среда, 21. август 2019.

Aaron Spelling - The Sun Mythology Published: 21 August 2019 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić

The Sun Mythology
Aaron Spelling
Published: 21 August, 2019 I Author: Smiljana Gavrančić
It was first published by Infinity Astrological Magazine (#IAM27 #Zebras July/August 2019 issue). You can get your digital/hard copy of #IAM27 here

...the source of the 'river', at the bend of the 'river', and finally, the end of the 'river'...
The Sun Mythology

The Sun may express itself at three levels of existence, the conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels. In relation to that, it may be defined through Roman, Greek and Babylonian mythology in the horoscope. 

Certainly, the Sun naturally expresses itself through its conscious nature, since it basically represents being awake and aware, and it strives to achieve that. Its force is the strongest, its nature the most meaningful if expressed at the conscious level. It means that the Sol Invictus (Roman unconquerable Sun) actually represents the essence of the need of the Sun (conscious level). Each Sun has that need primarily, for it reaches the point of being unconquerable. When speaking of unconquerable Sun, we actually mean heliocentric Sun, which cannot have any bad aspect – it is simply unconquerable and also cannot be hurt ever. It is the essence of awareness one tries to develop – not to be hurt ever no matter what happens, because an unconquerable Sun is contained within. It is the degree of certain development. 

On that path of Sun’s development, at unconscious level, the Sun creates characteristics of extreme autocrats with strong ego-system, who has the strong need to fight, and where despite the prominent ego the Sun is undeveloped – it represents human ego, limited by its comprehension. This model is primarily expressed through the mythology of Babylon (Shamash) – through the unconscious level. The Sun represents the factor of evolution reaching its maximum maturity after recognizing its state of being unconquerable. That is the category that rises above.

Intermediate state (subconscious level) is related to the Greek mythology (Helios).
It is up to us to assess at what level of development the Sun is in every chart, i.e. which archetype is expressed – Babylonian, Greek or the Roman one… 

Every Sun corresponds to one of three models: primary egocentric (Babylon), primary seeking for affairs (Greece) or primary striving success and stability (Rome) and it symbolizes both the person and all other persons in the symbolism of the Sun in one’s horoscope. 

Shamash in Babylon

Regarding the nature of the Sun at one of those levels, Shamash is the Sun that indicates signs from the unconscious level, it is simply the remnant of the part communicating with our unconscious, so if we let is pass, let it talks and not follow the rational part, for it is not possible (there is incomprehension), then what that Sun says is the SIGN, indicator of something.  

Archetypical astrology symbolism of the myth of Shamash is the following: the Sun in Aries in favorable aspect with Jupiter or Saturn or with disposition in such aspect

Helios and Apollo in Greece

Regarding the subconscious level, the Sun is actually somebody inspiring, awakening, seducing, maybe indicating wishes, things we would want, it emotionally bounds us and communicate with us, and we can be inebriated from that. There is hedonism with Helios and this might be very happy Sun, and Apollo also enjoys his values.

Archetypical astrological symbolism of the myth on Helios: the Sun in Leo or Taurus, in favorable aspect with the Moon or in conjunction with the Venus
Archetypical astrological symbolism of the myth on Apollo: favorable with Jupiter and Neptune, strong Venus, strong Mars (also possible opposition or square Sun/Uranus)

Sol Invictus in Rome

Sol Invictus represents altogether different value – values we are aware of, which are basis of Western civilization and which give the possibility to change in time, to learn, to comprehend and finally to overcome the inevitability of the fate.

Archetypical symbolism of the myth on Sol Invictus: the Sun in Capricorn, as well as any connection of the Sun and Saturn, also strong Sun in favorable relation with series 10 (10th house, Saturn, planets in 10th house)

It is important to assess what the Sun in the chart is (position in the sign, house, aspects, dispositor and its aspects, as well as all that resides in Leo), for all that determines the Sun and implies the archetype. Since the Sun is the central planet, the level at which the Sun is determines the most the mythology we are connected to (Babylon, Greece, Rome).

