16 Riba Vreme je da izdefinišemo svoje lične granice Objavljeno: 17.januara 2025 I Autor: Smiljana Gavran...