Aaron Spelling as Helios

 Known around the world as the ‘father’ of Charlie's Angels (1976–81), The Love Boat (1977–86), Hart to Hart (1979–84), Dynasty (1981–89), Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000), 7th Heaven (1996–2007), Charmed (1998–2006), Mod Squad (1968-1973), The Rookies (1972-1976),  Sunset Beach (1997-1999), Aaron is the holder of the record of the most prolific TV writer and producer in the history of American television. He was born in Dallas, in the family of Russian Jewish immigrants. He is known for its enormous fortune and grand mansion known as “The Manor House” (so-called “Spelling Manor”) which he bought in 1988 for US $ 12 million, and which is the largest manor in Los Angeles. The manor has 123 rooms and covers the area of 5,200 m2. It also has the recording studio, gym, bowling alley, four garages, pool, tennis court…

If we take a look at Aaron Spelling’s chart, we see Asc at 9º Leo, and the Sun (the ruler of Asc) is high, at the very MC (career, reputation), and close to the Moon’s exaltation degree (3º Taurus). This is depiction of Helios, the Sun god, living in a grand ‘golden’ palace. In three steps only there is here the archetype of the Greek god Helios – Asc in Leo, the Sun in Taurus and on the degree of Moon’s exaltation. The Sun god, with golden hair and crown made from sun rays, lives in the golden palace and goes out every morning in golden chariot with 4 winged horses. He shines his rays to the Earth, giving it the light, warmth and life. Helios sees all and hears all, he is the clear eye of the Zeus, he uncovers affairs and to Demeter he discloses the kidnapping of Persephone. He was loved by gods, people, animals and plants, and he was not welcome only in Hades (Scorpio) empire… 

Aaron has the Moon (the essential signifier of the house) in its domicile, at 14º Cancer 11’, and almost at the degree of Jupiter’s exaltation (15º Cancer), and Jupiter is actually Zeus. The Sun and the Moon are in mutually sextile signs; the Taurus Sun exalts the Moon, just confirming the archetype of Helios in the chart of Spelling.

It may be said that the nature of this Sun is related to the symbolism of Taurus, for the enjoyment is prominent, material safety (golden palace) important, and in Hades empire (Scorpio, the opposite of Taurus) it is not welcome. Also, the nature of giving life, light, love is prominent as well, all related to the earth. 

This Sun is loved by people, so it is related to the Moon (and Taurus is sign of Moon’s exaltation and Venus’ domicile), it is joyous, enjoying. It is much more acceptable to people, not autocratic as Shamash in Babylon. The will of this Sun (the will and power of the person) is not militant as in Shamash; it is stable and colored with joy. 

Phaeton – sin, fall into the river, getting out of the river… 

But, the myth on Helios contains the story of Phaeton, Helios’ son who got killed in chariot, so with this Sun (and certain affliction) there is some problem with the child, the abandoned child  In th end, Phaeton fell into the river, and the story of river is always the story of genetics, of sin, of problem ending upon getting out from the river…, there are many stories...

Many say that Phaeton was the son of Eos and Cephalus, while the most accepted version was that Phaeton was the son of Oceanid Clymene and Helios, and that he was raised by his mother alone, without father’s knowledge of him. 

When Phaeton was adult, his true identity was revealed. Then, he asked his father Helios to drive his chariot as the proof of father’s acceptance. Helios refused at first, but later he approved, giving his son advice and instructions.

Phaeton followed the usual route driven daily by his father, but when he got much higher than necessary he got scared of height and of zodiac circle symbols, so he suddenly changed the direction. He continued to drive the chariot erratically, going too low and risking burning the Earth, or too high and risking doing the same to stars…

In order to mitigate the dangers of such driving, Zeus (Jupiter) hit him with the thunderbolt and threw him to the river Eridanus (constellation Eridanus is connected to the story of genetics, cleansing, travelling the underground river and the light at the end of tunnel), where he was found by sisters Heliadae and buried with all honors. 

Tori and Randy Spelling

 Let us get back to the chart of Aaron Spelling. Retrograde Jupiter rules his 5th house (describing children), and the Sun goes to the strong applying opposition with that Jupiter at 15º Scorpio (the end of ’Via Combusta’, so-called ’the Burning Way’), and also Jupiter is the dispositor of asteroid Helios, located in the chart of Spelling at 11º Sagittarius 51’ in the 5th house (the house of children). So, here it is more than obvious that there would be some trouble with children, which turned out to be true after Spelling’s death. But, since that same Jupiter rules Spelling’s 8th house (inheritance), here are the financial problems… 

 Asteroid Helios was discovered on July 11, 1918, and the Sun was at 18º Cancer, and each 18º contains 1 (life, beginning, Asc) and 8 (death). The very asteroid Helios was discovered at 14º Capricorn 29’, right across the natal Moon (real estate, family) of Aaron Spelling, which is more than significant now. All that across the axis of fall (15º Capricorn) and exaltation (15º Cancer) of Jupiter (Zeus) - Zeus being the one who stopped Phaeton and brought him down into the river…   

18º Cancer as the spot of danger in Zodiac – the very beginning, ancient past, memories… 

Within the sign of Cancer, which is primarily related to genetics, there is one special spot (18º Cancer) telling of someone in our genetics who had made the great change and joined 1 and 8. One describes the personality itself, while 8 is always related to danger for it is connected to the 8th house. Someone managed to change something sometimes, or if he/she failed (which will be shown by the dispositor planet) – that someone did a very negative thing by joining 1 and 8, which might be the dangerous sign… The sign of Cancer is the sign of emotions, which are only the memories of our ancestors… So, it is desirable to have our Waters (emotions) as ‘clean’ as possible…, and then we can change our DNA code (18º is analogue to the sign of Virgo, and Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is the essential signifier of gene…). 

Also, 18º of any sign is known as the degree of danger emphasized by fate, the degree related to the “hard fate”, the fate that is hard to change…

Every symbol of water related to its beginning implies the phase of the very beginning, the ancient past, birth or starting of something, describing the water of the type of sign of Cancer… (Aaron has natal Moon in Cancer.)

When Spelling bought the famous Manor House, his secondary progressed Moon (house) was crossing the asteroid Helios in his natal chart, while the Solar Arc directive Jupiter (the ruler of his 5th house – children) was at 18º Capricorn, across from the fatal 18º Cancer! Exactly at 18º Capricorn there is the Moon (family, house) of Randy Spelling, the son of the famous producer, who is life coach and lives modestly in comparison with the time when his father was alive. In the year when his father bought the Manor House, his Solar Arc directive Fortuna (which is the most personal point in the chart because it is the mix of Asc, Sun and Moon) was at 18º Cancer and activated his natal Moon (house, family) in the 4th house (house, family).  

In draconic chart (memory of the soul from the previous incarnation), Randy has IC/MC axis – the axis of genetics, of our parents – across 14º Cancer 56’/14º Capricorn 56’. As may be seen, this is the axis covering the natal Moon of Aaron Spelling (14º Cancer) and the position of the asteroid Helios at the time it was discovered (14º Capricorn).  

But, beside the son Aaron also has the daughter, Tori Spelling, known by the role of Dona Martin in the famous series ’Beverly Hills 90210’, the return of which is going to be aired on FOX on August 7, 2019! In her chart, the asteroid Helios is located at 26º Cancer. When Aaron Spelling died on June 23, 2006, her secondary Moon (family) was crossing over 25º - 26º Capricorn, activating her asteroid Helios by opposition.

 Film and TV producer Aron Spelling left the fortune estimated to be US $ 500 million. The ruler of his Sun is the exalted Venus in Pisces, bringing the Sun to the sign of Pisces and to the 8th house (inheritance), and that Venus crossed the South Lunar Node and Uranus, so there has to be some dramatic issues related to his last will… Namely, he left ‘only’ about US $ 800,000 to his daughter Tori Spelling, in cash and stocks. She expected more and she wrote in her memoir “'I lost my father. I lost my hero. But did I think I would get more? Yes. It is also the truth that it hurts me he left my mother more money”, wrote Tori.

All that came as shock to Tori, since she used to spend US $ 60,000 on a daily basis. At present, Tori is hugely indebted, which is the main subject of Hollywood gossip. And that is the myth story where the child is unable to manage the golden chariot. 

When Tori landed serious job and serious salary that goes with it, her father expected more reasonable approach to the earned money. But, he continued to pay all her expenses and to show how much he loved her by huge sums of money. That was his style and he decided to change it at the end of his life. 

“It was a difficult conversation. I did not want him to think I ask for his money or that I talk about something that shall happen after he is gone, but I believe I needed such conversation. Both me and my brother. We were having lunch and he said: ‘You will be all right. I took care of it. You will get a bit less than a million”, said Tori.

 But, Tori has the Sun (father) at Algol, so it comes as no surprise that her father denied her the fortune… 

’Spelling Television’

 The famous ’Spelling Television’ (October 25, 1965, L.A. CA) was founded with the position of asteroid Helios at 10º - 11º Pisces, squaring Aaron’s natal Helios at 11º Sagittarius and indicating future problems with the ‘golden palace’. Solar Arc directive Mars of Aaron Spelling was at 15º Cancer, just having crossed over 14º Cancer, i.e. his natal Moon, activating the asteroid  Helios at 14º Capricorn, across the way, for the moment when it was discovered. In Spelling’s chart, the Mars is the ruler of his IC, the angular house, so it represents the creating of some foundations, and the founding of ’Spelling Television’ is a kind of Spelling’s home.  

Secondary progressed Sun of Aaron in 1965 was at 12º Gemini (the spot occupied by transit Moon at the time of his death on June 23, 2006, 6.25 pm, Beverly Hills, CA). In the chart of his death it may be seen that the Ascendant is at 10º Sagittarius 37’, exactly at the asteroid Helios from his natal chart - 11º Sagittarius 51’ (there was, if you remember, the secondary Moon of Aaron at the time of buying the Manor House, in 1988). 
It is interesting that his son Randy has the asteroid Helios at 10º Leo, exactly at the Asc of his father Aaron (9º Leo), and at the time of his father’s death, the solar Arc directive axis IC/MC (axis of parents) in his chart was at 9º Aquarius/9º Leo, which is the position of Aaron’s Desc/Asc axis. Angular houses are always activated somehow when important things happen. 

At the bend of the river – the end of the river...

 At the end, let us return to the chart of Aaron Spelling, namely to his Sun (the ruler of Asc), which not only was close to the degree of Moon’s exaltation (telling about fruitfulness, fortune in real estate, big house, for all that is the Moon), but was in conjunction with the fixed star ANGETENAR from the constellation of Eridanus (underground river), situated (regarding the anatomy of the fixed star) in the bend of the river... So, there is an issue here, for sure…
The bend of the river means there is a need for regeneration, cleansing, and that is similar to the nature of Scorpio… (Tori has her natal Moon in Scorpio)

On the other hand, Aaron has grand water trine including the strong Moon in domicile, at the very good degree, the degree of Jupiter’s exaltation (so Zeus is supporting him from 12th house, which is the direct support from the God), retrograde Jupiter at 15º Scorpio (in this case, these are his children, since Jupiter rules his 5th house – the house of children), and Uranus at 16º Pisces 07, and exactly there at 15º-16º Pisces there is the only benefic star from the constellation of Eridanus (the underground river), named ACHERNAR – the end of the river, It has the nature of the Jupiter and speaks about the end of a long ‘journey’ and of the light at the end of the tunnel, but only after the deep family ‘cleansing’ that is inevitable in order to put things on new bases and to start with the new, better life, but deeply cleansed from family sins that originate from the deep past… Finally, next to Uranus there is the South Node, additionally confirming the need to ‘clean’ things… 


Every grand trine means nothing without the planet across the way that transforms the trine into the Dragon and enables materialization of the grand trine. In this case, it is Aaron’s Mercury (the ruler of the 2nd house – finances, but also the essential signifier of gene, and if you remember I said that the Mercury is the DNA earlier in the text) at 16º Taurus, across from the Jupiter at 15º Scorpio. I have to emphasize that besides being the ruler of the house of children, the Jupiter is also the ruler of the 8th house (inherited money, money gotten from others). That very opposition of the ruler of the 2nd house – Mercury in Taurus (money) and Jupiter (children, inherited money – the ruler of his 5th and 8th house) represents the main problem here, for it depicts excessive spending, throwing away money by his children, i.e. unworthiness to adequately manage Aaron’s fortune, for they are unworthy of the ride in ‘golden chariot’… 

Candy Spelling

 Uranus at ACHERNAR – the end of the river, as the part of the mentioned grand water trine, and at the same time the modern ruler of Aaron’s Desc (marriage) in Aquarius, here represents Aaron’s wife, Candy Spelling, the mother of Randy and Tori, the person managing Aaron’s fortune. She is the one with the talent (great trine is always some talent) to keep things under control.

The end of the river means cleansing, and carries the connection with water living inside the sign of Pisces… (Candy has her natal Moon in Pisces)
Finally, the water is always the symbol of a woman…

It is interesting that her asteroid Helios was activated at the moment of Aaron’s death, on June 23, 2006. Her secondary progressed Asc was at 21º Libra 33’, the spot occupied by the asteroid Helios in her chart!

If you remember, at the moment of Aaron’s death, the asteroid Helios was active in the chart of Tori, Randy, and Aaron himself.... 

The time ahead us...

One thing that might be important for Spelling family in the time ahead is the moment when Saturn again, in direct motion, activates axis at 18º Capricorn/18º Cancer, but before that also the axis 14º Capricorn/14º Cancer – October 2019, and the very end of 2019. That shall be the time of great responsibility of this family and we shall see if they relay got serious and learnt the lesson… since they were exposed to stress by Uranus in the previous years, and then transformed by Pluto. Now is the time they show they got stronger and more responsible…

Randy has his natal Moon in Capricorn that, together with three other Moons that make the grand water trine (fathers in Cancer, sister’s in Scorpio and mother’s in Pisces) – transforms the trine into the Dragon… and Dragon materializes…


Aaron Spelling – the very beginning, the birth...
Tori Spelling - renewal, transformation...
Candy Spelling - cleansing, the light at the end of tunnel...
Randy Spelling - Dragon...

Chart sources:
All charts were taken from www.astro.com, including the chart for the moment when Aaron Spelling died

 Smiljana Gavrančić was born in Serbia and she is the editor, founder and owner of the bimonthly IAM – INΦINITY Astrological Magazine. She is an ISAR CAP, studied hermetic astrology and practises astrology of karma and archetypes (fixed stars, mythology). She is also a leading exponent of significant degrees in mundane and natal charts – and was one of a few astrologers to predict that Donald Trump would become the 45th US President a year before his election. She blogs in English and in Serbian and you can read her articles at www.astrologsmiljanagavrancic.blogspot.com  You can visit her official website at www.infinityastrologicalmagazine.com  and order digital/hard copy of IAM (since September 2018 Smiljana started to print IAM) , and if you want you can book your reading with Smiljana at smiljana.gavrancic@gmail.com     

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